Closed HollowedEmpire closed 4 years ago
@juliushaertl maybe a regex based search & replace solution might be an option to migrate the old syntax to the new one in an future update?
Yes, unfortunately the old version was a bit odd in that regards, with using easymde and hopefully soon tiptap as the text app is using it, we are sticking to CommonMark with the GFM task list item extensio.
And indeed a automatic replace would be nice, maybe someone is up for contributing.
Ah, thanks for the information on that. I'll start shifting over to the CommonMark style then for the future and current cards.
We have lots of checklists in many boards, and all of them render very badly in the 1.0.x versions.
This makes the upgrade to 1.0.x unbearable: we lose all our checklists, or we have to rewrite them all, board by board, card by card, which would take hours, with all the manual mistakes to fix later.
This used to work in 0.8, and this does not in 1.0.x, so this is a regression, not an enhancement.
The upgrade does not offer a migration path.
Here is some test/validation data:
[ ] without dash, unchecked
[x] without dash, checked
- [x] with dash, checked
- [ ] with dash, unchecked
- [x] space, space, dash, checked
- [ ] space, space, dash, unchecked
- [ ] with dash, unchecked
- [x] with dash, checked
[x] without dash, checked
[ ] without dash, unchecked
Edit: Bad rendering: two first line and two last lines are wrongly displayed
Let's actually close this as duplicate of since that was created earlier.
Steps to reproduce
1. Edit the description field of any card
2. Use markdown syntax to add a checkbox without a bullet point.
3. Checkbox will be nonfunctional until you add a bullet to it
Expected behaviour
Previously I could add a checkbox in the description without bullets and they would operate as expected. This seem to change after a recent update, though unsure which update.
Actual behaviour
All my checkboxes have become non-functional in all my cards, and will only work again by preceding them with a bullet point
Server configuration detail
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Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/...
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