nextcloud / desktop

💻 Desktop sync client for Nextcloud
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Please implement locking on macOS-vfs builds #6716

Open marcotrevisan opened 1 month ago

marcotrevisan commented 1 month ago

Please implement locking on macOS-vfs builds.

Client version 3.13.0-macOS-vfs is missing the lock and unlock behaviour. In my humble opinion this feature should be a top level item in the list of the next things to implement for Mac OS VFS.

My idea of the functionality, for it to be useful, would be:

  1. "lock on Office file open" and "unlock on Office file close". Feel free to remove the "Office" word from the previous sentences.
  2. Have a context menu item in Finder to manually lock and unlock.
  3. Show a lock icon on a locked file, along with the lock owner username (or maybe the first X characters of it...) decorating the file name in Finder, highlighted with some color if possible. If the username is not easy to show, a tooltip may do! Please don't underestimate this point: a clearly visible and highlighted lock information will be spotted by the user before opening the file, and there will be less need for a custom popup on file open, like other popular vendors do.
  4. Also show the locker username in the context menu as a first level citizen.
  5. (Perhaps unnecessary if point 3 is implemented) For Office files: have a custom popup on file open warning the user that the file is locked. A subsequent popup should then arise when the file is unlocked... this also implies making the file writable again and reopening it.

@claucambra it may seem much stuff but points 1..4 are very important in my humble opinion, and points 1-2 are essential.


claucambra commented 1 month ago

Hi @marcotrevisan this is indeed planned, just have not gotten round to this yet :)

marcotrevisan commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for getting back to me @claucambra! I wanted to add my contribution to the project by trying to write some requirements that sounded good to me... I hope they're reasonable for you too ;-)

claucambra commented 3 days ago

Sync engine file locking mechanics are now done in with

Now we need to hook this stuff up within the client and make the proper calls to the server via the File Provider module