nextcloud / talk-desktop

💬💻 Nextcloud Talk Desktop Client Preview
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Collaborative editing doesn't work on Linux #910

Open schiessle opened 2 days ago

schiessle commented 2 days ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Join with the desktop client a chat where a markdown file is shared
  2. Two users open and edit it

Expected behaviour

Collaborative editing works as in the browser

Actual behaviour

On the desktop client you see only the content from the time you opened it. But you don't see the changes another users does while you keep the document open

Desktop client

Talk Desktop client version: v1.0.0.rc1

Operating system: Linux

Operating system version: Fedora 40

Microphone available: yes/no

Camera available: yes/no


Nextcloud version: Talk app version: (see apps admin page: /index.php/settings/apps)


Client log

``` Insert your browser log here, this could for example include: a) The javascript console log b) The network log c) ... ```
ShGKme commented 1 day ago

This is known and mentioned in the README. Until we have new Viewer API and apps migrated - we cannot do anything here. Because Talk is not a server's web page, but an app, we don't have any JS from the server, including other apps.

Reimplementing Text probably will be too much, I guess.

We'll think about a workaround, but it is not a priority at the moment.