nextcloud / bookmarks

🔖 Bookmark app for Nextcloud
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Leverage tags for a tag cloud interface like Shaarli #1905

Open schklerg opened 1 year ago

schklerg commented 1 year ago

I'd love to see the same feature as shaarli does for organizing bookmarks by tag rather than just by folder.

marcelklehr commented 1 year ago

You can already create tags and tags are sorted by number of bookmarks by default. As I'm not a tag user myself, what added value would a tag cloud interface bring from your perspective?

schklerg commented 1 year ago

It's mainly driven by the number of tags I have. As a current shaarli user I was looking to consolidate in nextcloud, but the 100 or so different tags I have makes the left hand folder navigation not the best experience. Having a single cloud to see the tags would be simpler. Or if tags could be leveraged similar to how folders seem to be that would make my experience better. I'm likely an outlier though :)

marcelklehr commented 1 year ago

I wonder if a tag cloud makes finding tags actually easier than searching for them via the tag search interface. I can imagine a tag cloud getting overcrowded quite easily, but then again, how many tags do people typically have? I have no idea

schklerg commented 1 year ago

Searching them via tag works ok. The cloud makes visualizing them easier for me. The fact that they are only sorted by the number of bookmarks with the tag is also a challenge. If these could be sorted alphabetically as well that would probably help for large tag users (me)