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Add option to strip all external content from feed #329

Closed null-git closed 5 years ago

null-git commented 5 years ago

Explain the Problem

Images and other media files are always included in the feeds. The FAQ states "Because images and audio/video are an integral part of a feed, we can not simply strip them.". While that is probably true for most users, I'm more concerned with the privacy implications of tracking pixels etc. and my data volume and don't care about media in my feeds. I'd love a "stripAllExternalContent" option for the config file or an option in the settings section to enable stripping of all external content.

BernhardPosselt commented 5 years ago

Sounds like you want Favicons of your current feeds are also likely fetched from external resources fyi.

BernhardPosselt commented 5 years ago

As in: probably better to fix this on a lower level using an addon. It will be more precise and work everywhere.

null-git commented 5 years ago

Thing is I read news in the android app exclusively. Maybe this issue is better suited for the app but as this plugin already does some filtering (as the FAQ states) I thought it might be fairely easy to implement.

I never really thought about the favicons. But as they usually don't come from a third party page and are probably only downloaded once in a session I don't mind them too much. I read a lot of feeds from different pages and I can live with being tracked by those pages when I actually read a complete article (and probably can't do to much about it). But I don't want third parties to know about every time that I open my news or every article I browse through.

SMillerDev commented 5 years ago

I think this issue would be better suited for the app then.

c7hm4r commented 5 years ago

Hi! It would be really nice to have an option for filtering any external content (including favicons). The reason is that it would be an easy solution to different problems:

I (being a techie) tried to overcome four of these problems by setting an adequate Content Security Policy on my web server. In my all-day web browser (Firefox), I also use a third party blocking add-on. So far, this solution is acceptable for me (except of the mixed-content false alarm).

The thing is: Tor Browser (as far as I know deliberately) ignores the Content Security Policy. Furthermore, it is adviced not to install further addons into Tor Browser, as it changes the browsers’ fingerprint, possibly making it identifiable in the web. So in that case, I see no other solution than blocking the third party content at the server side.