nextcloud / fulltextsearch_elasticsearch

🔍 Use Elasticsearch to index the content of your Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
79 stars 29 forks source link

27.0.5 error and maintenance mode after installing #339

Open thomasgg23 opened 7 months ago

thomasgg23 commented 7 months ago

After upgrading the elasticsearch app to 27.0.5 my nextcloud 27.1.4 (Enterprise) went into maintenance mode and put the following in the logs

[PHP] Fehler: include(): Failed opening '/var/www/html/apps/fulltextsearch_elasticsearch/vendor/composer/../guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/html/3rdparty/pear/archive_tar:/var/www/html/3rdparty/pear/console_getopt:/var/www/html/3rdparty/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/var/www/html/3rdparty/pear/pear_exception:/var/www/html/apps') at /var/www/html/lib/composer/composer/ClassLoader.php#576
[PHP] Fehler: include(/var/www/html/apps/fulltextsearch_elasticsearch/vendor/composer/../guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory at /var/www/html/lib/composer/composer/ClassLoader.php#576


After disabling the maintenance mode we can work again in nextcloud but fulltextsearch is down

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/occ fulltextsearch:test
.Testing your current setup:
Creating mocked content provider. ok
Testing mocked provider: get indexable documents. (2 items) ok
Loading search platform. (Elasticsearch) ok
Testing search platform. fail
In Test.php line 304:
Search platform (Elasticsearch) down ?
fulltextsearch:test [--output [OUTPUT]] [-j|--json] [-d|--platform_delay PLATFORM_DELAY]

elasticsearch is version 8.11.1 on the server.