When you click on a group of photos it will zoom you in and spread those photos around the map. The problem, though, is that GNSS usually has some accuracy sometimes up to dozens of meters, as well as you can have hundreds of photos for the same point. It makes it really difficult to find something as it always zooms to level 19 spreading those photos all around the screen. If someone needs to zoom in, they still can do it manually. But you can't zoom out and stay on specific zoom, as it still farming you to zoom to level 19.
When you click on a group of photos it will zoom you in and spread those photos around the map. The problem, though, is that GNSS usually has some accuracy sometimes up to dozens of meters, as well as you can have hundreds of photos for the same point. It makes it really difficult to find something as it always zooms to level 19 spreading those photos all around the screen. If someone needs to zoom in, they still can do it manually. But you can't zoom out and stay on specific zoom, as it still farming you to zoom to level 19.
Or option to disable auto zooming at all.