nextcloud / server

☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Contacts and calendar app does not exist #17380

Closed zhang-wenchao closed 4 years ago

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

The apps list is null.

Docker nextcloud:fpm-alpine 17.0.0

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

The new installation

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

nextcloud.log null

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

Contacts and calendar app does not exist

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago
  - accessibility: 1.3.0
  - activity: 2.10.1
  - cloud_federation_api: 1.0.0
  - comments: 1.7.0
  - dav: 1.13.0
  - federatedfilesharing: 1.7.0
  - federation: 1.7.0
  - files: 1.12.0
  - files_pdfviewer: 1.6.0
  - files_rightclick: 0.14.2
  - files_sharing: 1.9.0
  - files_trashbin: 1.7.0
  - files_versions: 1.10.0
  - files_videoplayer: 1.6.0
  - firstrunwizard: 2.6.0
  - gallery: 18.4.0
  - logreader: 2.2.0
  - lookup_server_connector: 1.5.0
  - nextcloud_announcements: 1.6.0
  - notifications: 2.5.0
  - oauth2: 1.5.0
  - password_policy: 1.7.0
  - privacy: 1.1.0
  - provisioning_api: 1.7.0
  - recommendations: 0.5.0
  - serverinfo: 1.7.0
  - sharebymail: 1.7.0
  - support: 1.0.1
  - survey_client: 1.5.0
  - systemtags: 1.7.0
  - text: 1.1.0
  - theming: 1.8.0
  - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.6.0
  - updatenotification: 1.7.0
  - viewer: 1.1.0
  - workflowengine: 1.7.0
  - admin_audit
  - encryption
  - files_external
  - user_ldap
zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago
$ docker exec -u www-data -it nextcloud-app php occ app:install contacts
Error: Could not download app contacts
zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago


version: '3'

    container_name: nextcloud-db
    image: mariadb
    command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --binlog-format=ROW
    restart: always
      - ~/docker/data/nextcloud/db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=nextcloud
      - db.env

    container_name: nextcloud-redis
    image: redis:alpine
    restart: always

    container_name: nextcloud-app
    image: nextcloud:fpm-alpine
    restart: always
      - ~/docker/data/nextcloud/nextcloud:/var/www/html
      - MYSQL_HOST=db
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
      - db.env
      - db
      - redis

    container_name: nextcloud-web
    build: ./web
    restart: always
      - ~/docker/data/nextcloud/nextcloud:/var/www/html:ro
      - ""
      - ""
      - app
      - proxy-tier
      - default

    container_name: nextcloud-cron
    image: nextcloud:fpm-alpine
    restart: always
      - ~/docker/data/nextcloud/nextcloud:/var/www/html
    entrypoint: /
      - db
      - redis

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago


            "summary":"Accessibility options for nextcloud",
            "description":"Provides multiple accessibilities options to ease your use of Nextcloud",
            "author":"John Molakvoæ",



















            "summary":"This application enables users to view actions related to their files in Nextcloud.",
            "description":"This application enables users to view actions related to their files in Nextcloud.
Once enabled, users will see a new icon “Activity” in their apps menu.
When clicked, a new page appears for users to track the activity related to files – from new files, to deleted files, move, rename, updates and shared activity.
The user can configure their individual activity settings in their personal menu.
This sets the type of activity to record, as well as whether to the user sees their own activities,
whether these are only available online, and whether they get an email digest on a regular basis.
More information is available in the Activity documentation.",
                "Frank Karlitschek",
                "Joas Schilling"













            "name":"Auditing / Logging",
            "summary":"Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions.",
            "description":"Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions.",



















            "name":"Collaborative tags",
            "summary":"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users.",
            "description":"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users. Great for teams.
(If you are a provider with a multi-tenancy installation, it is advised to deactivate this app as tags are shared.)",
                "Vincent Petry",
                "Joas Schilling"

















            "summary":"Files app plugin to add comments to files",
            "description":"Files app plugin to add comments to files",
                "Arthur Schiwon",
                "Vincent Petry"

















            "name":"Default encryption module",
            "summary":"Default encryption module for server-side encryption",
            "description":"In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side
encryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt
all your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.
The module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted
after server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to
disable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.
Please read the documentation to know all implications before you decide
to enable server-side encryption.",
                "Bjoern Schiessle",
                "Clark Tomlinson"
















            "name":"Deleted files",
            "summary":"This application enables users to restore files that were deleted from the system.",
            "description":"This application enables users to restore files that were deleted from the system. It displays a list of deleted files in the web interface, and has options to restore those deleted files back to the users file directories or remove them permanently from the system. Restoring a file also restores related file versions, if the versions application is enabled. When a file is deleted from a share, it can be restored in the same manner, though it is no longer shared. By default, these files remain in the trash bin for 30 days.
To prevent a user from running out of disk space, the Deleted files app will not utilize more than 50% of the currently available free quota for deleted files. If the deleted files exceed this limit, the app deletes the oldest files until it gets below this limit. More information is available in the Deleted Files documentation.",
            "author":"Bjoern Schiessle",


















            "name":"External storage support",
            "summary":"Adds basic external storage support",
            "description":"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.

External storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation.",
                "Robin Appelman",
                "Michael Gapczynski",
                "Vincent Petry"















            "summary":"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory.",
            "description":"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing.",
            "author":"Bjoern Schiessle",

















            "name":"File sharing",
            "summary":"File sharing",
            "description":"This application enables users to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable users can then share files and folders with other users and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other users outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.
Turning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation.",
                "Michael Gapczynski",
                "Bjoern Schiessle"













            "name":"First run wizard",
            "summary":"A welcome and introduction wizard for Nextcloud",
            "description":"This application enables a pop-up window when a user first logs into Nextcloud. This window welcomes new users to Nextcloud, and contains links to the standard desktop client, Android app, and the iOS app. The window also shows a link for accessing Nextcloud via WebDAV. At any time, the first run wizard can be opened again via link "About" on settings menu.
The First run wizard can be customized to meet specific design goals, or to change links and messages. Create an appropriate theme following the Theming documentation, and changes to the look and feel of this Wizard are simple. More information is available in the first run wizard documentation, as well as the theming documentation.",
                "Frank Karlitschek",
                "Jan-Christoph Borchardt"



















            "summary":"Media gallery for Nextcloud",
            "description":"Media gallery for Nextcloud with the following features:

- Support for large selection of media types (depending on server setup)

- Upload and organise images and albums straight from the app

- Large, zoomable previews which can be shown in fullscreen mode

- Sort images by name or date

- Per album design, description and copyright statement

- A la carte features (external shares, browser svg rendering, etc.)

- Image download straight from the slideshow or the gallery

- Switch to Gallery from any folder in files and vice-versa

- Ignore folders containing a ".nomedia" or ".noimage" file

- Browser rendering of SVG images (disabled by default)

- Native SVG support

- Mobile support

Provides a dedicated view of all images in a grid, adds image viewing capabilities to the
files app and adds a gallery view to public links.
Compatible with Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer 11",
            "author":"Olivier Paroz, Robin Appelman",





















            "name":"LDAP user and group backend",
            "summary":"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory.",
            "description":"This application enables administrators to connect Nextcloud to an LDAP-based user directory for authentication and provisioning users, groups and user attributes. Admins can configure this application to connect to one or more LDAP directories or Active Directories via an LDAP interface. Attributes such as user quota, email, avatar pictures, group memberships and more can be pulled into Nextcloud from a directory with the appropriate queries and filters.

A user logs into Nextcloud with their LDAP or AD credentials, and is granted access based on an authentication request handled by the LDAP or AD server. Nextcloud does not store LDAP or AD passwords, rather these credentials are used to authenticate a user and then Nextcloud uses a session for the user ID. More information is available in the LDAP User and Group Backend documentation.",
                "Dominik Schmidt",
                "Arthur Schiwon"
















            "name":"Log Reader",
            "summary":"A log reader for Nextcloud",
            "description":"Log reader for Nextcloud",
            "author":"Robin Appelman",


















            "summary":"Monitoring app with useful server information",
            "description":"Provides useful server information, such as CPU load, RAM usage, disk usage, number of users, etc.",
                "Bjoern Schiessle",
                "Ivan Sein Santiago",
                "Frank Karlitschek"



















            "name":"Nextcloud announcements",
            "summary":"Nextcloud announcements brings the latest news of Nextcloud into your notifications",
            "description":"Nextcloud announcements brings the latest news of Nextcloud into your notifications",
            "author":"Joas Schilling",


















            "summary":"This app provides a backend and frontend for the notification API available in Nextcloud.",
            "description":"This app provides a backend and frontend for the notification API available in Nextcloud.
The API is used by other apps to notify users in the web UI and sync clients about various things. Some examples are:

📬 Federated file sharing: You received a new remote share

📑 Comments: Another user mentioned you in a comment on a file

🚢 Update notification: Available update for an app or nextcloud itself

📣 Announcement center: An announcement was posted by an admin",
            "author":"Joas Schilling",



















            "name":"PDF viewer",
            "summary":"A pdf viewer for Nextcloud",
            "description":"This application integrates the PDF.js library into Nextcloud. Using this
application users can view their PDF files online without the need to
download the file.

When this application is enabled publicly shared PDF documents will also
get shown in the PDF viewer instead of only showing a single static
snapshot of the document. The PDF viewer requires a modern browser and
will not work with Microsoft® Internet Explorer® versions below 9.

PDF.js is a JavaScript library developed by Mozilla, you can learn more
about the PDF.js project at [](",
            "author":"Thomas Müller, Lukas Reschke",





















            "name":"Password policy",
            "summary":"Allows admins to configure a password policy",
            "description":"Allow admin to define certain pre-conditions for password, e.g. enforce a minimum length",
            "author":"Bjoern Schiessle",




















            "description":"The privacy center shows you where your data is stored and who can access it, either because you shared with them or because they are administrators.",
                "@value":"Georg Ehrke"



















            "summary":"Shows recommended files",
            "description":"Shows recommended files for quick access of files and folders with recent activity",
                "Christoph Wurst",
                "Jan-Christoph Borchardt"




















            "name":"Right click",
            "summary":"Right click menu for Nextcloud",
            "description":"This app allows users and developers to have a right click menu. Simply use the RightClick object to quickly create context menus. The Files app already shows the actions menu when right clicking on files and folders.",
                "@value":"NASTUZZI Samy"





















            "name":"Share by mail",
            "summary":"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
            "description":"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
            "author":"Bjoern Schiessle",


















            "summary":"Getting support and help for your Nextcloud",
            "description":"The support app covers you with direct access to help and consulting resources, dedicated contact options to your account manager and an overview of your enterprise subscription.",
            "author":"Morris Jobke",

















            "summary":"📝 Collaborative document editing",
            "description":"** 📝 Collaborative document editing!**

- **📝 Focused writing:** No distractions, only the formatting you need.
- **🙋 Work together:** Share and collaborate with friends and colleagues, no matter if they use Nextcloud or not!
- **💾 Open format:** Files are saved as [Markdown](, so you can edit them from any other text app too.
- **✊ Strong foundation:** We use [🐈 tiptap]( which is based on [🦉 ProseMirror]( – huge thanks to them!",
                "@value":"Julius Härtl"




















            "summary":"Adjust the Nextcloud theme",
            "description":"Adjust the Nextcloud theme",


















            "name":"Update notification",
            "summary":"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater.",
            "description":"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater.",
            "author":"Lukas Reschke",


















            "name":"Usage survey",
            "summary":"Sends anonymized data to Nextcloud to help us to improve Nextcloud.",
            "description":"Sends anonymized data to Nextcloud to help us to improve Nextcloud. You
        always have full control over the content sent to Nextcloud and can disable
        it again at any time.",
            "author":"Joas Schilling, Björn Schiessle",



















            "summary":"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed.",
            "description":"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every user’s directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. The app automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user doesn’t run out of Quota because of versions.
In addition to the expiry of versions, the versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the user’s currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, the app will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation.",
                "Frank Karlitschek",
                "Bjoern Schiessle"


















            "name":"Video player",
            "description":"A responsive video player using a skinned version of Video.js

Based on this app:


            "author":"Björn Korella",





















            "summary":"Simple file viewer with slideshow for media",
            "description":"Show your latest holiday photos and videos like in the movies, show a glimpse of your latest novel directly from your nextcloud, choose the best GIF of your collection thanks to the direct preview of your favorites files and many more!",
                "@value":"John Molakvoæ"





















zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

Can not be used again,Server in Beijing, China

ghost commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity and seems to be missing some essential information. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

Can not be used again,Server in Beijing, China

ghost commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity and seems to be missing some essential information. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

zhang-wenchao commented 4 years ago

Can not be used again,Server in Beijing, China

go2sh commented 4 years ago

Did you check inside your container that you can access the domain

ghost commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity and seems to be missing some essential information. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.