nextcloud / helm

A community maintained helm chart for deploying Nextcloud on Kubernetes.
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Update Postgresql, MariaDB, and Redis subcharts to the latest (⚠️ Major updates) #580

Closed jessebot closed 2 weeks ago

jessebot commented 3 weeks ago

⚠️ Major updates to sub charts

Description of the change

As always, you need to check the official upgrade instructions from both bitnami and the upstream providers. Please see the following docs before attempting the nextcloud helm chart upgrade:


We were pretty out of date on all our subcharts, and this also grants us an end to end test with postgresql, which we've been missing for a while.

Possible drawbacks

Applicable issues

I feel like we had an issue for postgresql testing, but I can't find it right now 🤔

Additional information

You can see an example of the new testing workflow here where I ran it on my personal repo for this feature branch:

Screenshot of the summary section for the jessebot/nextcloud-helm feature branch workflow showing 4 jobs. The first job is the changes job, which then feeds into the linting job, which then triggers both the internal-database test and postgresql-database test. All 4 show as green, meaning success.

In the future, renovateBot will take care of these updates for us, and then we just need to review them. I'm doing this manually now, because we're so very behind.


jessebot commented 3 weeks ago

perhaps it also makes sense to update the requires to be the new testing actions? (instead of lint-test, updating it to be test-internal-database)

provokateurin commented 2 weeks ago

Ah yeah now the required workflows are messing this up again. Since everyone has to rebase anyway due to the chart version conflicts it's fine to just set the new jobs to be required.

provokateurin commented 2 weeks ago

@jessebot feel free to merge, I already updated the required jobs.