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Unable to see sources already added #1768

Closed SamuXzX closed 1 year ago

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Explain the Problem

I already added a source, but I can't see it in the sidebar nor I see any of their new articles. Here you see that News is saying to me that the source is already added: immagine

And here you can see the few other sources I added. The one I'm trying to see is missing: immagine

This happened before upgrading to Nextclou 24.0.0 and php8.1 too.

Steps to Reproduce

Explain what you did to encounter the issue

  1. Add a source
  2. Check its presence in the sidebar

System Information

Contents of nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log ``` {"reqId":"vjcDON4cPLeUeHmgNBGY","level":0,"time":"2022-05-04T08:08:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"Samuele","app":"workflowengine","method":"PROPFIND","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/Samuele/","message":"Flow activation: rules were requested for operation Blocca accesso a un file","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) mirall/3.4.4git (Nextcloud, org.kde.Platform-5.13.0-40-generic ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":""} {"reqId":"vjcDON4cPLeUeHmgNBGY","level":0,"time":"2022-05-04T08:08:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"Samuele","app":"workflowengine","method":"PROPFIND","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/Samuele/","message":"No flow configurations is going to run Blocca accesso a un file","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) mirall/3.4.4git (Nextcloud, org.kde.Platform-5.13.0-40-generic ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":""} {"reqId":"vjcDON4cPLeUeHmgNBGY","level":0,"time":"2022-05-04T08:08:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"Samuele","app":"workflowengine","method":"PROPFIND","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/Samuele/","message":"Flow activation: rules were requested for operation Blocca accesso a un file","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) mirall/3.4.4git (Nextcloud, org.kde.Platform-5.13.0-40-generic ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":""} {"reqId":"vjcDON4cPLeUeHmgNBGY","level":0,"time":"2022-05-04T08:08:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"Samuele","app":"workflowengine","method":"PROPFIND","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/Samuele/","message":"No flow configurations is going to run Blocca accesso a un file","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) mirall/3.4.4git (Nextcloud, org.kde.Platform-5.13.0-40-generic ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":""} ```
Contents of Browser Error Console ``` No OC found [index.js:46:4](webpack:///node_modules/@nextcloud/l10n/dist/index.js) Proxying an event bus of version 2.1.1 with 1.3.0 [](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/auth/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/ JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0 jquery-migrate.min.js:2:698 Proxying an event bus of version 2.1.1 with 1.3.0 jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 2 globals.js:62:15 Proxying an event bus of version 2.1.1 with 1.3.0 [](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/auth/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/ Loading theming data for notification bell styling App.vue:150 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. globals.js:62:15 Registering notifications container as a menu App.vue:160 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 2 globals.js:62:15 Notifications permissions denied App.vue:401 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 Started background fetcher as session_keepalive is enabled App.vue:217 jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 3 globals.js:62:15 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 3 [globals.js:62:15](webpack:///nextcloud/core/src/globals.js) jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. globals.js:62:15 Content Security Policy: Il caricamento di una risorsa su eval è stato bloccato dalle impostazioni della pagina (“script-src”). angular.min.js:205 session heartbeat polling started session-heartbeat.js:103:9 jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. globals.js:62:15 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 5 globals.js:62:15 [DEBUG] unified-search: Unified Search initialized with the following providers Object { 0: {…}, 1: {…}, 2: {…}, 3: {…}, 4: {…}, 5: {…}, 6: {…}, 7: {…}, 8: {…}, 9: {…}, … } ConsoleLogger.js:29:8 Got notification data App.vue:318 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 13 [globals.js:62:15](webpack:///nextcloud/core/src/globals.js) No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 $ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. globals.js:62:15 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 App.vue:355 jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be removed in a later versions without another warning. Please ship your own. 132 [globals.js:62:15](webpack:///nextcloud/core/src/globals.js) No new notification data received App.vue:323 Polling interval updated to 30000 ```
Grotax commented 2 years ago

Did you maybe recently delete this feed? If you delete a feed there is the option in the frontend to restore it. But if you ignore that it takes until the next background job is run to clean up the deleted feed.

If you have access to the server you can run a command via occ.

php ./occ news:updater:before-update

This will remove all feeds and folders that are marked for deletion.

We know this is confusing but currently no one is working on the frontend :(

If you don't have access just wait for some time, by default the job runs every hour.

If that doesn't help we will need to dig deeper

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately this happens not only in the web interface but also in the Android, maybe suggesting that it a back-end issue. IMG_20220505_104158

More importantly, I don't think I deleted the source, but even if I did I'm trying to add the source again after 24 hours and still nothing.

Anyway, I have access to the server and I executed the command you gave me. Apart from the fact that it seems to have solved an issue I was having logging in the instance (but this is absurd, it surely has nothing to do with it...), it didn't work. I still can't add again such source because it says it's already there, still I can't see it.

SMillerDev commented 2 years ago

Do you have the option to hide unread articles turned on?

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Oh yes. I disabled it in the Android app and now I see all the sources, included the one I had the issue with. In the web interfaces I checked the option "Show all articles" and I see all the sources, includes the one I was looking for. Thank you very much.

This makes me think about a point: Given the fact that "Showing all articles", both in the web interface and in the android app, is the default option and that we already have a proper section for "Unread articles", why hiding the sources when hiding already-read articles? We have the "Unread articles" section if we want see only the unread ones, and with the option of hiding the already-read we can navigate to specific sources and filter the articles. But hiding the sources from the sidebar is a little misleading.

SMillerDev commented 2 years ago

Because it doesn't make much sense to keep a bunch of empty feeds in the list.

It's a non-default setting so the idea is that people remember that they turned on hiding unread articles.

SamuXzX commented 2 years ago

Isn't it a little counterintuitive having to deselect an option to see and manage all the sources you subscribed to, rather than simply accentuate those with unread articles? I agree that it's not a big deal, but maybe it would improve UX to conceptually separate sources and articles. Additionally, maybe it could be more comfortable if the option to hide or un-hide were more visible, like a button in the sidebar, instead of having to open the settings section and uncheck the option. This would make all more straightforward.

Grotax commented 2 years ago

For android you can discuss this in the android news repository. For the news app itself it's kind of pointless, the front-end technology is super outdated and nobody passed by to work on it for ages