nextcloud / user_external

👥 External user authentication methods like IMAP, SMB and FTP
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Nextcloud 29 support #246

Open prismopensource opened 3 months ago

prismopensource commented 3 months ago

Since Nextcloud 29 is already on beta 4 at the moment we would like to request Nextcloud 29 compatibility. Releases for user_external are already far apart and there still isn't a version that supports the current Nextcloud 28 at the moment so maybe we could combine the upcoming release with Nextcloud 29 compatibility?

VVD commented 2 months ago

29.0.0 just released:

prismopensource commented 1 month ago

@violoncelloCH any idea how we can accelerate the process to get this compatible with the latest Nextcloud version? It seems your app is mentioned again in the official documentation for Nextcloud 29.

joshtrichards commented 1 month ago

Have any of you tried force enabling the app and ran into any problems?

violoncelloCH commented 1 month ago

@violoncelloCH any idea how we can accelerate the process to get this compatible with the latest Nextcloud version? It seems your app is mentioned again in the official documentation for Nextcloud 29.

it now isn't anymore, see: nextcloud/documentation#11828

You can just force enable the app, there is nothing particular in this app, so as long as the few Nextcloud server APIs user_external is using did not change, this will still work. However due to my workload related to university I currently do not have the time to properly test and confidently create a release, sorry.

If someone wants to help testing (and ideally write some proper automated tests for this app; something I wanted to do since a bunch of time but never found the time to), this would help of course :)

Aaron-Ritter commented 1 month ago

The problem with testing it is probably that everyone is using one maybe two of the offered mechanism. I would be curious which mechanisms are actually used.

And with automating it you would have to provide proper mocking with unit tests or a stable backend for each technology during the runtime of the test. Which might be something you could try in a github workflow but this means you would have e.g. a IMAP server online with a user and password, in theory even with the different connection mechanisms if you want to be thorough.

Glandos commented 1 month ago

I tested Nextcloud 29.0.1 with IMAP authentication without issue.

OutbackMatt commented 2 weeks ago

I did this and it works for me with Nextcloud 29.0.2 with IMAP authentication without issue edit appinfo/info.xml(36):

-                <nextcloud min-version="25" max-version="28" />
+                <nextcloud min-version="25" max-version="29" />
Aaron-Ritter commented 2 weeks ago

the two recent comments are actually my point:

For one, we primarily use IMAP too, but the extension does more. My guess is that it's not known how big the user base is for each mechanism. And e.g. if the focus should be only to create a extension for IMAP instead?

VVD commented 2 weeks ago

There is no need to remove other methods. It's better to let users report errors if there are any.

Aaron-Ritter commented 2 weeks ago

@violoncelloCH any idea how we can accelerate the process to get this compatible with the latest Nextcloud version? It seems your app is mentioned again in the official documentation for Nextcloud 29.

it now isn't anymore, see: nextcloud/documentation#11828

You can just force enable the app, there is nothing particular in this app, so as long as the few Nextcloud server APIs user_external is using did not change, this will still work. However due to my workload related to university I currently do not have the time to properly test and confidently create a release, sorry.

If someone wants to help testing (and ideally write some proper automated tests for this app; something I wanted to do since a bunch of time but never found the time to), this would help of course :)

@VVD this refers to the thoughts about testing, either you know roughly the amount of usage for each mechanism or make sure to either:

a) only release and test what users are actually using, therefore remove anything you dont want to release and test

b) test only the mechanism which are "worth testing" and mark the rest as experimental which might be a risk in the end as you release something untested (especially when it comes to dependencies/vulnerabilities etc.)

c) just release with the remark that it is only community tested and hope it's all good

d) split it into individual packages for each mechanism and see which the community pushes hardest

e) test every mechanism before releasing manually or autoamted

VVD commented 2 weeks ago


b) test only the mechanism which are "worth testing" and mark the rest as experimental

If there are users of other mechanisms and are ready to regularly check the functionality with new versions of the NextCloud, then remove the experimental mark.

P.S. I also only use IMAP.