nextcloud / tasks

:white_check_mark: Tasks app for Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
575 stars 100 forks source link

Calendar is Not Displayed Correctly When Assigning a Date #1403

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click a task.
  2. Click start or due time.
  3. Click the calendar icon to open the calendar.

Expected behaviour

The calendar is not overlapped.

Actual behaviour

The calendar is overlapped with the task list. I will have to zoom out to 70% to see Sunday.

Server configuration detail

Operating system: Linux 5.9.13-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 14 08:37:25 UTC 2020 armv7l

Webserver: nginx/1.18.0 (fpm-fcgi)

Database: mysql 10.5.8

PHP version:

7.4.14 Modules loaded: Core, date, libxml, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, readline, Reflection, SPL, session, cgi-fcgi, bcmath, bz2, ctype, curl, dom, fileinfo, gd, gmp, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, openssl, pcntl, PDO, posix, standard, SimpleXML, sqlite3, xml, xmlwriter, zip, mysqlnd, xmlreader, mysqli, pdo_mysql, apcu, imagick, Zend OPcache

Nextcloud version: 20.0.4 -

Updated from an older Nextcloud/ownCloud or fresh install: Updated from older version.

Where did you install Nextcloud from: Nextcloud official download page.

Signing status Array ( )
List of activated apps ``` Enabled: - accessibility: 1.6.0 - audioplayer: 3.0.0 - bookmarks: 4.0.8 - bruteforcesettings: 2.0.1 - calendar: 2.1.3 - checksum: 1.0.1 - cloud_federation_api: 1.3.0 - comments: 1.10.0 - contacts: 3.4.3 - contactsinteraction: 1.1.0 - dashboard: 7.0.0 - dav: 1.16.2 - federatedfilesharing: 1.10.2 - files: 1.15.0 - files_external: 1.11.1 - files_pdfviewer: 2.0.1 - files_rightclick: 0.17.0 - files_sharing: 1.12.1 - files_versions: 1.13.0 - files_videoplayer: 1.9.0 - firstrunwizard: 2.9.0 - issuetemplate: 0.7.0 - logreader: 2.5.0 - lookup_server_connector: 1.8.0 - news: 15.1.1 - nextcloud_announcements: 1.9.0 - notes: 4.0.2 - notifications: 2.8.0 - oauth2: 1.8.0 - password_policy: 1.10.1 - passwords: 2020.12.2 - photos: 1.2.1 - privacy: 1.4.0 - provisioning_api: 1.10.0 - recommendations: 0.8.0 - serverinfo: 1.10.0 - settings: 1.2.0 - survey_client: 1.8.0 - systemtags: 1.10.0 - tasks: 0.13.6 - text: 3.1.0 - theming: 1.11.0 - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.9.0 - updatenotification: 1.10.0 - user_status: 1.0.1 - viewer: 1.4.0 - weather_status: 1.0.0 - workflowengine: 2.2.0 Disabled: - activity - admin_audit - encryption - federation - files_trashbin - sharebymail - support - user_ldap ```
Configuration (config/config.php) ```php { "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "trusted_domains": [ "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***"" ], "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbtype": "mysql", "version": "", "overwrite.cli.url": "http:\/\/localhost", "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbport": "", "dbtableprefix": "oc_", "mysql.utf8mb4": true, "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "installed": true, "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "default_language": "ja_JP", "default_locale": "ja_JP", "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu", "maintenance": false, "theme": "", "loglevel": 2 } ```

Client configuration

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0

Operating system: openSUSE 15.2


Web server error log ``` (No error occurred.) ```
Nextcloud log ``` (Not logged.) ```
Browser log (I don't know how to get it. I will paste it in need.)


Screenshot from 2021-01-27 20-05-53

raimund-schluessler commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #935.