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Option to show actual date rather than relative date on files date modified column #29807

Open stephen322 opened 2 years ago

stephen322 commented 2 years ago

There should be an option to show time stamps via locale settings, rather than relative date. I think many people would prefer a plain date format. Last issue I could find #10258 appears to be closed without discussion.

gpz1100 commented 2 years ago

The problem with the relative dates is when they're older than a week. If today is may 13, telling me file is 8 months old doesn't tell me its date. Rather I need to think what was 8 months ago. Having a proper date stamp identifies the date immediately.

khcassidy commented 2 years ago

Actual date option would be fantastic. To avoid arguments (US vs International) maybe ISO date format? YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

I realize relative is friendly and maybe easier for some people but if you have a lot of files and need to know exactly when, relative is cumbersome/inaccurate to use. The fuzzyness of the relative date format for technical/scientific people is very triggering too. Generally people know today's date and if they need a file from 2 minutes ago or 2 days 3 hours 15 minutes ago, or the file they saved last week Thursday just after lunch time, they can figure that out easier with a proper time stamp then with the fuzzy relative style.

bbx-github commented 1 year ago

We also would love to have this option. It could be a user option and the default could remain relative date format. This way the simplicity (argument is kept. I imagine two other options: absolute (according to locale) and custom (for choosing ISO format or different locale)

bbx-github commented 1 year ago

I just realized using mouse over you get date and time according to your locale in a tool tip.

joshtrichards commented 10 months ago

Is the tool tip hover option to get the real date not sufficient?

gpz1100 commented 10 months ago

It would still be nice to have an actual time/date displayed, especially when trying to ascertain date/time of multiple files. Such option can be user selectable - use old view or new view with full date/time stamps.

khcassidy commented 10 months ago

Problem I have with the fuzzy time is if multiple files are produced per day or per hour, you end up forever hovering over the column and scrolling to find the right file. I actually have changed some files to include the Date/Time in the name so that they are easier to find. If I try to find a file which I created this time last year and I create multiple files per day its a challenging exercise sometimes I resort to logging in to the server and finding the file in the file system.

gpz1100 commented 10 months ago

As much as I despise google drive, even that shows actual file dates in the list view.

ericloyd commented 6 months ago

Every file browser I know in every OS or app I know displays local time and date. I know of nothing else that displays dates as relative. This should at least be an option for Nextcloud as well for the many reasons stated above. Plus, it's less resources to figure out the actual date then it is to apply logic to determine a relative fuzzy date.

ericloyd commented 6 months ago

Is the tool tip hover option to get the real date not sufficient?

Any action which requires a mouse to get information limits that information to people who may have disabilities. Having an option to show the actual date and time would mean not alienating those people.

HKx2007 commented 5 months ago

Please make this an option. I have pictures in folders for every year. So for example in 2016 there are 5k pictures and they are all from "8 years ago". So finding a picture from a special date is kind of frustrating.

khcassidy commented 4 months ago

Looking at some of the competitors, Dropbox, Sharepoint, Onedrive, Google Drive, Zoho WorkDrive, FileCloud all show date and time, I take it this is what people prefer? Box seems to be an exception to the rule. But I may be wrong.

khcassidy commented 4 months ago

Every file browser I know in every OS or app I know displays local time and date. I know of nothing else that displays dates as relative. This should at least be an option for Nextcloud as well for the many reasons stated above. Plus, it's less resources to figure out the actual date then it is to apply logic to determine a relative fuzzy date.

Github web (this site) uses vague time too. But it does not really bother me the way I work with git since the files I primarily work with are local.

ericloyd commented 4 months ago

@HKx2007 said it perfectly. Yes, showing actual dates for file storage is much preferred over relative. At least make it a configuration option and let people choose.

chrizzlibaer commented 2 months ago

Just adding my interest in showing actual timestamps instead of relative ones. Would be a very welcomed addition! Thanks!

breemts commented 2 months ago

"Needs triage" since a year? What should this label say? What is the workflow behind it? Just curious.

And I'm wondering, as there are so many updates in nextcloud, what the problem ist with this quick task? How can someone support this?

brzeziniol commented 1 month ago

Unbelievable that this is still an unresolved issue since 2021 or should I say "for 3 years ago" :D For sure we all much more need a function like AI prompting how to write a message xD

ericloyd commented 3 weeks ago

I might need to learn enough GitHub to actually update this code myself.

axelzuzek commented 2 weeks ago

+1 it's such a basic feature...

ericloyd commented 2 weeks ago

This lack of feature is now inhibiting my work flow. I have files from clients that I need to reference by the date that they were created. I need to know they were made at certain times on certain days, not simply "six months ago." At this point, I am literally bypassing Nextcloud and looking at the filesystem raw files to see the creation dates of the files so that I can find the things I'm looking for.

Obviously, this is not a viable solution for everyone, and it certainly isn't a convenient solution for me. It dramatically slows down my work flow, causing me to spend time working on work instead of working for the client. This literally is time that I cannot bill for, and thus, it is literally costing me money.

Please Provide An Option To Show The Actual File Timestamp.

gpz1100 commented 2 weeks ago

Three years later..... Why is this feature so difficult to implement?

axelzuzek commented 2 weeks ago

It would be quite easy to change the display from "x ago" to the actual datetime in the user's timezone, as the formatted data is already available for the tooltip. Making this change user-configurable would take more time. I think they simply don't want to implement it.

ericloyd commented 2 weeks ago

Axel, I'm sure you've hit the nail on the head here. Yes, it's easy to change the displayed information to be something that's already available via the tool-tip. Adding the option to allow people to display it is most likely the sticking point. The problem is that we get things that seem to be of lesser usefulness instead of this, which makes it look like no one is paying attention.

And if someone is paying attention, then they obviously don't value our opinions. Which might actually be worse. I know how to write code, and I know that one could easily create a config option that has to be exposed at the config file level (let's not even make it available via the GUI yet) that would allow a self-hosted Nextcloud user to change the date display from "relative" to "absolute." The amount of effort required to do that would be approximately the same as the amount of effort it took for me to write this message.

Yet, it's been years since anyone from Nextcloud has even responded.

readonly24 commented 4 days ago

I'm desperately waiting for this. It's such a basic thing...

terrancewong commented 1 day ago

Almost 3 years passed, still showing these kind of meaningless "dates".

Today is July 4th, In a normal person's mind, last month means quite new. but 4weeks?


Happy 4th of July.

khcassidy commented 1 day ago

Ha yes, 4th July, 3 weeks is also last month, something modified 5 days ago would also be last month. Its a inaccurate way of trying to tell the time, I'm not sure why anyone would want this, whats the point?

terrancewong commented 1 day ago

I am not a phg guy nor js, But I tried get rid of "human readable date" function getHumanReadableTimestamp in apps/files_versions/lib/Storage.php it fixed nothing.

inspect from html, the file list is generated by dist/files-main.js, but this file is generated. the source is seemingly in apps/files/js/filelist.js, I can edit it, but how can I generate dist/files-main.js ?

terrancewong commented 1 day ago

apps/files/js/filelist.js (), line 1854,


text = OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(mtime);


text = formatted; //OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(mtime);
terrancewong commented 1 day ago

ok, I got it. you guys opened an issue to an incorrect repo. should file to files app's repo.

terrancewong commented 1 day ago

Problem I have with the fuzzy time is if multiple files are produced per day or per hour, you end up forever hovering over the column and scrolling to find the right file. I actually have changed some files to include the Date/Time in the name so that they are easier to find. If I try to find a file which I created this time last year and I create multiple files per day its a challenging exercise sometimes I resort to logging in to the server and finding the file in the file system.

nice way to kill some time, huh? makes me remember windoze file explorer. I use a dirsize plugin, some people say you can hover mouse and wait for the windoze to calculate dir total size....

axelzuzek commented 22 hours ago

have you tried to build the files app after changing the source code?

cd apps/files
npm install
npm run build