nextcloud / tables

🍱 Nextcloud tables app
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Number fields: weird keyboard behaviour and values don't save #1166

Open tobykurien opened 4 days ago

tobykurien commented 4 days ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a table with a number field with 2 decimal places, no maximum and mandatory. Bug appears to be triggered by maximum field being blank.
  2. Click Create row. When you type into the number field, the first digit is always 0 regardless of the number typed.
  3. Click Save. The resulting row has no value in the number field.
  4. Editing a row with data and saving it looses the data.

Expected behavior

Number value should be stored as typed.

Actual behavior

Number fields are always blank, and the input field always shows 0 for the first digit.

Tables app version



Firefox 127.0.1

Client operating system


Operating system

Alma Linux

Web server


PHP engine version

PHP 8.1



Additional info

In my test, the row also had a link to a contact. When creating the row, the contact is saved. If I edit the row, make no changes, and click save, the contact is also lost.