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how to remove the field ID from the shape-file for NextGIs Web #18

Open oksasteppe opened 8 years ago

oksasteppe commented 8 years ago

In ESRI shape-files the field ID is created by default and can not be deleted. Documentation for NextGIS Web confirms that (1.3) "В векторных файлах не должно быть смешанных и невалидных геометрий, даты не должны иметь значения NULL, не должно быть полей с названиями: id (ID), type (TYPE), source (SOURCE)" ((1.3) "In vector files the mixed and invalid geometry is forbidden, data with "NULL" value are not allowed, fields with names id (ID), type (TYPE), source (SOURCE) should be avoided". So how is it possible to avoid the field ID in the shape-file?

simgislab commented 8 years ago

In ESRI shape-files the field ID is created by default

No. It's not.

and can not be deleted

No. It CAN be deleted.

how is it possible to avoid the field ID in the shape-file?

Remove it.