nextcloud / ios

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Unable to upload large video through iOS app #2061

Open oliv2776 opened 2 years ago

oliv2776 commented 2 years ago

Hello, The automatic upload of my photo library on my iOS device doesn't work properly. Each time a file size is >100M, I've the following error: error, waiting for upload. I don't have the issue when I'm uploading the file from Safari on this device or with another computer.

In my PHP.ini : ;Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 800G

; Maximum number of files that can be uploaded via a single request max_file_uploads = 50



iOS version: iOS 15.5 (iPhone Xs)

Nextcloud iOS app version:

Server operating system: Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy

Web server: nginx

Database: mysql

PHP version: PHP 8.1.2 (cli) (built: Jun 13 2022 13:52:54) (NTS) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.1.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v8.1.2, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

Nextcloud version: 24.0.2

arbatskiy420 commented 2 years ago

I have this shit too..

mhbates commented 2 years ago

Same here. Enabling chunked upload helped a bit, but it's still unstable, especially as file size gets larger.

sausje commented 2 years ago

Same here, is it going to be fixed or are we gonna have to wait months?? And then wonder why people shy away from open source like this, issues not being fixed for god knows how long...

wahopedia commented 2 years ago

I've had a similar issue with uploading large files through the app, while browser based upload worked just fine even for 100GB+ files. What fixed it was not the php settings (at least not exclusively), but the swings in the nginx config, specifically in the default site config. With that increased, the app instantly resumed those large file uploads that have been stuck in transfers.

oliv2776 commented 2 years ago

@wahopedia can you be more specific?

Krolitian commented 2 years ago

Also having this issue. Have two errors I get:

Neither of these ever fix themselves, and haven't for months. Using Nextcloud within UnRaid, with MariaDB and NGINX Proxy Manager.

oliv2776 commented 1 year ago

So I redeployed an ubuntu session with docker. I used the tutorial from DB tech to redeploy Nextcloud and use a Cloudflare tunnel ( I modified the .htaccess and added these line at the beginning of the file: php_value upload_max_filesize 900G php_value post_max_size 900G php_value max_input_time 36000 php_value max_execution_time 36000 php_value memory_limit 3072M

My config is well found in Nextcloud system overview:

Capture d’écran 2022-10-10 à 13 30 18

I can upload large files with Safari in my iPhone but I still can't do it from the app (getting error 413 file is too big) Does anyone know if this bug is still here in Nextcloud 25?

jtbruins12 commented 1 year ago

I literally installed Nextcloud, configured it all to be able to sync all of my pictures and photos from my iPhone in case of emergency and I don't want to pay to store my stuff. Well, I have now spent approximately 8 hours trying to figure out why my large IOS videos won't upload. I can upload using the webbrowser but using the app I cannot. I've successfully upload 1.5GB and 5GB files through the web. Pulling my hair out trying to find a solution.

oliv2776 commented 1 year ago

I still have the issue with Nextcloud 25.0.4 on my server and Nextcloud iOS app v4.7.0 Anyone have a solution? :'(

south-american-cowboy commented 11 months ago

I think I have figured this one out and I thought I'd stop by to provide some relief to those seeking a solution because I spent a week to figure this one out. So, this will solve the issue only if you see this in the iOS app, in particular the iPad app. If you are hitting the problem with the web and other configuration follow the following steps:

So this particular case, It's clear the issue is the iOS app. The User Experience is badly designed and activation of the different features is happening immediately when you click/tap them and this could be out of order/sequence necessary.

For instance, my general recommendation and the way I was able to solve this problem was as follows.

  1. I cleared the cache of the app, by either finding the clear cache option or just re-installing it.
  2. Once you start for the first time, you log in and all.


  1. Do not upload any file until you are done configuring the client.

  2. Do not hit auto upload or any other option that would automatically trigger an upload Note: if accidentally, you trigger an upload you'll have to start again.

  3. Enable chunking whichever size is good. I have very large files so I decided to chunk at the max allowed by the iOS app. 100 MB.

  4. I enabled the directory structure and did all the configuration I wanted.

  5. Only then, when fully finished configuring the client. Feel free to just upload a large file thru the upload button. Do not enable auto-upload or any automatic feature just yet. Until you can verify it's really working.

That should be all of it.

THE REAL KEY is to just enable chunking before the first upload.

NOTE: I've successfully uploaded a 40GB file like this to my server thru the iPad iOS app and I am likely going to be uploading larger files and testing. I might come back and comment if I run into this issue again. For now, it's fixed for me.

ChildLearningClub commented 11 months ago

Enabling the chunk upload setting within the iOS app should help most with uploading larger file sizes, I have mine set to 100MB as well. I am just noticing now however that even though the files are shown as being uploaded and no longer showing in the upload sync that occasionally some of them are corrupted and will not playback! I don't know if this is specifically related to using the chunk and the way it being uploaded and put together on the server, but something is not quite working correctly 100% of the time.... Anyway, just wanted to bring some awareness to this so that videos on the phone are not deleted/removed before making sure the files on the server are good copies.

south-american-cowboy commented 10 months ago

@ChildLearningClub yea, something is up. I had to stop using this feature. It works fine for small files, but I've been trying to use NextCloud to offload my iPad's 4k Videos and these could be quite long. Sometimes, even 8 hours at 120GB video files and NextCloud can't handle them in most cases. I am still trying to find an alternative. It's a bit disappointing, tho, NextCloud has a great WebUI but the iOS app isn't up to par with the expectations.

ChildLearningClub commented 10 months ago

@south-american-cowboy with a recent update of the iOS Nextcloud app the chunking appears to be automatic with no option to turn it off or change settings as before. To your previous post I would agree that a popup notification to verify that you are comfortable with the configuration of the client before any uploads are initiated would be a good idea if it has no yet been implemented. That has caught me too.

KhizerShareef commented 5 months ago

but the swings in the nginx config, specifically in the default site config

@wahopedia could please explain what helped? I am in the same boat and can't get this to work. I was able to upload bunch < 1gb files through the app but when I tried a 2gb video it has not been working properly ever since. I suspect its the nginx but I need some understand what helped you. I would really appreciate if you could follow up. Thanks.

Heracles31 commented 3 months ago

Have the same problem here... App version is and to illustrate how much the problem is strictly with the IOS App, my workaround and proof about that is : --Try to have the photo / video uploaded with the IOS App --Receive the "the too large" error message --Open the Photo App and copy the very same files to Document by Readdle --Document itself is configured to access my Nextcloud as a webdav share --Upload the very same files to Nextcloud using Document --Document succeeds and files are saved as they should

So nothing wrong on the server side because Document can do it. Problem is strictly in the IOS App.