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Missing features in News 25.x #2503

Open Grotax opened 6 months ago

Grotax commented 6 months ago


News 25.x includes a major rewrite of the fronted. This change was necessary since the old UI was based on angular JS (the original) and that framework is no longer supported by Google and therefore also all dependencies and everything around it.

The new frontend uses vue js and the nextcloud libs for vue js.

See for the things that have been done so far.

Current Situation

We have alpha releases that include basic functionality. People can install them manually from the app-store via cli or however they like.

Missing Features

Pull requests welcome :heart:

alxrdn commented 5 months ago

Hello, following this discussion Can the compact view mode be listed here as a missing feature? I unfortunately don't have the competencies to provide with a PR for this, but someone probably do have

kbridger commented 5 months ago

Are there features missing that will impact external apps accessing news, eg. Nextcloud News Android app? Or is this all related to the News UI in Nextcloud via web browser?

Grotax commented 5 months ago

All related to the frontend, the API/backend which is used by the apps actually is a bit better, performance, bug fixes for edge cases and so on

PhieF commented 4 months ago

Hi there ! thanks for the wonderful rewrite !

There is another missing feature in the sidebar (I guess ?) the import feature !

Grotax commented 4 months ago

Yea in my understanding that is included in this checklist with Upload/download...

How exactly it will be solved has to be decided by the person who does it so far there is no interest in working on the frontend.

pierfu commented 4 months ago

Hello, really missing 2 features :

zachpmanson commented 2 months ago

Very happy with the rewrite, much more responsive than the AngularJS version.

Missing feature: there is no way to move a feed from one folder to another

azmeuk commented 2 months ago

2480 can be added to the list

edit: my bad. Sorry for the noise.

SMillerDev commented 2 months ago

It's there, first group, first item

zachpmanson commented 1 month ago

Missing feature: There doesn't appear to be any way to import or export OPML files in the new interface.

(I apologize in advance if its there and I missed it) If there is a way of doing this using the CLI/API I would love to know

SMillerDev commented 1 month ago

The CLI can do it, and additionally it's item 1.4 in the checklist above

FadeFx commented 1 month ago

Hi, i have to add that scrolling in the mobile Interface ist a Pita, as items disapear from the list too early and the rest of the list jumps up...

Also I'd love to see the full post list again, I was used to scroll through the list of full news items, as most providers do not feed the full article anyway.

Grotax commented 1 month ago

For the first issue you mention there is already #2498 basically the vue component in use does not work properly.

I'm not sure if that view will come back. There are so many different opinions how the views should be done.

SMillerDev commented 1 month ago

Unless people make a pull request of course, then there's a reasonable chance it will be added

ChristianKrausse commented 1 month ago

I miss the Keybord Navigation to the next Article

pbek commented 1 month ago

I miss the Keybord Navigation to the next Article


pbek commented 1 month ago

@Grotax, how was storing/loading of the state of the filter previously handled (or should be handled now)? Which API was used? Currently, when you open Nextcloud News it always shows all items, not only the unread ones...

Grotax commented 1 month ago

I don't know, I'm not familiar with the frontend code. The old UI had a checkbox to hide read items.

pbek commented 1 month ago

Thank you.

ax1036 commented 1 month ago

Hello, Nextcloud 27.x will go end of life next month (so News 24.x too) Can we hope a fix will be done before, or we can all-ready drop/remove News application on nextcloud 27 ? (and upgrade nextcloud to a maintained version)

SMillerDev commented 1 month ago

Unless someone spends a lot of time on it before that I don't think the 25 release will become stable next month.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

pbek commented 1 month ago

And it depends on the time you and @Grotax need to look at pull requests. 😆

AHeinlein commented 3 weeks ago

It might be worth it to have an "officially recommended" solution to this for now, apart from uninstalling news. There is a way to install 25alpha and there is a workaround to get 24.x running und Nextcloud 28 (#2610). I am using the workaround for almost half a year now and it works well for me. I wish I could help more, but my time is limited and my php skills are, well, basic at most.

Grotax commented 3 weeks ago

My official recommended solution is to update to the alpha. We do not support older versions at all.

Some people might find this strange but that's how it is in open source sometimes.

TheNomad11 commented 5 days ago

The CLI can do it, and additionally it's item 1.4 in the checklist above

@SMillerDev exporting works via cli but how to import? can you help me with this? thanks!

melroy89 commented 4 days ago

Hi. To be honest I'm fine if you make an official release from 25.0.0-alpha8, because it has at least a working UI again. And people no longer need to apply a workaround in order to get the news app working under Nextcloud v29. So 25-alpha8 works good enough for me!

I fully understand that there are still features missing or other bugs, but personally I would just launch an official release again and continue from there.