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File reference previews broken #5958

Open mejo- opened 2 days ago

mejo- commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug After upgrading @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.13.0, previews of links to internal files (provided by ReferenceFileWidget.vue from the files app) are broken.

The request to the resolve endpoint still happens, but for some reason, the custom widget Vue reference is not replaced.

Trying to git bisect failed so far. Weirdly, downgrading @nextcloud/vue to 8.11.3 via npm i @nextcloud/vue@8.11.3 fixes the problem, but building against a locally linked @nextcloud/vue with v8.11.3 tag checked out doesn't fix it.

To Reproduce

Insert a link to a file and see the missing reference widget in the link bubble