nextjournal / clerk

⚡️ Moldable Live Programming for Clojure
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Error in Windows file path #565

Open snathspin opened 8 months ago

snathspin commented 8 months ago

I'm trying to create a Clerk notebook in a Polylith development workspace. One of my dependencies is a component in Polylith (a namespace in another folder). When I use this library I am unable to render the clerk notebook. Here is my "require" statement (polyNO.waterfall.interface is the library in question):

(ns analysis.clj
  (:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
            [tablecloth.api :as tc]
            [polyNO.waterfall.interface :as wtf])
  (:import (javax.imageio ImageIO)
           (java.awt.image BufferedImage)
           ( URL)))

Here is the stack trace:

Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
`nextjournal.clerk/show!` encountered an eval error with: `"c:\\Users\\SLastname\\Company Name Dropbox\\Stuart Lastname\\Project Name\\Network Project\\polyNO\\development\\src\\tlvcAnalysis.clj"`
{:nextjournal.clerk/doc {:blob->result {
 {:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide}} 
 {:nextjournal.clerk/var-from-def (var tlvcAnalysis.clj/waterfall-references)} 
 {:nextjournal.clerk/var-from-def (var tlvcAnalysis.clj/waterfall-data)} 
"8VxMLktXDdtVMc8iXimmtZ8NSKSLuY18iS4X8ByUYe38wJcyDLyPHV17oQkSvYDuZuMZzBdwAVhWgxup10 more…"
 nil} :blocks [{:loc {:column 1 :end-column 46 :end-line 1 :line 1} :text 
"{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide}}"
 :type :code} {:loc {:column 1 :end-column 28 :end-line 15 :line 2} :text "
(ns tlvcAnalysis.clj↩︎  (:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]↩︎            [tech482 more…"
 :type :code} {:doc {:content [{:attrs {:id 
:content [{:text 
 :type :text}] :heading-level 2 :type :heading} {:content [{:text 
This page summarizes a scenario and lists the top opportunities."
 :type :text}] :type :paragraph} {:content [{:text 
Each opportunity consists of the following:"
 :type :text}] :type :paragraph} {:content [{:content [{:content [{:text 
The opportunity aggregation (by product and customer / product line / other)."
 :type :text}] :type :plain}] :type :list-item} {:content [{:content [{:text 
A geographic map showing the product flows."
 :type :text}] :type :plain}] :type :list-item} {:content [{:content [{:text 
A waterfall showing the savings by category."
 :type :text}] :type :plain}] :type :list-item} {2 more…}] :type :bullet-list} {4 more…} {2 more…} {2 more…} {4 more…} {2 more…}] :footnotes [] :type :doc} :type :markdown} {3 more…} {3 more…} {3 more…} {3 more…} {2 more…}] :file 
c:\Users\SLastname\Company Name Dropbox\Stuart Lastname\Project Name\Network Project\42 more…"
 :footnotes [] :nav-path 
/c:/Users/SLastname/Company Name Dropbox/Stuart Lastname/Project Name/Network Optimization39 more…"
 :toc {2 more…}}}
Unhandled java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException