nextfoam / baram

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Build packages for main Linux distros #89

Open fbob opened 1 week ago

fbob commented 1 week ago

Thank you very much for providing Baram ! It's an incredible value added to OpenFOAM and its community. :+1:

I think that Baram would greatly broaden its community if it could be also distributed with standard package of the main linux distro.

Anyway your project is really great, I wish you the best. Many thanks :)

kdg5424 commented 1 week ago

Hello @fbob. This is Donggyu from NEXTFOAM. Thank you for having interest in our software BARAM. Could you explain more what does it mean "distributed with standard package of the main linux distro."? Does it mean that you need the other version of BARAM in the various Linux distro like ROCKY, CentOS and etc.? We're supporting with Ubuntu now. So, do you mean that you want involved BARAM in the various Linux distro?

Regards Donggyu kim

fbob commented 1 week ago

Hi @kdg5424

Thank you very much for your kind and quick answer. Sorry if I was not clear.

What I indeed suggest is to eventually propose packages (via Baram dedicated repositories for example) for the main linux distros like debian/ubuntu (.deb), fedora/suse (.rpm) or arch (.pkg.tar).

Of course you can not support all the available distros but Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Suse/Arch are perhaps the ones to consider at first. I know it's not trivial and difficult.

The apptainer version could be indeed a solution but it's huge (and for the moment doesn't work for me).

Packages for the user's distro are more integrated and easier to install. It's an option you may consider as it could really help Baram to have a better Aura in the foam community.

Wish you the best.

Best regards, François

kdg5424 commented 1 week ago

Hello @fbob. We're providing BARAM for these Linux distros : Ubuntu 20.04 or later / CentOS 8.2 or alternatives / OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 / Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa".

Of course, we can provide for the other Linux distros and seriously considering. But it's so wide and we can't react for the every Linux distros face to face. And that's the reason why we provide apptainer.

In this situation, if you need the technical suport like installation and the way how to use BARAM, I suggest you to purchase BARAM Subscription model. I know it would be burdensome to you. But we provide the service with reasonable prices. You can see the price list of BARAM Subscription model here :

Thanks again for your interest in BARAM.

Regards Donggyu kim