nextcloud / tables

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Stray contexts endpoints - keep, sunset, remove? #1123

Closed blizzz closed 2 weeks ago

blizzz commented 3 weeks ago

In ContextController we have the methods removeNode and addNode, which are – to my knowledge – unused. In the frontend update is used instead.

Imho that makes them candidates for removal.

However, we have released 0.7 already with those APIs.

Simply removing them now is not great, there might be unknown usages externally already.

One option is to keep and maintain them, the other to sunset them with a deprecation notice and remove them at a later point. What do you think? @enjeck @juliushaertl

enjeck commented 3 weeks ago

Simply removing them now is not great, there might be unknown usages externally already.

I say we remove them, since its extremely unlikely that there are external usages already

juliushaertl commented 3 weeks ago

Yep, agreed, let's drop those then