Open YDD99 opened 1 year ago
it is hard to help here without more info or an example of data that replicates the problem.
does the funannotate test
work at all for you (i know on current version it seems slow)
did you run funannotate check --show-versions
to see that all dependency software is installed properly.
You are running Python v 3.7.12. Now checking python packages... biopython: 1.79 goatools: 1.2.3 matplotlib: 3.5.3 natsort: 8.2.0 numpy: 1.21.6 pandas: 1.3.5 psutil: 5.9.2 requests: 2.28.1 scikit-learn: 1.0.2 scipy: 1.7.3 seaborn: 0.12.0 All 11 python packages installed
You are running Perl v b'5.032001'. Now checking perl modules... Carp: 1.38 Clone: 0.42 DBD::SQLite: 1.70 DBD::mysql: 4.046 DBI: 1.643 DB_File: 1.855 Data::Dumper: 2.183 File::Basename: 2.85 File::Which: 1.24 Getopt::Long: 2.52 Hash::Merge: 0.302 JSON: 4.10 LWP::UserAgent: 6.67 Logger::Simple: 2.0 POSIX: 1.94 Parallel::ForkManager: 2.02 Pod::Usage: 1.69 Scalar::Util::Numeric: 0.40 Storable: 3.15 Text::Soundex: 3.05 Thread::Queue: 3.14 Tie::File: 1.06 URI::Escape: 5.12 YAML: 1.30 local::lib: 2.000029 threads: 2.25 threads::shared: 1.61 All 27 Perl modules installed
Checking external dependencies... PASA: 2.5.2 CodingQuarry: 2.0 Trinity: 2.8.5 augustus: 3.5.0 bamtools: bamtools 2.5.1 bedtools: bedtools v2.30.0 blat: BLAT v35 diamond: 2.0.15 2.1.9 ete3: 3.1.2 exonerate: exonerate 2.4.0 fasta: no way to determine glimmerhmm: 3.0.4 gmap: 2021-08-25 4.69_lic hisat2: 2.2.1 hmmscan: HMMER 3.3.2 (Nov 2020) hmmsearch: HMMER 3.3.2 (Nov 2020) java: 17.0.3-internal kallisto: 0.46.1 mafft: v7.508 (2022/Sep/07) makeblastdb: makeblastdb 2.2.31+ minimap2: 2.24-r1122 pigz: pigz 2.6 proteinortho: 6.1.1 pslCDnaFilter: no way to determine salmon: salmon 0.14.1 samtools: samtools 1.16.1 signalp: 5.0b snap: 2006-07-28 stringtie: 2.2.1 tRNAscan-SE: 2.0.11 (Oct 2022) tantan: tantan 39 tbl2asn: no way to determine, likely 25.X tblastn: tblastn 2.2.31+ trimal: trimAl v1.4.rev15 build[2013-12-17] trimmomatic: 0.36 All 37 external dependencies are installed
as you see,i did funannotate check --show-versions, looks like no problem also i did funannotate test before ,spent almost two days and no results,i will try it again from begining, thank you
Funannotate v1.8.13 and below is not compatible with Augustus v3.4 and above. That's why it doesn't finish. So downgrade Augustus or upgrade funannotate to latest in master.
thank you very much ,thank you!
(funannotate) wangyuanbing@wangyb-System:~/Desktop/CZY/funannotate$ funannotate predict -i '/home/wangyuanbing/Desktop/CZY/funannotate/scaffolds_clean_sort_mask.fasta' --species "Hypocrella raciborskii" -o funannotate --cpus 4
[Nov 14 05:10 PM]: OS: Linux Mint 20.3, 8 cores, ~ 33 GB RAM. Python: 3.7.12 [Nov 14 05:10 PM]: Running funannotate v1.8.13
^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/bin/funannotate", line 10, in
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/site-packages/funannotate/", line 716, in main
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/site-packages/funannotate/", line 253, in main
if lib.which('bam2hints'):
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/site-packages/funannotate/", line 853, in which
stderr=devnull, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/", line 956, in communicate
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/", line 1019, in wait
return self._wait(timeout=timeout)
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/", line 1653, in _wait
(pid, sts) = self._try_wait(0)
File "/home/wangyuanbing/miniconda3/envs/funannotate/lib/python3.7/", line 1611, in _try_wait
(pid, sts) = os.waitpid(, wait_flags)
(funannotate) wangyuanbing@wangyb-System:~/Desktop/CZY/funannotate$ ^C