nextcloud / gallery

DEPRECATED Gallery app was replaced by Photos
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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nc15 folder-preview: tiles cropped-off #494

Closed langfingaz closed 5 years ago

langfingaz commented 5 years ago

Bug report

Since my upgrade to NC15 I noticed that the gallery app croppes off folders on the right edge if the browser-width does not fit. This is for example the case if the window is in fullscreen mode. A vertical scrollbar does not appear.

When I resize the window, the folder-previews get wider (some sort of space are inserted between each folder) but they still don't match with the browser-width and the ones on the right are being cropped and often you cannot read their folder names.

In Windows I have scaling (make everything bigger) set to 100%, so this should not cause the bug.

Steps to reproduce

  1. update to NC15.0.2
  2. create folder "test"
  3. in that folder create multiple subfolders
  4. in each subfolder copy >= 4 pictures
  5. in gallery app, navigate to folder "test"

Expected behaviour

folders are filled with gaps to match page width

Actual behaviour

folder on the right is cropped off

Worst case scenario: Folders on the right are almost fully cropped off

folders on the right not visible

Server configuration

Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 9

Web server: apache2

Database: MariaDB

PHP version: 7.2

Nextcloud configuration

Nextcloud version: 15.0.2

Updated from an older installation or fresh install: Updated from 14.0.4

Client configuration

Browser: Firefox 64.0.2

Operating system: Windows 10

Kind regards, Daniel

Marco-Jacobs commented 5 years ago

The problem remains with 15.0.4

tw- commented 5 years ago

The problem remains with 15.0.5RC2

mzamot commented 5 years ago

Still happening on 15.0.5

tw- commented 5 years ago

Fixed with

langfingaz commented 5 years ago

Thanks for notifying. Good that somebody found that typo. So now it's time to wait for the update which fixes it. Anyhow, I think this issue can be closed now.