nextcloud / previewgenerator

Nextcloud app to do preview generation in the background.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
464 stars 57 forks source link

prewviewgenerator is ignoring imaginary #521

Open dassio opened 1 month ago

dassio commented 1 month ago

How to use GitHub

Steps to reproduce

  1. install previewgenerator
  2. setup container and test from nextcloud container with curl
  3. issue sudo -u www-data php occ preview:generate-all -vv

Expected behaviour

there should be logs from imaginary container

Actual behaviour

no logs from imaginary container

Server configuration

Web server: Apache

Database: SQLite

PHP version: 8.2

Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page)

Nextcloud Hub 9 (30.0.1)

List of activated apps ``` If you have access to your command line run e.g.: sudo -u www-data php occ app:list from within your Nextcloud installation folder ``` ![Image](
Nextcloud configuration ``` If you have access to your command line run e.g.: sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system from within your Nextcloud installation folder ``` ![Image](
st3iny commented 1 week ago

Please try to disable all other image providers first. The Imaginary provider should be the only enabled one.

Have a look at the configuration example from our documentation:

'enabledPreviewProviders' => [
'preview_imaginary_url' => 'http://<url of imaginary>',

Please keep in mind that the command occ preview:generate-all will only request previews that don't already exist. When all previews of a file already exist, they won't be regenerated. You could update a new test file to make sure that previews will be generated.