nextcloud / updater

:arrows_counterclockwise: The updater app to keep your Nextcloud up-to-date
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NC updater 15.0.2 still fails on Delete old files (core/shipped.json is not available) #222

Open devplan44 opened 5 years ago

devplan44 commented 5 years ago

This is quite old and hasn't been fixed: NC updater 15.0.2 still fails on Delete old files (core/shipped.json is not available)

  1. I had to add "'maintenance' => false," to config.php -- otherwise the updater wouln't make it past the Backupstep. (Why don't we add some smart interactive choices?)
  2. Nearly every step has a parsing error. (Why can't the updater wait a bit more?!!)
  3. Updater doesn't make it past the Delete old files step because of missing core/shipped.json

I see that I am not the only one. The Updater index.php needs some MAJOR overhaul.

Screenshot from 2019-04-11 23-24-10

Snipped from updater log. (domain name changed) 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 DQkRuGYe3N [info] rollbackChanges("9") 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 DQkRuGYe3N [info] unlink .step 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 DQkRuGYe3N [info] rollbackChanges - step >= 7 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 DQkRuGYe3N [info] end of rollbackChanges() 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [info] request to updater 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [info] currentStep() 2019-04-11T21:06:48+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [info] POST request for step "9" 2019-04-11T21:06:49+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [info] startStep("9") 2019-04-11T21:06:49+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [info] deleteOldFiles() 2019-04-11T21:06:49+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [error] POST request failed with other exception 2019-04-11T21:06:49+0000 3q1nnwSQwU [error] Exception: Exception Message: core/shipped.json is not available Code:0 Trace:

0 /customers/2/3/6/ Updater->deleteOldFiles()

1 {main}

File:/customers/2/3/6/ Line:891

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago

@devplan44 Does this always happen with the file core/shipped.json?

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago
  1. I had to add "'maintenance' => false," to config.php -- otherwise the updater wouln't make it past the Backupstep. (Why don't we add some smart interactive choices?)

That is weird - it should not be needed and many instances out there also don't have this.

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago

2. Nearly every step has a parsing error. (Why can't the updater wait a bit more?!!)

That means your Webserver killed the request - very little we can do here. You need to configure the webserver to have a higher timeout.

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago

Could you try to run it from CLI? Does it work there? (because this is basically the same code without the fragile concept of webserver timeouts.

RobertBuhren commented 5 years ago

Similar Issue here (ver. 15.0.2). Command line update to 16.0.1 says:

[✘] Delete old files failed
core/shipped.json is not available

Any ideas how to fix thix?

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago

Any ideas how to fix thix?

Not really ... somehow the shipped.json was removed before it should, but code wise I can't explain it 🤔

marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

I keep seeing this with every NC upgrade.

First the upgrade fails because some (non-empty?) directories can not be removed e.g.

Could not rmdir /home/thingpul/nextcloud-data/updater-ocajd0capqkz/downloads/nextcloud/lib/l10n

Then I hit the 'Retry' upgrade button. Then NC is missing core/shipped.json so I create an empty file manually, hit 'Retry' again...and so on.

MorrisJobke commented 5 years ago

Could not rmdir /home/thingpul/nextcloud-data/updater-ocajd0capqkz/downloads/nextcloud/lib/l10n

Okay ... why can't it update the folder it just created? o.O

mlopezcoria commented 5 years ago

It happens to me too. I created /core/shipped.json and now updater show a new error message: Could not unlink: .../public_html/updater/../core/shipped.json

pirateszero92 commented 5 years ago

It happens to me too. I created /core/shipped.json and now updater show a new error message: Could not unlink: .../public_html/updater/../core/shipped.json

Same error, can we roll back ?

mlopezcoria commented 5 years ago

I managed to solve it fixing permissions: sudo chown -R apache:apache /nextcloud-dir/ Then I pressed Retry update again and it finished correctly.

pirateszero92 commented 5 years ago

I managed to solve it fixing permissions: sudo chown -R apache:apache /nextcloud-dir/ Then I pressed Retry update again and it finished correctly.

This is a good news to you, but i'm try to upgrade many times its still error.

now i'm roll back to 15.0.2.

RobertBuhren commented 5 years ago

Issue is still present when trying to update from 16.0.1 to 16.0.4

UkeFan commented 5 years ago

to 16.0.5 as well - but only in 1/4 of my 4 installations..

sankasan commented 4 years ago

I'm stuck on this issue with an update from 15.0.12 to 16.0.5.

I've tried fixing it by linking to ../data/updater-oc973db5j0hf/backups/nextcloud- course with the right permissions) but the updater unlinks that file at some point and I get the same error again.

sankasan commented 4 years ago

I haven't been able to fix this in any clean way. On IRC there was a suggestion to test this method:

However I worked around it by commenting out the deleteOldFiles() call after the files were removed (confirmed by looking at the directory via ssh) and restarted the updater/index.php process with the following hack:

            case 9:

The update completed. However I'm now looking at a blank screen instead of the nextcloud login page.... (seems to be a database driver issue in the required php update)

akwala commented 4 years ago

However I worked around it by commenting out the deleteOldFiles() call after the files were removed (confirmed by looking at the directory via ssh) and restarted the updater/index.php process with the following hack:

            case 9:

Got the error when trying to update 17.0.0 → 17.0.1. @sankasan's workaround got the update past this file but the "Delete old files" step is now reporting the following:

Parsing response failed. <p>The requested URI could not be accessed.</p> image

maximian888 commented 4 years ago

for me this happens from 17.02->18.02

had to reinstall nextcloud and install the new version, console upgrade hasn't worked - also with restarting from the beginning (data/upgrade-folder-rename), got stuck >>case 6

Zefling commented 4 years ago

Same problem for me: 18.0.4->18.0.6.

lin-b-github commented 3 years ago

I've experienced the same problems as others in this thread, which goes back to 11 April 2019 without any resolution.

I'm stuck at: Delete old files core/shipped.json is not available


I think I'll just delete NextCloud until the team works through some of the fundamental bugs. NextCloud certainly has potential -- it's clearly still a beta project, though. I'll try it again in 1-2 years; maybe this bug will be fixed by then.

Edit: I was attempting to update from Nextcloud 19.0.0 to 19.0.4 (channel: "stable").

marcelstoer commented 3 years ago

First the upgrade fails because some (non-empty?) directories can not be removed e.g.

Could not rmdir /home/thingpul/nextcloud-data/updater-ocajd0capqkz/downloads/nextcloud/lib/l10n

Then I hit the 'Retry' upgrade button. Then NC is missing core/shipped.json so I create an empty file manually, hit 'Retry' again...and so on.

I upgraded from 16.something to the latest 20 the other day and this has been an issue with every single upgrade step.

  1. rmdir failing. The updater log reports as the origin. Why do you let it fail on non-empty dirs and don't use a recursive rmdir implementation instead? Particularly as you have recursiveDelete(folder) in this very script? However, IMO this should be addressed in #158.
  2. The core/shipped.json is reported missing multiple times; 5-6x per update. In about half of the cases core was still there and I could simply run touch shipped.json inside it. In the other half of the cases I had to re-create the core dir first.

Whether the two issues are connected or whether they even have the same root cause I can't assess. However, as this has happened to me with every single upgrade ever since I first installed NC (version 12 or so) it looks like the process runs wild.

caco3 commented 3 years ago

The issue is most likely a duplicate of