nextcloud / ios

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nextcloud ios client app "invalid certificate" bug #1036

Closed Derridaralalala closed 3 years ago

Derridaralalala commented 4 years ago

Expected behaviour

iOS App should (a) accept the self-signed certificate, when this is (b) still valid and (c) is added as an accepted exeption certificate during the first set-up of the app.

Actual behaviour

When accessing the iOS app to see/download documents, every two seconds the message appears: "the certificate for this server is invalid" and "Error: unable to download". This happens even if you click on "connect anyway" -> "yes" for several times. It seems to be limited to the iOS version, as desktop client and web-access is working fine. It also worked before nextcloud 17 and/or before an app update. Somebody reported this problem also here.

clear cache and reinstall the app and log-in again from scratch does not help.

Steps to reproduce

install ios app, connect to server (login), try to access a file.

iOS version


App version

Server configuration

Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-142-generic)

Web server: Apache/2.4.39

Database: mysql 8.0.18

PHP version: 7.2.18


Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 17.0.1.

IMG_0790 IMG_0789

Halry commented 4 years ago

I encountered this probelm too.Only happens on iOS.Android and Web is fine. I am using self-sign certificate .

Halry commented 4 years ago

Okay,I search for why iOS 13 will fail when using self-sign certificate.It seems iOS needs certificate issued after 1/7/2019 needs to short than 825 days.

sferia82 commented 4 years ago

any solution? i have certificate created with letsencrypt and have short than 825 days. it was created in first of january 2020. with 2.25.5 of nextcloud doesn't allow access in ios 13

Halry commented 4 years ago

have you trust your self-signed certificate in "settings->genernal->about->certificate trust settings"?you have to enable the trust before ios trust your certificate for real.

sferia82 commented 4 years ago

my certificate is not selfsigned. is generated by letsencrypt. Anyway I have the certificate installed and it still doesn't work.

sferia82 commented 4 years ago

still here. image

sferia82 commented 4 years ago

i think its not a problem with certificate because with another app to connect to Webdav of my server works with Iphone. But with nextcloud app not.

sferia82 commented 4 years ago

and my server with nextcloud app in android works.

Halry commented 4 years ago

oh,if your certificate is not self-signed,then i have no idea why it would happens.sorry.

ghost commented 4 years ago

My issue is similar. I have a self signed deployment. On first login it prompts to connect to server anyway. Specify yes. Works ok for a couple of hours.

Then suddenly it just doesn’t go away, constantly prompting me that the certificate is invalid and do I want to connect anyway (every 4 seconds roughly) and won’t go away.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Maybe an option could be added in the app settings to permanately accept an invalid certificate. So it doesn't keep prompting?

wjentner commented 4 years ago

I have this issue as well. To me it occurs periodically after the LE certs are being rotated. The error message disappears when I reset the cache in the app.

Derridaralalala commented 4 years ago

This problem still exists and also affects Nextcloud Talk App (invalid certificate message) v. 8.1.0. Self-signed certificates are not the cause. It seems as if with the nextcloud iOS app (

a) the problem is caused by Nextcloud.

b) it is limited to iOS (web access and desktop client work without problems).

b) when the temporary storage/cache is cleared, the problem is solved for a short time, but then reappears.

c) it also affects server certificates that are valid for less than 825 days.

d) the fact that the certificates are self-signed is not the reason for the problem.

e) an update to nextcloud server 18.0.4 and app version does not solve the problem.

f) it affects the downloading of files (start, speed).

g) mobile access to nextcloud via the browser (Safari iOS) works without problems (certificate seems therefore not to be a problem).

Derridaralalala commented 4 years ago

Did someone find a solution?

(@JorisBodin seems like other users experience this as well)

ghost commented 4 years ago

When this will be fixed? Currently IOS app is unusable with nextcloud with self signed cert.

gitgick commented 4 years ago

On iOS 13.5 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and the bug is still there.

Same behaviour as everyone above. The message still randomly pops up and randomly disappears after killing app but always comes back eventually. Web browser and most webdav apps are also fine.

I'm wondering if it's the cert and not the app though - Subsonic clients for example have a mixture of success too - e.g., I can get the iOS app Soundwaves to work because it has a do not validate SSL certificates option, but not on other Subsonic-based apps that I guess must rely on valid certificates.

Running "openssl s_client -connect my.local.ip:443" returns a line that says "Verification error: self signed certificate" which I think is a lot to do with it.

Self-signed certs and iPhones needs work. I've imported my cert into my iPhone and have allowed it permission too but still get this persistent bug.

TasPats commented 4 years ago

iOS App Nextcloud Server 18.0.6

I access my server via NATed server address, say to hide it from external access, only internal users can access or they use VPN

but from outside server is accessible trough FQDN with Lets Encrypt certificates. before it works fine - it complains about invalid certificates, I restart iOS App and accept these "invalid" (but really legal certificates of this server) and all was fine


today I updated my Lets Encrypt certificates and now message is not like from topic starters first post, but red and without possibility to accept and interact atall


TasPats commented 4 years ago

worked around by "old, but gold" - removed account, add same server, accepted "invalid" certificate, login with my creds and all works again, hope, that it is only once, not every 3 month's

Derridaralalala commented 4 years ago

worked around by "old, but gold" - removed account, add same server, accepted "invalid" account, login with my creds and all works again, hope, that it is only once, not every 3 month's

@TasPats Did the same a while ago. Will come back randomly. And does not solve the problem NC (@JorisBodin) should really look into it.

cogitech2 commented 4 years ago

I was having the problem exactly as described and was just "dealing with it" by clicking on "connect anyway" -> "yes" several times. It was annoying, but it worked.

A recent ios upgrade has made things worse. I can no longer click "yes". There is no option to "connect anyway". All three of our ios phones can no longer connect at all to my Nextcloud server with self-signed certificates. This sucks.

Also, I went into the ios setting to Certificate Trust Settings and there is nothing to configure. No way to add exceptions.

thesilk-tux commented 4 years ago

I also have the same issue like @cogitech2 described above. In my home network I have a Odroid with Ubuntu 18.04. On this server runs Nextcloud 19.0.1. On my Linux Desktop all works fine (browser and app). On my iOS device (13.6) I got the invalid certificate error. This was normal because the instance is running in my local network so the certificate is self signed. Normally, there was a modal where I could accept the risk and all was fine. But for 1-2 weeks it was not possible to accept the risk and the app is useless at the moment. It would be nice if someone can provide a fix because I think many users could have a similar issue.

“The best cloud is the private cloud” 😄

Log: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “”, which could put your confidential information at risk.

cogitech2 commented 4 years ago

@thesilk-tux Thanks for taking the time to post your report! The more who speak up, the more likely we will receive a solution of some sort. Cheers!

cogitech2 commented 4 years ago

@thesilk-tux I just tried the work-around that @TasPats mentioned above and it fixed the issue - for now. When re-creating the account, it gives the certificate error and then you can just connect anyway. After that the app connects normally (no persistent error messages, either).

The only thing is, I had to go in and completely set up all auto upload settings, turn off caching, etc in the app. It forgot all these settings. On top of this, I had to initialize a complete re-sync ("Upload whole camera role"), so it is now plugging away at over 1000 photos even though they are on the Nextcloud server already. Best I can tell, it is not creating duplicates so that's some good news.

jurkstas commented 4 years ago

@thesilk-tux I just tried the work-around that @TasPats mentioned above and it fixed the issue - for now. When re-creating the account, it gives the certificate error and then you can just connect anyway. After that the app connects normally (no persistent error messages, either).

The only thing is, I had to go in and completely set up all auto upload settings, turn off caching, etc in the app. It forgot all these settings. On top of this, I had to initialize a complete re-sync ("Upload whole camera role"), so it is now plugging away at over 1000 photos even though they are on the Nextcloud server already. Best I can tell, it is not creating duplicates so that's some good news.

I can confirm the same behavior, but with 8k+ files to re-upload.

iOS App version Server 17.0.7

thesilk-tux commented 4 years ago

@jurkstas @cogitech2 thanks a lot. This helped us a lot and my wife is happy now after uploading 1700 pictures manually 😄

Derridaralalala commented 4 years ago

When updated to Nextcloud 19.0.2 Server Side, the problem so far seems to be gone. Anyone observed the same? App is on iOS Version

TasPats commented 3 years ago

my Lets Encrypt certificate updated and I get red error window without option to accept certificate as valid

Nextcloud Server 19.0.3. iOS/iPAD client

only option remove active account, lost cached files and reenter credentials and resync data

ironically, that Linux Desktop client 3.0.2. accept new certificate with one click and so Nextclod Android app 3.13.1. with one touch

Waringham commented 3 years ago

The problem is still there!

Nextcloud Server iOS client

This bug renders the iOS Nextcloud client completely useless and calls the whole concept of a private cloud into question.

cogitech2 commented 3 years ago


Indeed. I have abandoned Nextcloud at this point. Deleting the accounts from the iOS apps on 4 phones and re-adding and re-syncing every week or two is simply not feasible.

Since the primary usage in my case is backing up photos/videos from the phones, I have decided to use a dedicated phone app to simply sync photos/videos to an SMB share on my NAS.

marinofaggiana commented 3 years ago

Hi all, with the next version 4 we want fixed.

marinofaggiana commented 3 years ago

Please all, verify this issue with the V 3.5.0 - Build >= 19 ( WORK IN PROGRESS )

Tucubanito07 commented 3 years ago

I just started to get this when I updated to the latest test version. Just an FYI.

DennisBankmann commented 3 years ago

Same issue here with Letsencrypt certificates. Desktop (Win+Mac), Webdav, Browser, Nextbookmarks, Joplin, ... all fine. Only iOS app pops up the warning/error message ("invalid certificate"; yes/no/details) as shown above every 5sec.

Curiously, in between the popups, the app works fully as expected.

iOS 14.7, App 4.0.4 Server 21.0.3

B-X-M commented 3 years ago

Same here what DennisBankmann said! With iOS 14.7 the certification process for LE-certs is broken but only in the app. Opening the very same site in Safari works.

marinofaggiana commented 3 years ago

@DennisBankmann @B-X-M do you have an account test for me where this issue is present ?

TasPats commented 3 years ago

i migrate to LE wildcard cert * and FQDN (instead valid IP) Nextcloud server access and now all is smooth, iPhone, iPad with 14.7.1,, 21.0.3. and so with Android client 3.16.1

B-X-M commented 3 years ago


@DennisBankmann @B-X-M do you have an account test for me where this issue is present ?

Unfortunately not. As this is a company instance, I am allowed to provide a test account. Is there any data I can provide in order to make bugfixing possible?

DennisBankmann commented 3 years ago

@DennisBankmann @B-X-M do you have an account test for me where this issue is present ?

Thanks for the follow-up! Interestingly, having updated yesterday to iOS app 4.0.5, the issue is currently not occurring anymore. With 4.0.4, it was happening on and off - thus by next week, I should know for sure whether this reoccurs or not. If it does reoccur with 4.0.5, I can provide a test account.

PS: it could also be related to phone rebooting or OS update as apple released ios update 14.7.1 in the last days, too.

byl-on-github commented 3 years ago

Same problem here, iOS 14.7, App Version 4.0.6, nextcloud instance 22.0 with valid LE certificate. Update: Issue still there with iOS 14.7.1 Update2: Sorry, I have to correct myself. We were just upgrading to 22.0 and are now facing some weird problems. So we rolled back to the latest 21 and after uprgading to iOS 14.7.1 everything runs smooth again and the certificate error is gone...

pwaring commented 3 years ago

I'm experiencing this problem as well with a LetsEncrypt certificate. Every couple of seconds the iOS app pops up the window saying that the certificate is invalid, but if I view the certificate it is the correct one and it hasn't expired or been revoked. I can access the server directly in Safari, Firefox etc. on iOS without any problems, and I have no problems with the Android app or the Linux client, so I strongly suspect this is a problem confined to the iOS app.

App version: 4.0.4 iOS version: 14.7.1 Nextcloud server: 21.0.3

All are the latest available versions and I've checked for updates.

TasPats commented 3 years ago
  1. do you access server in Nexcloud in same way as in your browsers? like

  2. configuration with LE ever worked and now stopped? what is changed now?

pwaring commented 3 years ago

I access the server via the iOS app - that was authenticated originally (ages ago) via the browser.

The configuration with LetsEncrypt has worked for over a year and has stopped recently (not sure when exactly as I don't always go into the app). I haven't changed anything on the server other than installing updates, likewise with the app.

pwaring commented 3 years ago

Still an issue on 4.0.5 (updated automatically yesterday).

nclark commented 3 years ago

I'm running into this as well, Nextcloud Liquid for iOS, Nextcloud server 22.1.0.

Mobile Safari accepts the LE cert as valid.

I cannot provide a test account as it's only accessible over my VPN.

florianmulatz commented 3 years ago

Also an issue for me

App-Version: Server-Version 22.1.0

Any time I change from mobile to WIFI or vice versa it tells me that the certificate is invalid although it isn't. I'm using split-dns (Url shows to internal IP (in WIFI) - the same URL shows to my public (proxied) IP from Cloudflare via MobileNetwork). Both certificates are valid (the public one is served by cloudflare - the private one is served by Let's Encrypt)


root9191 commented 3 years ago

I have the Same Problem on NC 22.1.0 and App Version I Use NGINX Reverse Proxy and have a valid Certificate for the Domain. On the Browser i do Not have this Problem.

TasPats commented 3 years ago

all, who say "On the Browser i do Not have this Problem."

root9191 commented 3 years ago

all, who say "On the Browser i do Not have this Problem."

  • do you have exception for Your site in browser?

  • is server access string in Nextcloud application is the same as in LE cert, and in "Browser i do Not have this Problem"?

No i don't have an exception in my Browser and the Server Access String is the same.

pwaring commented 3 years ago

Same here, I don't have an exception for my Nextcloud instance in my browser and the certificate is the same. I also don't have a problem with the Android app.

This definitely seems to be a problem with the iOS app as every other mechanism of accessing my Nextcloud works.

nclark commented 3 years ago

all, who say "On the Browser i do Not have this Problem."

  • do you have exception for Your site in browser?

I don't have an exception in the browser.

  • is server access string in Nextcloud application is the same as in LE cert, and in "Browser i do Not have this Problem"?

I'm very new with NextCloud and I'm not sure where to find the "server access string" but the domain that the cert is issued for and that the iOS clients are giving me this message about is the value for overwritehost, is the domain part of the value for overwrite.cli.url and is the first element in my trusted_domains array.