nextcloud / user_oidc

OIDC connect user backend for Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Claims query parameter with Google authentication breaks login #830

Open OskarsPakers opened 2 months ago

OskarsPakers commented 2 months ago

I have configured OIDC provider through configuration with Google.

Discovery endpoint: Scope: openid email profile User ID mapping: email

When logging in, user gets redirected to authentication endpoint and query parameter claims is appended claims: {"id_token":{"email":{"essential":true},"name":null,"quota":null,"groups":null},"userinfo":{"email":{"essential":true},"name":null,"quota":null,"groups":null}} which results in error page on Google login

Invalid parameter value for claims: Invalid claims: claims must have a single object value "id_token" [Learn more about this error](
If you are a developer of ... , see [error details](
Error 400: invalid_request

If claims parameter is removed, then authentication goes through. Should there be a parameter to avoid claims parameter to be passed?

julien-nc commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. Could you try to delete lines 263->268, 273 and 281 of apps/user_oidc/lib/Controller/LoginController.php?

Google's response says it would work with just having the id_token attribute in the claim GET param.

jjwinters commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. Could you try to delete lines 263->268, 273 and 281 of apps/user_oidc/lib/Controller/LoginController.php?

Google's response says it would work with just having the id_token attribute in the claim GET param.

I just tracked down this exact same issue. I can confirm that it works with just the id_token in claims, but not with userinfo.

Removing those lines you specify in LoginController.php fixes it!

(side note all my google searching yielded nothing, I did not find this issue until I tracked down this specific repo and searched for "userinfo" after determining it was the difference in the request)