Open ottoking8912 opened 1 year ago
Same with NextCloud 25.0.6 and
It would be awesome, if auto-generated passwords would automatically meet password policy criteria.
Another issue that I have with this is, that the dialogue automatically closes, when I directly enter an E-Mail address in the Sharing dialogue. My workaround is, that I click the + next to "Share Link". Then the error pops up again, put the dialogue does not auto-close.
@ottoking8912 I can't reproduce this behavior. Your reproductions steps were a bit vague, but I assume you're creating a sharing with a password when this error pops up? Also what is your password policy?
@mkofahl Are you still able to reproduce this behavior?
Sorry but this issue is almost 1 year old, can't remember what I did there to finally solve it (and forgot to update here) . This might have been already fixed with a newer version of nextcloud.
When I enter an E-Mail address to share a file, I get a dialog that says "password created", but the password field stays empty. Then, when I then try to confirm the share, I get the message "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: Passwords are enforced for link and mail shares". So I guess auto-creating passwords is broken altogether for me.
Password policy 1.15
Steps to reproduce
Expected behaviour
Tell us what should happen Share with password will be created
Actual behaviour
Share with password gets created and the share is working fine but the error msg is confusing and irritating for the user causing unnecessary troubles across the company.
Server configuration
Operating system: RHEL 9.1
Web server: Apache 2.4.53
Database: MariaDB 10.5.16
PHP version: 8.0.20
Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 25.0.5
Where did you install Nextcloud from: From the official website
List of activated apps: Enabled:
Nextcloud configuration:
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Client configuration
Browser: Firefox 112 & 102.5.0 esr Chrome 112.0.5615.121
Operating system: Windows 10
Nextcloud log (data/owncloud.log)
Insert your browser log here, this could for example include:
Will provide when necessary