nextcloud / helm

A community maintained helm chart for deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Environment Variables Parsed From Secrets Get a Newline Appended #490

Closed zumbrunnen closed 7 months ago

zumbrunnen commented 7 months ago

Describe your Issue

The bug has been detected because sending mails stopped working. The error message in nextcloud.log:

Connection could not be established with host "\n:587": stream_socket_client(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for\n failed: Name or service not known

:point_up: Note the \n between host and port.

Indeed, all environment variables that are parsed from a Kubernetes secret get a newline at the end of their value. Here's en excerpt of env on the container:






:point_up: Note the empty lines, caused by the trailing newline in the previous value.

This bug seems to be related to #475. But I'm not sure which version/change introduced it.

Logs and Errors

See above. The nextcloud.log is from the container under /var/www/html/data/nextcloud.log (as this app does not bother to log to STDOUT :wink: )

Describe your Environment

  enabled: true
  annotations: nextcloud gce nextcloud nextcloud-frontend-config
  path: /*
  pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  host: xxxxxxxxxx
    enabled: true
    secretName: nextcloud-credentials
    usernameKey: admin-username
    passwordKey: admin-password
    smtpUsernameKey: sendgrid-username
    smtpPasswordKey: sendgrid-password
    smtpHostKey: sendgrid-host
    - name: S3_KEY
          name: nextcloud-credentials
          key: s3-key
    - name: S3_SECRET
          name: nextcloud-credentials
          key: s3-secret
    enabled: true
    fromAddress: no-reply
    domain: xxxxxxxxxx
      port: 587
      secure: tls
      authtype: LOGIN
    proxies.config.php: |-
      $CONFIG = array (
        'overwriteprotocol' => 'https'
    s3.config.php: |-
      $CONFIG = array (
        'objectstore' => array(
          'class' => '\\OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\S3',
          'arguments' => array(
            'hostname'   => '',
            'bucket'     => 'xxxxxxxxxx',
            'key'        => getenv('S3_KEY'),
            'secret'     => getenv('S3_SECRET'),
            'use_ssl'         => true,
            'use_path_style'  => true
    zzz-custom.config.php: |-
      $CONFIG = array (
        'default_phone_region' => 'CH'
    zzz-custom.ini: |-
  enabled: false
  enabled: true
  type: mysql
  host: cloudsql-proxy:3306
  database: nextcloud
    enabled: true
    secretName: nextcloud-credentials
    usernameKey: database-username
    passwordKey: database-password
  enabled: true
  enabled: true
jessebot commented 7 months ago

Thanks @zumbrunnen for reporting this. I did a very small edit on your description only for syntax highlighting. Thanks for providing all the info we need to take a further look. It maaay have been caused by release, 4.5.1, however, wrenix was fast to follow it up with a fix PR and we think the bulk of everything was fixed in 4.5.2. I'll tag them and ask if they can take a peek into this as well.

@wrenix could you please take a look into this?

wrenix commented 7 months ago

I am sorry, but i do not seen something related to this helmchart. you use an external secret and this values are transparent bypassed.

Could you take a look into your kubernetes-secret, which you generate with your env-file ? Are there some newlines? Could you show your base64 of your smtp-host of your self generated secret?

common problems of newlines in self-generated secrets are:

PSS: Maybe you do not want to declare smtp host in the values.yaml again (it has already been set in your secret) and you should quote your ingress-path, * is a special charater in yaml

zumbrunnen commented 7 months ago

Thank you, @wrenix, you might be right. Could be possible I encoded the values with newlines (e.g. echo something | base64, so without echo's -n option).

Nevertheless, I wonder why it used to work before.

I'll check and report back!

wrenix commented 7 months ago

I really like to debug it - if you found out, that this was the problem - could you say, what the last helmchart version it was, where the newline has work?

zumbrunnen commented 7 months ago

OK, I went through all the values in our secret for Nextcloud. And I found multiple values that were encoded with trailing newlines. After replacing them and recreating the pod, our instance is now able to send mails again!!! Thank you, @wrenix :partying_face:

Here's the revision history:

$ helm history nextcloud
REVISION    UPDATED                     STATUS      CHART               APP VERSION DESCRIPTION     
26          Mon May  8 10:38:27 2023    superseded  nextcloud-3.5.12    26.0.1      Upgrade complete
27          Tue Oct 17 16:17:24 2023    superseded  nextcloud-3.5.13    26.0.2      Upgrade complete
28          Tue Oct 17 16:24:27 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.3.4     27.1.2      Upgrade complete
29          Tue Oct 17 16:33:59 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.3.4     27.1.2      Upgrade complete
30          Fri Dec  1 13:34:26 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete
31          Fri Dec  1 14:03:59 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete
32          Fri Dec  1 14:06:45 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete
33          Fri Dec  1 14:12:24 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete
34          Fri Dec  1 14:16:40 2023    superseded  nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete
35          Fri Dec  1 14:27:10 2023    deployed    nextcloud-4.5.4     27.1.4      Upgrade complete

The last mail I got from our Nextcloud instance was on September 20. But I can't tell about other mails (to other recipients) that were sent out. So my guess is that it stopped working with the jump to Nextcloud 27 (revision 28).

I'm closing this issue, as it's an "admin's mishap" and not really a bug.

wrenix commented 7 months ago

Found it:

in the past, it has not take the smtp_host from the secret (it was taken from values.yaml) that is the change ...

so your secret was broken all the time, but that has no effect till v4.2.0 :)

it is all like expected ...

PS: thank you for your good issue description, that we found it really fast :)

jessebot commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for all your help @wrenix !! :blue_heart: