nextcloud / server

☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
27.57k stars 4.08k forks source link

[Bug]: Damaged UI userlist (browser layout) if a user has a lot of entries of single group admin rights in users section backend. #37188

Open inet-cologne opened 1 year ago

inet-cologne commented 1 year ago

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

Bug description

The Nextcloud backend UI layout (CSS) is somehow damaged and overlapping entry info among several user entries, if one user has an bigger amount of group administration entries. That makes it very difficult to edit a specific users entry. ... I have an actual Nextcloud 25.0.4 with actual OS and Browser. Layout problem occurs an Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create about 10 or more groups within Nextcloud. Each group name with a name longer name (more than 8Chars).
  2. Create 10 or more users. Name the users that way, so that the group admin users later on appear in-between others in the user list of the backend.
  3. Assign two users the administration rights for every(!) single group of the 10 groups.
  4. The height of each row in the user list seems to be at the same value, what makes the entries overlap other user entries.

Probably a CSS layout problem! ...

Expected behavior

The row height of a single user in the user list of the backend should auto adjust dependent of the amount of content (group entries) and not overlap other user content. ...

Installation method

Community Web installer on a VPS or web space

Operating system


PHP engine version

PHP 8.1

Web server


Database engine version


Is this bug present after an update or on a fresh install?


Are you using the Nextcloud Server Encryption module?


What user-backends are you using?

Configuration report

{    "system": {        "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "trusted_domains": [            "",            ""        ],        "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "overwrite.cli.url": "https:\/\/",        "dbtype": "mysql",        "version": "",        "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "dbport": "",        "dbtableprefix": "oc_",        "mysql.utf8mb4": true,        "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "installed": true,        "maintenance": false,        "theme": "",        "loglevel": 2,        "mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "mail_smtpmode": "smtp",        "mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "mail_smtpsecure": "tls",        "mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "mail_smtpport": "25",        "mail_smtpauth": 1,        "mail_smtpauthtype": "LOGIN",        "mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",        "app_install_overwrite": [            "occweb",            "richdocuments",            "impersonate"        ],        "data-fingerprint": "xyzxyzxyz",        "default_phone_region": "DE"    }}

List of activated Apps

Enabled:  - activity: 2.17.0  - announcementcenter: 6.5.1  - calendar: 4.2.4  - circles: 25.0.0  - cloud_federation_api: 1.8.0  - comments: 1.15.0  - contacts: 5.1.0  - contactsinteraction: 1.6.0  - dashboard: 7.5.0  - dav: 1.24.0  - external: 5.0.2  - federatedfilesharing: 1.15.0  - federation: 1.15.0  - files: 1.20.1  - files_accesscontrol: 1.15.1  - files_pdfviewer: 2.6.0  - files_rightclick: 1.4.0  - files_sharing: 1.17.0  - files_versions: 1.18.0  - firstrunwizard: 2.14.0  - forms: 3.2.0  - groupfolders: 13.1.1  - impersonate: 1.12.0  - logreader: 2.10.0  - lookup_server_connector: 1.13.0  - nextcloud_announcements: 1.14.0  - notes: 4.6.0  - notifications: 2.13.1  - oauth2: 1.13.0  - occweb: 0.1.0  - password_policy: 1.15.0  - photos: 2.0.1  - privacy: 1.9.0  - provisioning_api: 1.15.0  - recommendations: 1.4.0  - related_resources: 1.0.4  - serverinfo: 1.15.0  - settings: 1.7.0  - spreed: 15.0.4  - support: 1.8.0  - systemtags: 1.15.0  - tasks: 0.14.5  - theming: 2.0.1  - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.14.0  - updatenotification: 1.15.0  - user_status: 1.5.0  - viewer: 1.9.0  - weather_status: 1.5.0  - workflowengine: 2.7.0Disabled:  - admin_audit: 1.15.0  - backup: 1.2.0  - bruteforcesettings: 2.4.0  - encryption  - files_external  - files_texteditor: 2.15.0  - files_trashbin: 1.9.0  - mail: 2.2.4  - nextbackup: 21.1.0  - richdocuments: 7.1.1  - richdocumentscode: 22.5.802  - sharebymail: 1.3.0  - survey_client: 1.1.0  - suspicious_login  - text: 3.5.1  - twofactor_totp  - user_ldap

Nextcloud Signing status

No response

Nextcloud Logs

No response

Additional info

No response

inet-cologne commented 1 year ago

Point of problem:

With the help of the browser developer tools I found out that changing // current CSS

body-settings #app-content.user-list-grid

grid-auto-rows: minmax(60px, max-content)

// to corrected CSS

body-settings #app-content.user-list-grid

grid-auto-rows: minmax(max-content, max-content)

will show the user list - as it should be - with a flexible height of each row depending of the content.

I will try do create a commit and merge request but until now I did not find the correct spot where the original source is located.