nextcloud / notifications

🔔 Notifications app for Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
116 stars 56 forks source link

Markdown is not rendered in Notifications #1721

Open BAlexBNice opened 10 months ago

BAlexBNice commented 10 months ago
### Steps to reproduce 1. Create an Announcement with Markdown syntax 2. Look at Notification that appears ### Expected behaviour The markdown should be rendered in the Notification ### Actual behaviour The markdown appears but is un-rendered ### Server configuration

Operating system: Debian 12 Web server: Apache Database: MySQL 8.0.35 PHP version: 8.1.25 Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 27.1.3 Where did you install Nextcloud from: Snap Package Signing status: Unknown

Login as admin user into your Nextcloud and access 
paste the results here.
No errors have been found.

**List of activated apps:**
All apps are up-to-date.
Activity    2.19.0  
Analytics   4.11.0  
Announcement center 6.7.0   
Calendar    4.5.3   
Circles 27.0.1  
Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server 23.5.503    
Collaborative tags  1.17.0  
Comments    1.17.0  
Contacts    5.4.2   
Contacts Interaction    1.8.0   
Dashboard   7.7.0   
Deleted files   1.17.0
Federation  1.17.0  
File reminders  1.0.0   
File sharing    1.19.0  
First run wizard    2.16.0  
Log Reader  2.12.0  
Mail    3.4.4   
Markdown Editor 2.4.1   
Monitoring  1.17.0  
Nextcloud announcements 1.16.0  
Nextcloud Office    8.2.2   
Notes   4.8.1   
Notifications   2.15.0  
Password policy 1.17.0  
PDF viewer  2.8.0   
Photos  2.3.0   
Privacy 1.11.0  
Recommendations 1.6.0   
Related Resources   1.2.0
Right click 1.6.0   
Share by mail   1.17.0  
Shiftplan   1.9.3
Support 1.10.0  
Talk    17.1.2  
Text    3.8.0   
Usage survey    1.15.0  
User status 1.7.0   
Versions    1.20.0  
Weather status  1.7.0   
Auditing / Logging  1.17.0
Brute-force settings    2.7.0   
Default encryption module   2.15.0  
External storage support    1.19.0  
LDAP user and group backend 1.17.0  
Suspicious Login    5.0.0   
Two-Factor TOTP Provider    9.0.0   

If you have access to your command line run e.g.: sudo -u www-data php occ app:list from within your Nextcloud installation folder

**Nextcloud configuration:**

If you have access to your command line run e.g.: sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system from within your Nextcloud installation folder


Insert your config.php content here Make sure to remove all sensitive content such as passwords. (e.g. database password, passwordsalt, secret, smtp password, …)

**Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one:** LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/...

### Client configuration
**Operating system:**
### Logs

#### Nextcloud log (data/nextcloud.log)

Insert your Nextcloud log here

#### Browser log

Insert your browser log here, this could for example include:

a) The javascript console log b) The network log c) ...

nickvergessen commented 10 months ago

Notifications does not support Markdown atm because all clients consuming them also don't support Markdown. Also there are couple of problems atm with markdown, e.g. mentions are also rendered in code blocks.

So for now this is not planned.

BAlexBNice commented 9 months ago

@nickvergessen Thank you. However, when I create an announcement and deselect create notifications. It still sends a notification to everyone. I have to deselect an announcement posted by an administrator in each user's profile and then a notification is not sent. Is this normal? After deselecting create notifications upon sending announcement should have been sufficient.