nextcloud / text

📑 Collaborative document editing using Markdown
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Markdown files from external editors lose formatting on save #593

Open inthreedee opened 4 years ago

inthreedee commented 4 years ago

Summary Markdown files that are created in external markdown and text apps will have their formatting completely overridden and/or lost when edited through the Nextcloud web interface. Newlines, tabs, and spaces are thrown out everywhere in the document--not just on the edited line--and lists will be changed to asterisks instead of dashes. See screenshots below.

Background I use external text editors for my markdown files and then sync them to my Nexctloud. I primarly use Atom for its markdown support but will also use basic text editors like Gedit on Linux or Notepad on Windows. That's the great thing about markdown files, after all, they're just plain text. When I edit these files through my Nextcloud web interface, the formatting of the entire file is destroyed.


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a markdown file in an external editor such as Atom/Gedit or a basic text editor like Notepad
  2. Add some spaces, tabs, newlines, lists, etc.
  3. Open the markdown file in the Nextcloud web editor and notice the formatting differences
  4. Make a minor edit to the file in the Nextcloud web interface
  5. View the file again in your external editor and notice the formatted has been destroyed.

Expected behavior I expect the Text app to not completely destroy any formatting created by external apps. If any special formatting is unsupported, it should be left alone for maximum compatibility with external apps. If any formatting changes must be made based on the current edits, those changes should apply ONLY to the current edits and not the entire file.


How it looks in Gedit under Linux: Screenshot from 2020-01-19 17-02-41

How it looks when opened in my Nextcloud web interface: Screenshot from 2020-01-22 17-04-36

Make an edit through the web interface and now the file's formatting has been destroyed when viewed in Gedit: Screenshot from 2020-01-19 17-12-49

Client details:

Server details **Text app version:** 1.1.1 **Operating system:** Ubuntu 18.04.3 **Web server:** Apache **Database:** Mysql 5.7.29 **PHP version:** 7.3.13 **Nextcloud version:** 17.0.2
nathanlesage commented 4 years ago

Second that!

EDIT: Just found another extremely problematic behaviour: Automatic escaping of footnotes. Also not specified in CommonMark, of course, but it should not simply escape the square brackets, because it fully breaks support in those third-party editors that support those (besides, having links defined in-text and then the link at the bottom is in fact common, which uses exactly the same format)


zerknorscht commented 4 years ago

We use pico cms Nextcloud-Integration and need to be able to edit those .md files via Nextcloud. However, this bug effects the ability to edit pico files, f.e. looses all it's formatting and since it has a yaml header, it destroys parts of the website. This is especially annoying, since there is no possibility to use the markdown editor or any other editor anymore in NC 18...

nathanlesage commented 4 years ago

May I suggest that, while WYSIWYG in Markdown is cool to have, a plain code view would be the easiest solution for the meantime until the mode works for everyone, so that we can work with the files easily without fearing to lose any data?

As the plain view was already implemented, it shouldn't prove too difficult to re-enable that and simply offer people a switch between the two!

zerknorscht commented 4 years ago

A plain code view for the Text App would be wonderfull, as it would render the pico integration in NC 18 usable again

zerknorscht commented 4 years ago

somewhat like this would be great.... how can i throw bugs on a bounty for this? (<- noob) neweditor_mockup

JoshuaPettus commented 4 years ago

I've been having this issue as well. It disheartens me that we are now at NC19 and this still hasn't been addressed. The pico CMS is huge as it breaks the YAML code on the file.

claell commented 3 years ago

This seems to be a pretty prominent and relevant issue. Since this (and duplicates) have been in a limbo state for some time now, I'll ping some people (maybe you also know other people to ping who could help out or are responsible for this application).

@juliushaertl @jospoortvliet @rullzer

szaimen commented 3 years ago

To quote @juliushaertl from

I feat that we might never be able to fully preserve the original formatting. The main reason is that the WYSIWYG editor does not preserve the original format but converts the markdown document to a different document format (a json tree with different node types like h1/li and annotation types like italic/bold) and then on save converts this json format back to markdown. Taking lists as an example we just don't know when saving if the original markdown file was written with * or - as list indicators. This was decided to be an acceptable downside of the approach since we mainly aimed for a rich content editor here rather than a markdown editor. However we should of course preserve as much as possible so the open enhancement requests about frontmatter or tables for example should definitely be implemented at some point.

claell commented 3 years ago

Either there have to be improvements to the currently used system (like @juliushaertl suggested in the comment) or the system has to be changed (not sure whether it is possible to create a WYSIWYG editor without the conversion to a different document format in between, but the nextcloud notes editor looks like it does just that). The current state is not suitable for productive usage, I basically agree with

inthreedee commented 3 years ago

To very briefly summarize that comment linked by @claell above:

The tradeoffs in the current implementation are reasonable for a rich content editor in general. They are not reasonable for one that is set up as the default editor of (and then destroyer of) markdown files. Two options:

  1. Make changes so the text app behaves like users expect a markdown editor to behave. Preserve all markdown formatting properly.
  2. Stop using the .md file extension by default. Instead, use an extension specifically for this "Nextcloud rich text format".

As much as I would prefer the first option, it seems like the app was designed with different goals in mind. In my opinion, the only mistake was choosing to use the .md extension to create files that are incompatible with every other markdown editor. Because of that, I'm more in favor of option two at the moment.

nathanlesage commented 3 years ago

@inthreedee Agreed. I mean, it would certainly be possible to facilitate all that WYSIWYG-stuff on Markdown files (and in earlier iterations, Nextcloud Text actually did a pretty good job at giving you both code and a preview), but in the end I'm also very much in favour of just having the plain markup …

claell commented 3 years ago

I'd be ok with option two if it is made sure there is another editor for Markdown files shipped by default, so one can still edit them online on existing Nextcloud instances.

However, if that editor is plain text, there will likely arise the request for a WYSIWYG markdown editor, which brings us back again to the original problem of possible having two document formats simultaneously for the same document. But maybe that problem is only related to the collaborative editing feature and can be achieved without problems in other editors.

I am still not convinced that option one is not feasible, and @juliushaertl already mentioned that improvements can be made. The question would be whether those improvements are enough and how much work they require (i.e. how soon they would ship).

inthreedee commented 3 years ago

There is a proper markdown editor already available: Note that it requires the Plain Text Editor app to be installed and Text should be disabled to avoid conflicts.

It doesn't integrate into the iOS mobile client and I assume it's the same for Android. If you disable Text, markdown files become read-only on mobile.

My current solution is to accept the reality that Text may remain incompatible with actual markdown files due to design choices made early on. I disabled Text and use the Markdown Editor app online. On my phone, I purchased a third party markdown editor that doesn't misbehave like Text does. It connects to my Nextcloud files through the iOS files integration. I believe similar things are possible on Android.

claell commented 3 years ago

I know of those existing editors. I was mostly talking about an official solution, not manual workarounds. Maybe those apps can be used for that official solution, however there is likely some work needed to be done here, since as you say at least the app you linked needs Text to be disabled, doesn't work nicely on mobile etc.

For the issue, I am experiencing, I require an official solution, since I don't host the Nextcloud instance where this is relevant myself and don't want to ask the admins to perform the steps for a manual solution to this.

nilsbecker commented 3 years ago

However, if that editor is plain text, there will likely arise the request for a WYSIWYG markdown editor,

In my opinion this objection should not lead to paralysis on resolving the main issue. I think if according to option 2. above, the Text app gets its own extension and is no longer the default app for .md, then there would simply be no app for collaborative editing of .md files. So what? If one needs collab editing of rich text, use Text instead. That situation would still be much better than what we have now, where Text breaks user data by default.

daffydock commented 2 years ago

Just found this bug while deciding to use my Nextcloud instance as an office on the go, and to do some coding in *.md files. On a lighter note, I noticed that if you want to embed Youtube videos which is a feature showed on the Nextcloud site as something that you can do, that it has the caveat of only be displaying properly while using the Plain Text Editor app. Not in Text or in Notes.

Is there an update on this? Since I find myself in the unfortunate situation of using and liking the Collectives app, which requires the Text app to function. But if I want to work on code with other people, or even by myself, I run the risk of a file being incorrectly opened by mistake with the wrong app, once, and having the code be broken. The best practice would be to simply disable the Text app altogether, however, if I do that, then Collectives fails to work.

I mean, I could use the versioning app and then go back on past versions of the file if the breaking does happen, but it seems like a weird sort of go-around to fix a problem that should not even exist in the first place.

It seems the reason this cannot be fixed at the software level is because the application Text is based off does these changes internally so, it would require a lot of resources to change that, if not impossible without a major rewrite. So, I too agree that perhaps Text should have its own extension. Assuming Nextcloud wants to use the Text app as a Google Docs analogue like someone else stated elsewhere, then the fix with the fewer moving parts would be the alternative extension route.

Since it seems counterproductive to have an app that breaks code internally as part of its processing of them be used to open .md files, by default. Given how .md files are used so widely in coding.

claell commented 2 years ago

Ping @karlitschek in the hope to get some good solution for this problem. I'd think that having nextcloud work reliably is an important point for many customers, and this is one issue where nextcloud doesn't manage to deliver reliability.

jospoortvliet commented 2 years ago

@claell as a customer I suggest you file an issue with our support team, if it's in scope they will handle it according to the SLA. If you're not a customer, you're welcome to contribute of course - if you think it can be fixed.

From what I understand, Text parses the markdown to the internal format and exports it again, see also the link to Julius' comment above. Sadly, this is fundamentally lossy. Now as long as the other markdown editor also works with CommonMark, even if they reformat things a bit - I don't really see much of an issue. Other markdown apps might do the same, as long as they follow CommonMark it should not be a problem. If you use a markdown editor that has issues with CommonMark, that's perhaps something to address with that editor? Either way, that the look of a file gets changed by Text - as long as the rendered result is correct, it's a bit annoying (I feel the pain too sometimes) but it is only that - occasionally bothersome in a corner case.

Of course, if data gets lost instead of merely reformatted, that's annoying and should ideally not happen. But we developed text for use as a collaborative note taking app - not really for more advanced use, to be honest, and it works well for that use case. Changing the extension would inconvenience the majority of users for those few that might have problems - kind of like nuking a whole city because there's one person you don't like. I'd rather not go that far.

I think we should split this issue up:

The loss of formatting (spacing etc) itself is simply a won't fix (or can't fix rather) I'm afraid, but a plain text view and data/formatting problems can be addressed.

PhrozenByte commented 2 years ago

IMO @jospoortvliet's conclusion is false. This is not just some random inconvenience, it's a breaking issue and a violation of the CommonMark specs.

CommonMark was specifically designed with existing Markdown editors in mind. Markdown's history is very important here: Markdown never was standardized. Even CommonMark is no widely accepted standard, they are trying (IMO pretty well), but CommonMark simply isn't widely accepted. There's a huge number of Markdown parsers out there and the only common denominator was some descriptive document from John Gruber and Gruber's original parser for a very long time. His description of Markdown is very ambiguous, partially even contradicts itself and even the reference parser sometimes violates the rules. As a result, Markdown parsers behave more or less differently - especially in cases which aren't really covered by Gruber's document or in cases in which produces impractical results. In the recent past some people started the CommonMark project to resolve these uncertainties. The project is indeed very promising and a lot Markdown parsers already said that they will try to improve compliance to the CommonMark specs. But still, they all must keep their existing user base in mind and thus it's unlikely that CommonMark will ever be the only standard. Just as a reminder, GitHub's Markdown editor I'm typing in right now is no CommonMark editor...

Thus CommonMark editors might indeed misinterpret contents, but they must not remove contents. Reformatting is removing contents, as Markdown is a language heavily relying on formatting. Pretending that CommonMark is the standard and all other editors doing things differently are at fault is just wrong, this is an issue with Text. I've never seen any other editor doing something like this - and it's not just some random corner case.

However, @jospoortvliet is right, we can't just switch file extensions and tell the majority of users to rename their files manually. I totally agree that a plain text view switch is very important and at least reducing the incompatibilities is a good thing, too. However, I'm not seeing this to happen in the near future. But there's a quite simple short-term solution: Allow admins to unregister Text as default editor for .md files. The only other solution right now is to remove Text.

claell commented 2 years ago

@jospoortvliet I was using this as a user in a corporate Nextcloud installation, however, I don't think I can get their IT to file a ticket with the nextcloud support team.

Still, I think this is relevant and a basic requirement that customers just take as granted (not something they want to even have to file tickets about). This is why I tried to raise some awareness.

As a prominent example, tables are "destroyed":

I'll post this here again, so it is not forgotten:

Unfortunately this problem is even worse. When editing the file online with the editor, the line breaks are removed from the file.


  • Create a Markdown file with tables on your Desktop (Windows if that matters) and synchronize it to the Cloud.
  • View the file online (one can now observe that line breaks for the table are not displayed correctly)
  • Edit the file online (doesn't matter where, I changed something many lines above the table)
  • The file gets synchronized back to the Client
  • Now the file on the client also lacks line breaks for the table


| Heading | Test | Heading | Test |
| --- | :--- | --- | --- |
| Content | | | |
| Content | | | |
| Content | Test | Content | Test |

gets turned into

| Heading | Test | Heading | Test | | --- | :--- | --- | --- | | Content | | | | | Content | | | | | Content | Test | Content | Test |

Now, one could argue that tables don't seem to be supported by CommonMark, either. But then I'd say at least don't touch them. Instead the formatting is changed and newlines get removed which breaks them for other editors.

jospoortvliet commented 2 years ago

The line breaks things annoys me deeply too, it'd be great if that could be avoided - but that might be fixable in itself. I still think that needs a specific issue for it.

Allowing to set file open priorities etc would be a useful feature in any case, as well.

inthreedee commented 2 years ago

Quoting @PhrozenByte for emphasis:

Thus CommonMark editors might indeed misinterpret contents, but they must not remove contents. Reformatting is removing contents

To summarize: In this thread, we've collectively demonstrated examples of how Nextcloud Text's behavior is destructive to the original content of the file: Tables, spaces, indents, line breaks, footnotes, and headers. This makes the resulting text files incompatible with other markdown editors and it sounds like most of these cannot be fixed based on how Nextcloud Text was designed.

Now as long as the other markdown editor also works with CommonMark, even if they reformat things a bit - I don't really see much of an issue. Other markdown apps might do the same, as long as they follow CommonMark it should not be a problem. If you use a markdown editor that has issues with CommonMark, that's perhaps something to address with that editor?

This reasoning makes the faulty assumption that Nextcloud Text is the "owner" of the files being edited and it's therefore the responsibility of other apps to be compatible with its formatting. The problem with this is that Nextcloud Text is now the default editor of any .md files we have already created, store in Nextcloud Files for portability, and are using in other editors.

Basically, we are unable to both use Nextcloud Text for its intended purpose (collaborative text editor) and preserve and edit all of our existing .md files. We are having to choose between one or the other.

Everyone here is saying, essentially, "keep your filthy mitts off my .md files!"

Changing the extension would inconvenience the majority of users for those few that might have problems - kind of like nuking a whole city because there's one person you don't like.

I believe the idea was that Nextcloud Text would begin using a different file extension going forward, but still also open .md files by default. Regular users would see no change in behavior. If an admin then installs any other editor from the app store that wants to handle .md files, Nextcloud Text would stop opening .md files and allow that editor to become the default editor of .md files. This still seems like the ideal solution to me as there is a "proper" markdown editor in the app store that handles the situation very well.

The suggestion of adding a non-destructive plain text view only works if we can be guaranteed that every one of our existing .md files is only ever opened in plain text mode so their formatting is not destroyed. This may be a reasonable alternative solution, but I don't see how that guarantee can be met under the current design.

claell commented 2 years ago

@jospoortvliet There have been separate issues for single aspects before (I think) but this issue here was seen as the best place to subsume all of them. So is there really a need for separate issues for formatting, or can we just use this one and fix them?

Maybe one safe solution for now would be to prevent Nextcloud Text from opening existing .md files by default (until the "situation" is resolved) and have an opt-in for admins who want this (knowing the current problems)?

sandrock commented 2 years ago

Maybe one safe solution for now would be to prevent Nextcloud Text from opening existing .md files by default (until the "situation" is resolved) and have an opt-in for admins who want this (knowing the current problems)?

I would greatly appreciate an option to prevent markdown files from opening within this demonic "text" editor. Is there a way to configure that?

timkgh commented 2 years ago

I would greatly appreciate an option to prevent markdown files from opening within this demonic "text" editor. Is there a way to configure that?

See The page talks about the options you have.

max-nextcloud commented 2 years ago

I think it's theoretically possible to fix this issue - or at least some aspects of it.

Markdown files are processed by text like this:

  1. turned into html by markdown-it
  2. loaded into tiptap and turned into tiptaps internal json format by according to parseHTML specs
  3. rendered to html for display in the browser according to renderHTML functions
  4. rendered to markdown for serialization according to toMarkdown functions / prosemirror-markdown.

So what we'd need to do is preserve the information about the original markdown across these steps:

  1. add data attributes to all the html tags that describe the initial markdown
  2. parse the data attributes and turn them into attributes on the tiptap nodes
  3. Either render the attributes to preserve formatting during copy and paste or not to keep html simple
  4. take the attributes into account in the toMarkdown functions.

I see two possible venues:

Attributes per style

Let's take a heading for example. It can take these forms:

# H1 heading

H1 heading

So for this we would need to store which style is chosen, and how many equation signs there are under the heading. So something like this:

<h1 data-md-style="underline", data-md-length="9">H1 heading</h1>

Then we'd turn this into similarly named attributes in tiptap and render the same markdown when serializing it again.

Now the problem is that markdown is way too flexible. Let's take an <hr>... this should be simple, right. Except these are all valid:

 * * * * *
 * ** *** **** ***** **** *** ** *

So just encoding the char and length is not enough... You can have prefix whitespace and postfix and any number of interruptions. Basically this brings us to option 2.

Markdown in attributes

Instead of specifying some properties of the markdown in attributes we could store the entire markdown in the html and then the tiptap attributes:

<h1 data-md="H1 heading\n=========">H1 heading</h1>

Two problems arise though:

Imagine i have the heading above but change the content:

<h1 data-md="H1 heading\n=========">Other heading</h1>

Now if we serialize that... how can we tell the data-md is outdated and cannot be used anymore?

Basically we now have a markdown cache an need to make sure to invalidate it whenever elements change. This seems doable but cumbersome. On the plus side we'd have a cache for the toMarkdown function that we call on every edit.


I think we will need to strike a balance here. In order of priority:

  1. Changes to markdown that break common mark markup - i.e. change its meaning are bugs and need to be fixed.
  2. Changes to markdown that break commonly used extensions - say tables, foodnotes etc. should be prevented
  3. Commonly used and helpful formatting such as aligning tables should be preserved if the content is not touched.
  4. We should document what markdown is preserved when using text.
  5. We might be able to preserve it all - but most likely only if that has other benefits that outweight the cost of added code complexity.

Maybe we could even make use of markdownlint or so for 4.

dumblob commented 2 years ago

@max-nextcloud that sounds like a very good idea!

But before inventing own tagging etc. I'd first very thoroughly investigate how pandoc does that as pandoc supports seamless conversion from HTML to markdown (and vice versa, of course) as well as to/from JSON while preserving everything from CommonMark as well as many other information.

Writing filters for pandoc is a breeze just because the intermediate JSON format contains really all the information in a very understandable and simple enough form.

max-nextcloud commented 2 years ago

@dumblob Did i understand you correctly that with pandoc you can do markdown -> html -> markdown that preserves the markdown encoding? I'd be very impressed but also kind of surprised by that.

$ cat >
- - - - - -
$ pandoc -o test.html
$ cat test.html 
<hr />
$ pandoc test.html -o
$ cat 
dumblob commented 2 years ago

Some years ago I've done that. I've used some parameters (because pandoc is huge - and by default it does only subset of what it can do) and don't remember whether I used some filters in the end to augment the given outputs & inputs. ~But yeah, md -> html -> md shall be possible with pandoc.~

~Your example sounds like it works, right?~

Edit: never mind, with HTML it doesn't preserve line breaks nor other things. With JSON (which 1:1 represents pandoc's intermediary format) it does preserve certain parts of user formatting, but e.g. spaces are not preserved.

juliushaertl commented 2 years ago

The example shows the same kind of problem that text has unfortunately, that the HTML representation is not able to keep the exact source markdown representation as the markdown code for the horizontal line is different before and after.

That discussion aside, I think that the steps and priority order from above make sense:

I think we will need to strike a balance here. In order of priority:

  1. Changes to markdown that break common mark markup - i.e. change its meaning are bugs and need to be fixed.
  2. Changes to markdown that break commonly used extensions - say tables, foodnotes etc. should be prevented
  3. Commonly used and helpful formatting such as aligning tables should be preserved if the content is not touched.
  4. We should document what markdown is preserved when using text.
  5. We might be able to preserve it all - but most likely only if that has other benefits that outweight the cost of added code complexity.

Maybe we could even make use of markdownlint or so for 4.

Maybe we can get the individual issues for 1-4 into separate tickets for easier tracking and keep this one for the focus on 5?

max-nextcloud commented 2 years ago

With JSON (which 1:1 represents pandoc's intermediary format) it does preserve certain parts of user formatting, but e.g. spaces are not preserved.

Ahh... interesting. So that json might give us a clue what they deem worthy preserving.

Sieboldianus commented 2 years ago

Came here and just want to say: I have disabled Text App alltogether. This is not following the principle of least surprise: An app that's first supposed to display things is not expected to silently modify files. I had hundreds of markdown files destroyed and rendered unreadable from the Nextcloud Text App. Worse, there isn't even an option to display raw text output (which Markdown was actually designed for, originally speaking).

asaage commented 1 year ago

Real bummer that the text-app messes up my markdown files. I was trying "workflow external scripts" to pandoc-convert md-files to pfd but header/meta information in my markdown files get pretty much destroyed when i open them in the text-app.

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago

@asaage will preserve frontmatter. It will be shipped with text in NC 25. The other PRs already mentioned here will preserve whitespace.

Other formatting changes you would like to see prevented in particular?

nilsbecker commented 1 year ago

2751 and similar fixes address the worst and most obvious damage caused by the fact that text-app treats markdown as a file format that it has exclusive ownership of. It's impossible to know all other cases where text-app breaks existing uses of markdown -- and future ones. Therefore these are stop-gaps rather than a fix.

IMHO the Nextcloud text-app developers should reconsider whether they want to take on the burden of repairing all of these breakages one by one indefinitely into the future. A real fix would involve text-app defining and then legitimately owning a new file format which is identical to markdown except that it can be identified by humans and programs as belonging to text-app.

asaage commented 1 year ago will preserve frontmatter.

👍🏼 that's great

Other formatting changes

p3k commented 1 year ago

just don't mess with the contents of md files at all, please

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago
  • underlined text is not underlined but bold in my pdf's (that's most likely a pandoc thing)

That's basically a limitation of markdown. Markdown itself does not have a syntax for underline as it focusses on semantics rather than design. It only has emphasis and strong emphasis - usually rendered as italic and bold. We added underline because people asked for it and in some contexts (medicine) underline has another specific meaning. However we use standard markdown syntax for it (__underline__ vs **bold**) - which both mean strong emphasis. No idea if you can teach that to pandoc.

  • tables: the first table-row is always a header-row (maybe good practice but i don't always want that)

Again... markdown - or in this case github flavored markdowns definition of tables works that way. We considered using html tables instead but that opens a whole new can of worms.

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago

just don't mess with the contents of md files at all, please

Well... it's an editor... one could argue the whole point of it is to mess with the contents. :wink:

But I get your point.

Nextcloud 25 will ship with a switch to treat markdown as code rather than rich text. This will provide syntax highlighting rather than rich text formatting. It has to be picked for an entire Nextcloud instance though because so far we collaboration does not work between code editing and rich text editing clients.

Sieboldianus commented 1 year ago

Well... it's an editor... one could argue the whole point of it is to mess with the contents

But wouldn't it be better to first provide an app that can view text files, and then work on something that can edit files? Currently, there only exists plaintext-viewer, which isn't even official and not supported in the latest Nextcloud version.

I absolutely agree that md as a file format should not be misused for the nextcloud text-app-format. Markdown is used in so many different contexts that it is a pandora's box to overrule all these uses with Nextcloud's interpretation of the format.

JoshuaPettus commented 1 year ago

Well... it's an editor... one could argue the whole point of it is to mess with the contents. 😉

I know you are joking, but there is a point here. An application that edits should only modify a file with input from the user, not destructively modify the file as soon as it opens before the user has made any input.

timkgh commented 1 year ago

+1 to leaving the text alone in md files. People use VSCode, Obsidian and other tools to edit their md files, with their own linting and formatting rules that would be impossible to replicate in Nextcloud. I just want to view md in Nextcloud, best effort rendering to HTML, and maybe as a distant second apply very light edits (e.g. correct a minor typo, etc.) without destroying the file structure, just treat it as plain text in edit mode.

asaage commented 1 year ago

Honestly editing the files in Nextcloud is essential to me - i dont want to sync, down- and upload files or use other software for that. I'd be fine with a "edit in raw" toggle-button with highlighting and a "read-only/view"mode or a split panel like there was in the past. Im guessing the problems seem to be mainly caused by the collaboration features.

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago

I know you are joking, but there is a point here. An application that edits should only modify a file with input from the user, not destructively modify the file as soon as it opens before the user has made any input.

Yes... totally agree. #2686 will hopefully address that.

susnux commented 1 year ago

If you really need the exact syntax to stay the same, disable rich editing with NC25. This will result in all markdown files to be shown as their source code and no unintended modification will happen.

By default text is a wysiwyg editor, meaning it has to parse, render and reverse parse the document. This means your document will stay semantically the same*, but might slightly differ syntactically. So the parsed result is the same, while the source might differ, as HTML <-> Markdown is not bijective.

*as long as you stick with CommonMark + GHFM

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago

Im guessing the problems seem to be mainly caused by the collaboration features.

It's mostly because of the rich text editing / wysiwyg as susnux just explained. Collaboration just means we cannot have a per user setting to disable rich text editing.

timkgh commented 1 year ago

Would this help make Nextcloud a much better markdown editor?

asaage commented 1 year ago

Would this help make Nextcloud a much better markdown editor?

The whole point of markdown is, that you don't need a fancy editor and that after editing you can render it in other formats like html, pdf, odt... nextcloud-text / wysiwig is trying to go the other direction (html->md) with varying results.

bronson commented 1 year ago

*as long as you stick with CommonMark + GHFM

So, a subset of Markdown. People dropping a .md file in their Nextcloud folder will still be likely to discover this app's unpleasant surprise.

I really like the suggestion of using your own file extension for this editor. That way the Text app can continue to operate on the entire file however it likes, and people with .md files don't need to worry about their files getting wrecked if they put them in Nextcloud.

A site-wide global setting sounds like it will help for single-user Nextcloud setups. I'm not sure how useful it'll be for multi-user Nextcloud environments though.

max-nextcloud commented 1 year ago

*as long as you stick with CommonMark + GHFM

So, a subset of Markdown. People dropping a .md file in their Nextcloud folder will still be likely to discover this app's unpleasant surprise.

Let me quote Wikipedia article on markdown here:

The initial description of Markdown[10] contained ambiguities and raised unanswered questions, causing implementations to both intentionally and accidentally diverge from the original version. This was addressed in 2014, when long-standing Markdown contributors released CommonMark, an unambiguous specification and test suite for Markdown.[11]

So CommonMark is the de facto standard of markdown. I don't see why we'd want to bring the ambiguities back.

I really like the suggestion of using your own file extension for this editor. I don't see how this would address the problem. I don't think people want to edit one file in wysiwyg style and another one with syntax highlighting. What i am observing is that people either prefer one or the other. The closest thing to representing this would be a per user setting. Per user settings are hard given that we want collaboration between various users - that's how we end up with a per install setting.

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If you want to ensure your markdown files are treated as code rather than rich text, please ask your provider to toggle the corresponding setting or do so on your own instance.