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Plugin did not take subcommand options #5084

Open sfc-gh-hyu opened 1 week ago

sfc-gh-hyu commented 1 week ago

I am trying to develop a plugin against nextflow, however, it seems that subcommand options is considered as a parent command options:

Here is a simple plugin:

class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin implements PluginAbstractExec{

    MyPlugin(PluginWrapper wrapper) {

    List<String> getCommands() {
        [ 'run' ]

    int exec(String cmd, List<String> args) {
        System.out.println("command array: " + Arrays.toString(args))
        if( cmd == 'run' ) {
            return 0
        else {
            System.err.println "Invalid command: ${cmd}"
            return 1

When I run the plugin

$ ./ plugin nf-foo:run
command array: [[]]
$ ./ plugin nf-foo:run --foo bar
Unknown option: --foo=bar -- Check the available commands and options and syntax with 'help'

Did I miss anything?