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💻 Desktop sync client for Nextcloud
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Bug]: Some virtual files cannot be sync'd: "Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed!" #4636

Open wonx opened 2 years ago

wonx commented 2 years ago

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Bug description

After having uploaded a few thousand JPG images from another computer (Windows 10) without issue, when these changes have been synchronized to my Linux laptop (Kubuntu 22.04) with virtual files enabled, all the files in some specific subdirectories disappearing after the client (v 3.5.1), while showing the message "Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed!" for each one of them. See attached screenshot:


As I mentioned, only files in a few subdirectories have disappeared, but no from others. I can't find a reasonable pattern.

These files have only been deleted from the local machine, but remain in the server and in the Windows PC, so I believe it's an issue linked with the desktop client in the linux machine.

One more thing, these files are stored in an external storage and accessed via SMB.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upload a directory tree with files in one computer. Wait until synchronization finishes successfully.
  2. Turn on second computer with linux and desktop client 3.5.1. Wait until synchronization finishes too.
  3. Observe how some directories trigger this problem and many files disappear.

Expected behavior

All files from the server should appear in the client directory tree.

Which files are affected by this bug

No clear pattern. All affected files were .JPG

Operating system


Which version of the operating system you are running.

Kubuntu 22.04


Distro package manager

Nextcloud Server version


Nextcloud Desktop Client version


Is this bug present after an update or on a fresh install?

Updated from a minor version (ex. 3.4.2 to 3.4.4)

Are you using the Nextcloud Server Encryption module?

Encryption is Disabled

Are you using an external user-backend?

Nextcloud Server logs

No relevant logs in the server. The issue seems to be exclusively from the side of the client.

Additional info

(I can provide the Debug Archive log if necessary, but the file is more than 500MB in size and contains lots of sensitive information)

wonx commented 2 years ago

I have also seen the same error today, but when renaming files. After the files in a folder have been renamed, they returned to their previous name. If I try to rename them again, the same happens. However, that not happened on other almost identical folders in the same path.

pasbec commented 2 years ago

I ran into a similar massive bug today on Windows with the latest client 3.5.1. Not sure though what caused the problem. The client went totally crazy and deleted one of the first level folders with thousands of files and 400 GB in total. The server trash was completely empty afterwards. Without manual backups everything would be gone permanently now. Trying to disable virtual files immediately crashed the client machine with a blue screen. The deleted stuff was however still visible as "cloud only" on the client after the deletion. But trying to access or download one of these files/folders gave an "cloud operation not successful" error. After reboot, I was able to remove my account from the client and now the restore process will be running for the next two days.

This virtual file system stuff is dangereously buggy! Never going to use this again... 2022-06-26 16_47_45-Window .

nihues commented 2 years ago

I also have this problem, some users are reporting this issue on my nc, I'm not sure what is going on, no logs apparently, it just send this message and auto delete the files.

Using Nextcloud Desktop 3.5.2 (server is 24.0.2) but happens some months already (or at least since that file timestamp bug that removed many files).

It happens also when creating folders too, it creates a folder, then trigger this and auto delete the folder, sometimes creating new folders get same result, sometimes not, changing name of created folder stop the bahavior, sometimes not, or creating outside the folder tree.

I can find the files in trash and recover in most times.

I'll try to find some info on log if triggers again and post here.

AndyXheli commented 1 year ago

Same issue i think. I created this ticket a while back and bot closed it ;(

nihues commented 1 year ago

You should delete that image... it's not really yours by the name of it... otherwise just grab from your Adobe Account as you had bought it, isn't?

Moving to the topic, can't really find any info on this on the logs, if I can find I'll post here.

kwisatz commented 1 year ago

Confirming that I've seen (am seeing) a similar behavior on Windows. Lost 2 hours worth of work due to this :(

I created a file at 16:30, then modified it until 17:10, the file never showed a check-mark icon and when it finally did, it was back to the 16:30 version.

Windows notifications are full of Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get removed! and this seems never ending. On top of that, the Desktop client keeps crashing. Settings are inaccessible apart from the very first couple of seconds after Windows start. VFS to me is clearly not production ready.


I was able to recover the file by stopping sync, disabling virtual file support, and re-synching. It then showed me unresolved conflicts for this file:

Screenshot 2022-08-15 182843

ItsMeRitch commented 1 year ago

Can confirm I’m also seeing this issue with my Raspian 32bit build. I find that “removed conflicts” are sent to my trash bin thankfully, but in the past, with the trash disabled, it’s gone for good.

infibility commented 1 year ago

I also faced same problem with V3.5.4 on windows11. I moved virturl folder to another path which contains many jpg files. when processing, I opened some virtual file and the sync has stopped. after download and open the virtual file, rename path resumes and the error occured. my files are permanently gone... ( and I need to recorver from backup)

pasbec commented 1 year ago

The part which causes all the trouble is in libsync, more specifically in a lambda function in discovery.cpp. Corresponding translations of the error message are here: e.g de, ...

The place where things get deleted (why???) should only be reached for new files and renames, which perfectly matches the description of this issue.

Furthermore there is some note in the code

// TODO: We may want to execute the same logic for non-VFS mode, as, moving/renaming the same folder by 2 or more clients at the same time is not possible in Web UI.
// Keeping it like this (for VFS files and folders only) just to fix a user issue.

This also explains why this happens only if VFS is used. And there is some user issue mentioned.

The whole stuff got "recently" changed with pull request 3449 by @allexzander and @mgallien. I don't know how the Nextcloud Client works in detail, but it could be that the symptoms of the present issue is some sort of regression of those changes or likely in combination with yet another change.

I'd really appreciate if either @allexzander or @mgallien could comment on this.

allexzander commented 1 year ago

I also faced same problem with V3.5.4 on windows11. I moved virturl folder to another path which contains many jpg files. when processing, I opened some virtual file and the sync has stopped. after download and open the virtual file, rename path resumes and the error occured. my files are permanently gone... ( and I need to recorver from backup)

Any chance you could come up with steps that always trigger the issue?

infibility commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry for late. not always, I think so I can't tell the bug reproduces but just one of possibility.

AndyXheli commented 1 year ago

@allexzander the way ive seen this issues come up with me is if i have a folder with alot of files and i drag and drop them into the nc dir and files are gone. I just did it right now and all files got removed

AndyXheli commented 1 year ago

@allexzander I was able to replate it and I got some logs for you please see attached Log.txt

nihues commented 1 year ago

Yesterday I've moved on windows explorer one folder inside another (double click mouse madness) then I've tried to move back the folder to the right place after a few seconds and got all files with same error (conflict it will be deleted thing).

So | /originalfolder -> moved to /wrong/originalfolder (all fine no error). Seconds later (not synced yet) | moved /wrong/originalfoder --> /originalfolder (got error and ALL files disappeared from both folders (even the folders went caput), there was 1 or 2 files on the /wrong/originalfolder that probably was already synced and stayed there.

No files in trash but after investigating found them in /originalfolder (on the server and missing from nc desktop or web cloud) so a occ files:scan for the folder worked and all went back.

NC Desktop: 3.6.0 NC Server: 24.0.4

Logs from the moment: 20220922_1139_owncloud.log.0.gz 20220922_1113_owncloud.log.0.gz 20220922_1138_owncloud.log.0.gz

adripo commented 1 year ago

I just had the same issue. Is there any workaround to recover removed files? ⚠️⚠️⚠️ I think this issue should be prioritized accordingly because it deletes files irreversibly without any prompt.

AndyXheli commented 1 year ago

Yes, i would agree. Maybe an option once the desktop client detects that there's a conflict and its going to get removed there's a user prompt to keep it and try to resync the files instated of removing them

Maybe something like Keep & Resync or Remove button

adripo commented 1 year ago

@claucambra @camilasan can we have an update on this issue please?

rgreeott commented 1 year ago

I have experienced the same issue (with several recent versions of the sync client) and NC 24.0.5. The server resides on EC2 with external Azure filestore and S3 attached. At any given time there's a minimum of 32 virtual sync clients, up to 50, attached. There's ~ 2.5T, mostly images and drone footage totaling ~ 700K files. If a mistake is made while files are uploaded and the error corrected (ie. renaming or moving files), the offending client errors with "conflict when uploading a file. It's going to be removed". All other client error with sync conflicts. Depending on the HW resources of the client machine, it can render the system useless. In many cases, the sync client crashes/resets and forces a re-scan, which places enormous load on the server. In the case where files have been deleted from Azure, the DB records still exist. Thus, various clients and web interface still displays references, as if the files still exist.

FesTGig commented 1 year ago

I have a similar issue. NC 25.0.1 / Client version 3.6.2 on macOS, virtual files enabled. After moving files on the web interface, the client tries to sync them back to the local mac and errors with "conflict when uploading a file. It's going to be removed". The process take huge load on the local machine and crashes the client. After a day watching this procedure I stoped the synchronisation process and hope for a solution. Are there any news on this issue?

cool-clouds commented 1 year ago

Same issue on windows desktop client 3.6.X. Server : Ubuntu 20.04 NC version : 24.0.8


Luxamman commented 10 months ago

I've had the problem minimum twice (also today), but in Windows and without virtual files.

-- I uploaded a folder with a larger video (~700MB) when the video file was simply gone. The folder is still there. The file is not in the trash either. Simply deleted without question or notice.


Translation of the screenshot, from bottom up:

"You created whateverfolder." (the Folder) "whateverfile.mp4 synced." (marked with red X) "You have deleted whateverfile.mp4." (No I haven't, marked with red X) "File upload conflict. It will be removed!"


But it also says: "You deleted whateverfile.mp4". Why that?

And I think that's very problematic because then the files are just gone. I didn't copy it, moved it in. So, as I said, the file is simply gone, because it wasn't a copy. This shouldn't happen and is very annoying. Why can the client even completely delete files? Not even in the trash? What?

Thanks in advance for looking into this and helping!

Killea commented 9 months ago

this happened when I cut files from another folder. Client Version 3.10.0 (Windows) event there's a conflict, it should add a prefix or rename the file. Delete the file is a big wrong.

gersur commented 8 months ago


allexzander commented 8 months ago

So, I can see the root cause when performing a move of a folder with many files while the previous move has not been completed yet. Here is what happens:

Possible solutions:

In a nutshell, possible solutions are either to try to update the local database for all the nested items (there can be thousands and more files) in one SQL query, or, limit the freedom of multiple moves (renames) such that the user can not mess with folder locations until the move has completed.

Correct me if I am wrong, but after studying all replies, I am coming to a single use-case for this issue (that I can reproduce) - moving a folder with many files multiple times while the previous sync is still running.

Workaround: Not really a workaround, but, a recommendation until this is fixed - to not move folders too quickly, while the previous move is not finalized yet.

For the future: I also have the idea that setting file records to the local database needs optimization such that if we are syncing with VFS mode for the first time we would not spend too much time inserting every record into the database, which would speed up the initial sync as files are not downloaded to disk. This, however, might become an issue if the client is killed/crashed in the middle of such sync.

@mgallien @camilasan @claucambra Any other ideas?

allexzander commented 8 months ago

Not yet in a 100% working state (placeholder can't be hydrated without client restart after move, possibly need to handle placeholder update after move differently with new database logic code). The idea with mass update of all nested items recursively works with custom SQL function and UPDATE query Move is now really fast to reflect in the database (a 1000 files is move recorded in just 3-5 seconds instead of moving them one by one that takes X amount of time depending of number of items).

allexzander commented 8 months ago

As for the scenario of a new folder just moved from a non-Nextcloud folder, I could not reproduce it. But I have an idea of how to prevent this from happening. Now we create file records in the local db only after a new file/folder gets uploaded with success from the server. Maybe we can change this, and first create a db record like we already know about the new directory and all its items we just moved to the Nextcloud sync folder, and introduce a state column in the DB, like "LocalNew", or "LocalNewPendingUpload", then, if anything happens - like an error on the server or Cf API error, we will have a record in the local DB it will prevent corresponding files/folders from removal? @mgallien what do you think? This might require quite some changes to the sync engine and database.

lildadou commented 3 months ago

I've done a few tests and I think that binary content is the most decisive factor:

Cases that do not cause the bug:

Cases that do cause the bug:

The last test case is very disturbing.

Of course, there's no special added server-side processing (such as anti-virus), all the files in the test case were in the same sourced folder and moved/copied to the same Nextcloud virtual folder.

Windows Desktop Client 3.12.1

Edit: 302Mio zip file works too

platima commented 3 months ago

Yeah that makes sense - it seems that most of the files I've lost were binary files and almost always around a file or folder rename.

That being said, I have had some issues with plain text files too, but that is more around versioning it seems, and specifically with the 'Notes' app, so might not be something to do with the desktop sync, although they do get stored in a synced folder and renamed from time to time.

infibility commented 2 months ago

Hello I happend to face this situation again. I just remamed the folder that contain 60GB photo and Videos. thsi folfer is not fully downloaded to local. after that, nextcloud client start to upload the downloaded files to renamed folder. Client did`t recognize as rename but delete old folder and start to upload to new folder, with error message "Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed!". After finishing the sync, the folder is only 29GB. 31GB of data is gone. I am using nc client version 3.12.3 on Windows 11.

platima commented 2 months ago

This is really bad. The software is literally erasing peoples data without even asking or taking a backup.

This ticket should be treated as a priority ASAP.

wzball commented 2 months ago

I renamed a folder that had photos in it. I say 'had' because now all the photos in the explorer folder are gone. Using windows sync app 3.13, Nextcloud 28.0.5.

Renamed the folder in Explorer, then the sync app threw the notice as per title, "Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed!". I checked the folder, and there were no files listed.

I created a Debug Archive, but will not attach here.

I then checked via the web UI, in chrome, and the files are there. I right-click and "Move or Copy", and then it proceeds to copy into the same folder name, but with "(copy)" appended. I checked Explorer, and sure enough all the files in the copied version populated in the nextcloud sync app. I'll come back and edit if anything changes after a restart.

Edit: After a restart, I check the files in the web UI, and they're still there. I check the app under windows, and the files are still not showing up - but the copied ones are. I copy and pasted the troubled folder, from within explorer, and the new folder is empty.