nextcloud / fulltextsearch

🔍 Core of the full-text search framework for Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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ElasticSearchPlatform is not configured properly #579

Open wm-lowe opened 4 years ago

wm-lowe commented 4 years ago

Can someone point me in the right direction with this issue. ElasticSearch is setup properly on my server, but for some reason Nextcloud doeesn't like it.

[root@www nextcloud]# sudo -u apache php occ fulltextsearch:test --platform_delay 30

.Testing your current setup: Creating mocked content provider. ok Testing mocked provider: get indexable documents. (2 items) ok Loading search platform. fail In ConfigService.php line 125:

Your ElasticSearchPlatform is not configured properly

fulltextsearch:test [--output [OUTPUT]] [-j|--json] [-d|--platform_delay PLATFORM_DELAY]

ArtificialOwl commented 3 years ago

can you please paste the result of :

./occ fulltextsearch:check
rubo77 commented 1 year ago
 exec --user www-data next${D}_app_1 php occ fulltextsearch:check

I get this:

  There are no commands defined in the "fulltextsearch" namespace.  
ArtificialOwl commented 1 year ago

You need to enable the app first

HarrdyS commented 11 months ago

I am really at an end, here.. I installed "Full Text Search" and set up an Elasticsearch Server and coud use "Reset index" in the administration tab (green light, there). Now I wanted the thing to "work" (search through my PDF documents), so I tried the occ command. After a lot of frustration I tried the "fulltextsearch:check" and got the "no commands defined in the "fulltextsearch" namespace" answer, like above. But it IS enabled. I also checked with config:list, there it is, "search_elastic" and it is "enabled: yes". I also can "curl" the Elasticsearch Server... Is there something I could have not done right? I am really at a stumbling block, here (sorry my englisch)

HarrdyS commented 11 months ago

I found the solution, after a lot of headache... it is NOT fulltextsearch but search... so to build the index: occ search:index:create --all