nextdns / blocklists

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Add Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds #119

Closed yokoffing closed 4 months ago

yokoffing commented 1 year ago

Hey @romaincointepas,

Thank you for merging a previously popular pull request: By extension, many of us would also like to also have Hagezi's Threat Intelligence Feeds (TIF) to compliment our other blocklists.

Please offer @hagezi's TIF blocklist as an option. Details:

Thanks for your support,

yokoffing Maintainer of NextDNS Config guide

unknown4849 commented 6 months ago

Does the service not work as intended? Do you have issues? I think those should be reasons for switching not silence from the company especially when things just work.

the services still working, so no need worry, but now they only at maintenace mode no update or new feature or remove outdate blocklist ( i mean maintain this github repo)

xe-3 commented 5 months ago

Does the service not work as intended? Do you have issues? I think those should be reasons for switching not silence from the company especially when things just work.

Most people aren't drawn to NextDNS because it "Just Works," features and customizability are what made NextDNS stand out. If your only concern is a DNS provider that just works their are many good options (including NextDNS). But don't be dismissive of other peoples' desire that their DNS service is actively maintained and continuing to improve and innovate and receive attention from the developers.

ghost commented 4 months ago

Please add this feature as it would be very beneficial. As paying NextDNS customers, we should be treated with a bit more respect and not being ignored.

rs commented 4 months ago

Please check this thread:

rywz commented 1 month ago

Let us add custom blocklists then, that will solve most of the problems people have with NextDNS.

LunaticBFF57 commented 1 month ago

They don't even remove some of the old and un-updated blocklists, and besides, whenever something gets blocked is due to hagezi's list and not NextDNS's list. Also, hagezi has more sources than NextDNS's and is probably more updated.