nextcloud / previewgenerator

Nextcloud app to do preview generation in the background.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
451 stars 56 forks source link

Preview generation stops on images/files that error #142

Open manatails opened 5 years ago

manatails commented 5 years ago

manatails@cloud:/var/www/nextcloud$ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ -vvv preview:generate-all 2018-11-24T15:43:25+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/Camera/20181121_213210.jpg 2018-11-24T15:43:26+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/Camera/20181122_102545.jpg 2018-11-24T15:43:26+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/Camera/20181122_102826.jpg 2018-11-24T15:43:27+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/Camera/20181122_133633.jpg 2018-11-24T15:43:27+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/Camera/20181122_220709.jpg 2018-11-24T15:43:28+00:00 Generating previews for /manatails/files/InstantUpload/IMG_20180807-092858.jpg manatails@cloud:/var/www/nextcloud$

Same image makes the following log with stock gallery app: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Unsupported marker type 0xb3 at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/image.php#560

Preview generation should not stop, but skip unsupported images. In current state one panoramic image in the folder can render whole plugin useless.

agenttank commented 5 years ago

same problem here. it doesnt say filenames though...

2018-12-04T11:38:58+00:00 Scanning folder /stefan/files/Musik Stefan/nirvana/Nirvana_-_in_Utero 2018-12-04T11:39:04+00:00 Scanning folder /stefan/files/Musik Stefan/serart 2018-12-04T11:39:08+00:00 Scanning folder /stefan/files/Canon Bilder 2018-12-04T11:39:08+00:00 Scanning folder /stefan/files/Canon Bilder/20130221

stuck for 6 hours now

edit: oh, i'll do it again with -vvv

ShadeByLesio commented 5 years ago

this problem is still present. stops on unsupported files but don't show why even If run with "-vvv". it could be nice to skip unsupported files

manatails commented 5 years ago

The issue was caused by outdated version of libgd3. The issue is fixed by updating the operating system to Ubuntu 18. But I hope Nextcloud could at least print a proper error message in similar events.

TMaddox commented 4 years ago

Still present. Nextcloud 18.0.3 with docker