If you share a calender to a group with an space in the name, the Request return status code 200, but the sharing is not safed.
I guess, it's because the URI Encoder change the space to %2b which, if you decode it again, convert it back to a plus (+), e.g.: <x4:share xmlns:x4="http://owncloud.org/ns"><x4:set><x0:href xmlns:x0="DAV:">principal:principals/groups/Test%2bGroup</x0:href></x4:set></x4:share> and decodeURIComponent("principal:principals/groups/Test%2bGroup") === "principal:principals/groups/Test+Group"
This GID cannot be found in the groups table so check in https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/9de329a4c2327767d86bd7f594b232eb56af0d01/apps/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Backend.php#L113 fail
Steps to reproduce
Create an group with a space in the name
Share a calender with the Group
Reload and check, if calender is still shared with group
If you share a calender to a group with an space in the name, the Request return status code 200, but the sharing is not safed.
I guess, it's because the URI Encoder change the space to
which, if you decode it again, convert it back to a plus (+), e.g.:<x4:share xmlns:x4="http://owncloud.org/ns"><x4:set><x0:href xmlns:x0="DAV:">principal:principals/groups/Test%2bGroup</x0:href></x4:set></x4:share>
anddecodeURIComponent("principal:principals/groups/Test%2bGroup") === "principal:principals/groups/Test+Group"
This GID cannot be found in the groups table so check in https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/9de329a4c2327767d86bd7f594b232eb56af0d01/apps/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Backend.php#L113 failSteps to reproduce
Expected behaviour
Calender still shared
Actual behaviour
Calender is not shared
Calendar app
Client configuration
Calendar app
Calendar app version: 2.2.2
CalDAV-clients used: none
Client configuration
Browser: Firefox 78.10.1esr & Chrome 90.0.4430.212
Operating system: macOS 11.3.1
Server configuration
Operating system: centOS 7.2
Web server: Apache 2.4.41
Database: MySQL 5.7.30
PHP version: 7.4.19
Nextcloud Version: 20.0.10
Updated from an older installed version or fresh install: Updated