The bitnami chart for redis deploys an unnecessary pdb for redis sentinel in the currently used version 19.5.0. This does no real harm, but will render ArgoCD assuming a degraded state for this chart as the pdb is not healthy (no pods deployed).
Possible drawbacks
I do not see any. 19.5.5 uses the same redis version as 19.5.0. So it should not break anything.
Description of the change
Update redis dependency to at least 19.5.5
The bitnami chart for redis deploys an unnecessary pdb for redis sentinel in the currently used version 19.5.0. This does no real harm, but will render ArgoCD assuming a degraded state for this chart as the pdb is not healthy (no pods deployed).
Possible drawbacks
I do not see any. 19.5.5 uses the same redis version as 19.5.0. So it should not break anything.
Additional information
No additional information.