nextcloud / passman-webextension

Webextension for the Passman Nextcloud app. Also offers browser extension & Android app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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No Passwords in Firefox without prior login in web page #313

Open jakobod opened 4 years ago

jakobod commented 4 years ago
### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Firefox addon. 2. Log in to your nextcloud account through the addon. 3. Log in to your nextcloud through web page. 4. Unlock Vault. ### Expected behaviour I would expect the addon to be able to show passwords without prior login/unlock of vault in web page. ### Actual behaviour I need to be logged in to my nextcloud and have the vault unlocked, before the addon shows any passwords. ### Configuration **Operating system**: ArchLinux **Browser**: Firefox 70.0.1 **Extensions that might cause interference**: Multi-Account Containers **Passman version**: 2.3.4 **Extension version**: 2.1.1 **Nextcloud version**: --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](