nextcloud / passman-webextension

Webextension for the Passman Nextcloud app. Also offers browser extension & Android app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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No password detected, form ignored #332

Open T3chie-404 opened 2 years ago

T3chie-404 commented 2 years ago

How can one make Passman match on a page with a username but no password field? My bank has a page for username and then a second page where password and challenge questions must be answered.

The error from debug: (form ignored ( -- no password fields.)

### Steps to reproduce 1. Attempt to login to 2. Passman webextension in firefox does not detect form due to error (form ignored ( -- no password fields.) Only username field is present. Password and challange questions are on next page after username is submitted. 3. no further action avaiable ### Expected behaviour Tell us what should happen passman should detect username field and proceed to populate ### Actual behaviour Tell us what happens instead nothing happens, form not detected ### Configuration **Operating system**: windows 10 **Browser**: firefox **Extensions that might cause interference**: none known **Passman version**: 2.3.1335 **Extension version**: 2.1.1 **Nextcloud version**: 22.2.2 #### Browser log
Browser log ``` Insert your browser log here, this could for example include: a) (form ignored ( -- no password fields.) b) c) ... ```