nextgenusfs / funannotate

Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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diamond Once the parameter, subject-cover and query-cover is used, an error segment (core dumped) is reported. #1020

Closed zhixia-song closed 2 months ago

zhixia-song commented 2 months ago

diamond blastx --db /media/parasite/b19c8041-aec5-4311-a641-8f417d6fd1d6/nr/nr_all_diamond_blastdb/nr_all --query /media/parasite/b19c8041-aec5-4311-a641-8f417d6fd1d6/respiratory_tract_data/megahitdataEX_1-EX_2/final.contigs.fa --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore salltitles --max-target-seqs 1 -e 1e-5 --ultra-sensitive --subject-cover 60 --query-cover 60 --out /media/parasite/b19c8041-aec5-4311-a641-8f417d6fd1d6/respiratory_tract_data/megahitdataEX_1-EX_2/EX1_EX2e5diamond_output.txt

diamond v2.1.9.163 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Benjamin Buchfink, University of Tuebingen Documentation, support and updates available at Please cite: Nature Methods (2021)

CPU threads: 40

Scoring parameters: (Matrix=BLOSUM62 Lambda=0.267 K=0.041 Penalties=11/1) Temporary directory: /media/parasite/b19c8041-aec5-4311-a641-8f417d6fd1d6/respiratory_tract_data/megahitdataEX_1-EX_2

Target sequences to report alignments for: 1

Opening the database... [0.117s] Database: /media/parasite/b19c8041-aec5-4311-a641-8f417d6fd1d6/nr/nr_all_diamond_blastdb/nr_all (type: Diamond database, sequences: 707028945, letters: 272881947790) Block size = 400000000 Opening the input file... [0.054s] Opening the output file... [0s] Loading query sequences... [1.396s] Length sorting queries... Segment error (core dumped)

zhixia-song commented 2 months ago

delete this parameter, it can be work.