nextcloud / helm

A community maintained helm chart for deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes.
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Feature: Use CronJob resources instead of a container with crond #577

Open pschichtel opened 4 weeks ago

pschichtel commented 4 weeks ago

Description of the change

I would like to use k8s' CronJob resources to run nextcloud's cronjob tasks instead of having them executed by the cron container.


Possible drawbacks

I'm not entirely clear on how this might interact with nextcloud during upgrades, but I don't think it changes much compared to the status quo.

Additional information

provokateurin commented 4 weeks ago

Some long time ago this was how the crons were implemented, but it had quite some problems which I don't remember anymore. Please search in the issues and PRs of this repo to dig up the history of this. If the problems can be avoided now it definitely makes sense to use the k8s cron instead.

pschichtel commented 4 weeks ago

I've found quite a few issues related to cronjobs, but I haven't found any that would suggest an issue with running them as CronJob resources. The cronjob resource used curl to invoke webcron, I can imagine how this could cause various issues like network timeouts. My intent would be to use the same nextcloud/docker image and run the same command the current cron container uses as well.

History of the cronjob.yaml:

provokateurin commented 4 weeks ago

I guess that makes sense, just execute the cron.php script which can not timeout instead of using curl which can timeout. I wonder why nobody thought about this :sweat_smile:

pschichtel commented 4 weeks ago

If I were to submit a PR to implement this: Should I keep the current cron mechanism around (e.g. introduce an option to select sidecar vs cronjob)?

provokateurin commented 4 weeks ago

I don't think that would be necessary as there is no real breaking change, as long as you use the same container image and mount all the same volumes etc. You're effectively switching against the k8s Cronjob resource. @jessebot what do you think?

jessebot commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah, I like the idea of this being a k8s cronjob 👍 I don't see a big a deal with removing the cron container either.