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Error reporting for too long filepaths (>255 chars) #9907

Open jzaers opened 6 years ago

jzaers commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use filenames with a resulting path longer than 255 characters
  2. This seems to result in various strange side effects like move not executed correctly and the following error message:
{"reqId":"xZAVDUDUMFn0yANyU6rA","level":4,"time":"2018-06-14T06:52:08+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"87c48f84-4b31-4c8e-aac8-1c554f1b500b","app":"webdav","method":"MOVE","url":"\/owncloud\/remote.php\/dav\/files\/LONG_FILENAME_REPLACED_WITH_247_CHARACTERS","message":"Exception: {\"Exception\":\"Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Exception\\\\DriverException\",\"Message\":\"An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE \\\"oc_properties\\\" SET \\\"propertypath\\\" = ? WHERE \\\"userid\\\" = ? AND \\\"propertypath\\\" = ?' with params [\\\"files\\\\\\\LONG_FILENAME_REPLACED_WITH_247_CHARACTERS", \\\"LONG_FILENAME_REPLACED_WITH_247_CHARACTERS"]:\\n\\nSQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: **7 ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(255)**\",\"Code\":0,\"Trace\":\"#0 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/doctrine\\\/dbal\\\/lib\\\/Doctrine\\\/DBAL\\\/DBALException.php(128): Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Driver\\\\AbstractPostgreSQLDriver->convertException('An exception oc...', Object(Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Driver\\\\PDOException))\\n#1 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/doctrine\\\/dbal\\\/lib\\\/Doctrine\\\/DBAL\\\/Statement.php(178): Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery(Object(Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Driver\\\\PDOPgSql\\\\Driver), Object(Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Driver\\\\PDOException), 'UPDATE \\\"oc_prop...', Array)\\n#2 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/CustomPropertiesBackend.php(179): Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Statement->execute(Array)\\n#3 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/PropertyStorage\\\/Plugin.php(147): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\DAV\\\\CustomPropertiesBackend->move('files\\\/87c48f84-...', 'files\\\/87c48f84-...')\\n#4 [internal function]: Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\PropertyStorage\\\\Plugin->afterMove('files\\\/87c48f84-...', 'files\\\/87c48f84-...')\\n#5 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/event\\\/lib\\\/EventEmitterTrait.php(105): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\\n#6 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/CorePlugin.php(648): Sabre\\\\Event\\\\EventEmitter->emit('afterMove', Array)\\n#7 [internal function]: Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\CorePlugin->httpMove(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#8 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/event\\\/lib\\\/EventEmitterTrait.php(105): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\\n#9 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(479): Sabre\\\\Event\\\\EventEmitter->emit('method:MOVE', Array)\\n#10 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(254): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->invokeMethod(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#11 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/Server.php(258): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#12 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/appinfo\\\/v2\\\/remote.php(33): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#13 \\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/remote.php(164): require_once('\\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/...')\\n#14 {main}\",\"File\":\"\\\/opt\\\/nextcloud\\\/3rdparty\\\/doctrine\\\/dbal\\\/lib\\\/Doctrine\\\/DBAL\\\/Driver\\\/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php\",\"Line\":91}","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall\/2.4.1 (build 9367)","version":""}

Expected behaviour

I would like to

Actual behaviour

Files with too long paths are synced to the server and encounter problems on later move operations. It looks like the move is executed like a copy and the original file stays in the source directory. But this is not happening always. I assume that it depends on the resulting file path in the destination directory.

Server configuration

Operating system: ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Web server: Apache 2.4

Database: postgresql 9.4

PHP version: php 5.6

Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) see above,, (I updated the server to 13 afterwards, a few server configs below are from the new server, I try to reproduce this under 13.)

Updated from an older Nextcloud/ownCloud or fresh install: Migration from owncloud 9 or 10.

Where did you install Nextcloud from:

Signing status:

Signing status No errors have been found.

List of activated apps: This is from the server after upgrade to v 13.


Nextcloud configuration:

Config report { "system": { "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "trusted_domains": [ "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***" ], "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "overwrite.cli.url": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "version": "", "dbtype": "pgsql", "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbtableprefix": "oc_", "logtimezone": "UTC", "installed": true, "ldapIgnoreNamingRules": false, "loglevel": 3, "log_type": "owncloud", "logfile": "\/opt\/oc-data\/nextcloud.log", "maintenance": false, "singleuser": false, "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis", "filelocking.enabled": "true", "memcache.distributed": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis", "memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis", "redis": { "host": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "port": 6379, "timeout": 0, "dbindex": 0 }, "trashbin_retention_obligation": "auto, 60", "versions_retention_obligation": "auto", "theme": "", "": "production", "ldapProviderFactory": "\\OCA\\User_LDAP\\LDAPProviderFactory", "updater.secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***" } }

Are you using external storage, if yes which one: local/smb/sftp/... NO

Are you using encryption: yes/no NO

Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/...

YES, LDAP Apple OD, config not pasted, as not relevant.

Client configuration


Operating system: MACOS, nextcloud client 2.3.3


Web server error log

not relevant

Nextcloud log (data/nextcloud.log)

see above

Browser log

not relevant

rafacouto commented 5 years ago

I confirm this issue with docker images:

Just applied this path manually and waiting for results:

alter table properties alter column propertypath type character varying(1024);
J0WI commented 4 years ago

I'm able to reproduce during rename:

An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE "oc_properties" SET "propertypath" = ? WHERE "userid" = ? AND "propertypath" = ?' with params ["***very long test path***", "***test user***", "***long test path***"]:
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR:  value too long for type character

kesselb commented 4 years ago

We should probably align this with path. Would you mind to create a pull request? ;)

J0WI commented 4 years ago

What is the right place for this change? I assume this is for 18 only?

kesselb commented 4 years ago

Yes. I probably forgot that this kind of change requires a bit more work. Just changing the value over there will not work :see_no_evil:

  1. php occ migrations:generate core 18000 use occ to generate a migration

  2. Delete preSchemaChange and postSchemaChange

        /** @var ISchemaWrapper $schema */
        $schema = $schemaClosure();

        if ($schema->hasTable('properties')) {
            $table = $schema->getTable('properties');

            $table->changeColumn('propertypath', [
                'notnull' => true,
                'length' => 4000,
                'default' => '',

        return $schema;
  1. Probably something like above for changeSchema but have not tested it.

  2. php occ migrations:execute core 18000Date201911xzy run the migration

ChristophWurst commented 4 years ago

Discussed this with @rullzer briefly.

J0WI commented 4 years ago

For 19 we can change the original migration so new installations get a more appropriate column width by default

Since 19 has already been released I'll tag it for 20.

szaimen commented 1 year ago

Hi, please update to 24.0.8 or better 25.0.2 and report back if it fixes the issue. Thank you!

jzaers commented 1 year ago


sorry, I’m no longer using nextcloud, so I can’t check it.

Cheers, Jo.

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Am 09.01.2023 um 12:40 schrieb Simon L. @.***>:

Hi, please update to 24.0.8 or better 25.0.2 and report back if it fixes the issue. Thank you!

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J0WI commented 1 year ago

This is still an issue.

susnux commented 8 months ago

This is still an issue.

@J0WI are you sure? This should have been fixed with