Some calendar clients generate recurring events with date and time, plus all-day EXDATEs:
DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20240317T100000 ← DATE-TIME value
SUMMARY:Test Event
EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20240331 ← DATE value
As I understand it, this is not a RFC 5545-conforming way to specify EXDATEs for the given event at 10:00. However it's clear that the recurring event should not occur on those dates.
Currently, Nextcloud expands to the given EXDATEs, too. It would be more compatible to omit the recurring events on the dates given by the EXDATEs.
DAVx5 handles this by rewriting all RDATE/EXDATE entries to the value type of DTSTART:
If DTSTART is a DATE and EXDATE a DATE-TIME, just drop the EXDATE time and make it all-day.
If DTSTART is a DATE-TIME and EXDATE is a DATE, take the time (+ time zone) of DTSTART and the date of EXDATE to generate the new EXDATE.
Some calendar clients generate recurring events with date and time, plus all-day EXDATEs:
As I understand it, this is not a RFC 5545-conforming way to specify EXDATEs for the given event at 10:00. However it's clear that the recurring event should not occur on those dates.
Currently, Nextcloud expands to the given EXDATEs, too. It would be more compatible to omit the recurring events on the dates given by the EXDATEs.
DAVx5 handles this by rewriting all RDATE/EXDATE entries to the value type of DTSTART: