nextstrain / ncov

Nextstrain build for novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
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Update zh translation #22

Closed rneher closed 4 years ago

rneher commented 4 years ago

We updated the situation report. It would be great if this update was reflected in the translations in a timely manner: @fzhang12 @alvinxhan @wdingx (Wei was a PhD student/post-doc with me and offered to help as well).

The list of changes seems long, but the biggest chunks of text are completely touched. many are mainly updated numbers. Thank you very much for your work!

< title: Genomic analysis of nCoV spread. Situation report 2020-01-30.
> title: Genomic analysis of nCoV spread. Situation report 2020-01-25.
< date: "2020 Jan 30"
< dataset: ""
> date: "2020 Jan 25"
> dataset: ""
< # [Executive summary](
> # [Executive summary](
< Using 42</tag> publicly shared novel coronavirus (nCoV) genomes, we examined genetic diversity to infer date of common ancestor and rate of spread.
> Using 27 publicly shared novel coronavirus (nCoV) genomes, we examined genetic diversity to infer date of common ancestor and rate of spread.
< * the 42</tag> sampled genomes are very similar, differing from the consensus by 0-7 mutations
> * 27 sampled genomes are very similar, differing by 0-5 mutations
< # [Coronaviruses](
> # [Coronaviruses](
< * General information on coronaviruses on [Wikipedia]( _2020-01-30_
< * Summary of the nCov outbreak on [Wikipedia]( _2020-01-30_
< * Material provided by the [US CDC]( _2020-01-29_
> * General information on coronaviruses on [Wikipedia]( _2020-01-25_
> * Summary of the nCoV outbreak on [Wikipedia]( _2020-01-25_
> * Material provided by the [US CDC]( _2020-01-23_
< * Interactive risk analysis by [MOBS-lab]( _2010-01-29_
< * Interactive risk analysis by [ROCS-lab]( _2010-01-29_
< # [Novel coronavirus (nCoV) 2019-2020](
> # [Novel coronavirus (nCoV) 2019-2020](
< As of January 30th over 7,914 cases and 170 deaths [have been reported](
> As of January 25th, 2020 over 1400 cases and 42 deaths [have been reported](
< While the outbreak seems to be centered in Wuhan, which is now [under quarantine](, the virus has spread throughout China and abroad, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and Thailand, as well as Europe, North America, South Asia, the Middle East, and Australia. Limited local transmission outside of China has been reported.
> While the outbreak seems to be centered in Wuhan, which is now [under quarantine](, the virus has spread throughout China and abroad, including Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, USA, and France. Limited local transmission outside of China has been reported.
< # [How to interpret the phylogenetic trees](
> # [How to interpret the phylogenetic trees](
<   <img alt="cartoon of phylogenetic tree and corresponding alignment, with samples labelled A-E" width="500" src=""/>
>   <img alt="cartoon of phylogenetic tree and corresponding alignment, with samples labelled A-E" width="500" src=""/>
< # [Phylogenetic analysis](
> # [Phylogenetic analysis](http://localhost:4000/ncov/2020-01-25?m=div&d=tree)
< Here we present a phylogeny of 42</tag> strains of nCoV that have been publicly shared.
> Here we present a phylogeny of 27 strains of nCoV that have been publicly shared.
< The colours represent the within-country region or US-state of isolation, with the x-axis representing nucleotide divergence.
> The colours represent the city/US-state of isolation, with the x-axis representing nucleotide divergence.
< Other viruses have between one and seven mutations.
> Other viruses have between one and five mutations.
< # [Phylogenetic Interpretation](
> # [Phylogenetic Interpretation](
< We currently see little genetic diversity across the nCoV sequences, with 11</tag> out of 42</tag> sequences having no unique mutations.
> We currently see little genetic diversity across the nCoV sequences, with 8 out of 27 sequences having no unique mutations.
< We are starting to see groups of sequences that share mutations.
< One cluster contains sequences from Guangdong and four isolates from the US.
< Other clusters contain two to four isolates.
< Sequences in these clusters tend to be from more recent samples, suggesting that the virus has started to accumulate mutations as it spread in Wuhan and subsequently to other cities.
< There is currently no evidence that these mutations change how the virus behaves -- it is expected that RNA viruses mutate.
> At the moment, most mutations that can be observed are singletons – they are unique to individual genomes. Only the sequences that form the two clusters from Guangdong and the sequence form the USA share mutations – we will explore these in later slides.
< # [Within-family transmission 1](
> # [Within-family transmission 1](
< There are three genetically-identical isolates from Zhuhai (Southeastern China, Guangdong Province) which form a cluster, sharing one unique mutation seen in no other isolate (you can hover your mouse over the branches to see which mutations are present).
> There are two genetically-identical isolates from Zhuhai (Southeastern China, Guangdong Province) which form a cluster, sharing one unique mutation seen in no other isolate (you can hover your mouse over the branches to see which mutations are present).
< Two of these cases (ending 028 and 040) are [known to come from a single family](, again indicating human-to-human transmission.
< We don't have information about the third case.
> These two cases are [known to come from a single family](, again indicating human-to-human transmission.
< # [Within-family transmission 2](
> # [Within-family transmission 2](
< Of the six isolates from Guangdong Province (which includes the city of Shenzhen) we see four isolates which are genetically identical.
> Of the six isolates from Shenzhen (Southeastern China, Guangdong Province) we see four isolates which are genetically identical.
> Two of these mutations are also found in the sequence of the case in Washington, USA (more below).
> One sequence from Shenzhen has two additional mutations.
< Three of the sequences from Guangdong (ending F025, F013, and F012) are [known to come from a single family](, and almost certainly represent human-to-human transmission.
> The sequences form Shenzhen are [known to come from a single family](, and almost certainly represent human-to-human transmission.
< # [Within-family transmission 2 - shared mutations](,Los%20Angeles,Orange%20County,Seattle,Chicago,Phoenix)
< The three mutations found in this cluster are also present in the Arizona, USA isolate, and two of the mutations are found in three other USA isolates.
> # [Cases outside China](
> There are reported diagnostically confirmed nCoV cases in many East and South-East Asian countries, USA, Australia, and Europe.
> Vietnam has reported a case without travel history to Wuhan who possibly got infected from a [relative visiting from Wuhan](
< # [Within-family transmission 3](
< Finally, the two sequences from France are identical, sharing one unique mutation, and one mutation also found in one of the USA isoaltes and the Taiwanese isolate.
> The only currently available sequence data for cases outside of China are the two cases from Thailand and one case from the USA, which are coloured here in yellow and red, respectively.
> The Thai samples are genetically identical to six Chinese sequences, including five isolated in Wuhan.
> The sequence from Washington, US, shares two mutations with the cluster of sequences from Shenzhen.
< The two french sequences are [known to be from the same family]( - a Chinese couple from Wuhan.
< # [Cases outside China](
< There are reported diagnostically confirmed nCoV cases in many East and South-East Asian countries, USA, Australia, the Middle East, and Europe.
< Vietnam, Japan, and Germany have reported transmission within the country, albeit always with a known link to Wuhan, China.
< <br>
> The case from Washington, USA, had travelled to Wuhan.
> The most parsimonious explanation for the observed pattern of mutation sharing is the virus variant with the two shared mutations was circulating in Wuhan and was independently exported to Shenzhen and to the USA.
< The only currently available sequence data for cases outside of China are the two cases from Thailand, five from the USA, two from France, and one from Taiwan.
< The Thai samples are genetically identical to nine Chinese sequences, including seven isolated in Wuhan.
< Four sequences from the US share two mutations with the cluster of sequences from Shenzhen.
< The remaining sequence from the US shares a mutation with the sequence from Taiwan and the two from France.
< <br>
< The most parsimonious explanation for the observed pattern of mutation sharing between the US and Shenzhen sequences is a virus variant with the two shared mutations was circulating in Wuhan and was independently exported to Shenzhen and multiple times to the USA.
< There is no evidence for a link between US sequences other than a link to Wuhan.
< # [Dating the time of the most recent common ancestor](
> # [Dating the time of the most recent common ancestor](
< With the additional sequences shared during the past week, the tree now shows several distinct clusters such that our analysis from 2020-01-25 assuming a star-like topology is no longer appropriate.
< We reproduce here our analysis based on data available up to 2020-01-25
< assuming a star-like phylogeny structure along with a Poisson distribution of mutations through time to estimate the time of the most recent common ancestor ('TMRCA') of sequenced viruses.
< **We found that the common ancestor most likely existed between mid-Nov and the beginning of Dec 2019. The biggest source of uncertainty is the substitution rate.**
> Here, we assume a star-like phylogeny structure along with a Poisson distribution of mutations through time to estimate the time of the most recent common ancestor ('TMRCA') of sequenced viruses.
> **We find that the common ancestor most likely existed between mid-Nov and the beginning of Dec 2019.**
<   <img alt="graph of TMRCA estimates based on different mutation rates" width="500" src=""/>
>   <img alt="graph of TMRCA estimates based on different mutation rates" width="500" src=""/>
< Using the entire data set, the nextstrain analysis pipeline estimates that the common ancestor most likely existed between late-Nov and the beginning of Dec 2019.
< There is a [confirmed case in Wuhan with onset date of Dec 1, 2019](, which would put an upper bound on the date of most recent common ancestor.
< The common ancestor of viruses sequenced to date might be later than this date though.
> As the more samples are sequenced, we expect the tree to show more structure, such that the star-like phylogeny topology is no longer a good assumption.
> At this point, phylodynamic estimates of the age of the epidemic will become feasible.
< More detailed modeling of the onset of the outbreak are onging.
< Despite considerable uncertainty, our best guess is remains late November/early December.
> There is a [confirmed case in Wuhan with onset date of Dec 1, 2019](, which would put an upper bound on the date of most recent common ancestor. And strongly suggests evolutionary rates of ~3.0 x 10^-4 are more plausible.
< # [Estimating the growth rate](
> # [Estimating the growth rate](
< Scientists at Imperial College London have used the number of cases observed outside of China to estimate the [total number of cases]( and suggested that there have been at least several thousand cases by 2020-01-22.
< With the additional exported cases since and the continued growth of confirmed cases in China, we currently have to expect at least 50000 cases to date.
> Scientists at Imperial College London have used the number of cases observed outside of China to estimate the [total number of cases]( and suggested that there have been at least several thousand cases.
< **We find plausible estimates of R0 between 1.8 and 3.5.**
> **We find plausible estimates of R0 between 1.5 and 3.5.**
< If we assume the outbreak started at the beginning of November 2019 (12 weeks ago), we find that R0 should range between 1.8 and 2.5, depending on how large ('n') the outbreak is now.
> If we assume the outbreak started at the beginning of November 2019 (12 weeks ago), we find that R0 should range between 1.5 and 2.5, depending on how large ('n') the outbreak is now.
<   <img alt="graph of R0 estimates with epidemic start 12 weeks ago" width="500" src=""/>
>   <img alt="graph of R0 estimates with epidemic start 12 weeks ago" width="500" src=""/>
< If we assume a more recent start, at the beginning of December 2019 (8 weeks ago), the estimates for R0 range between 2.2 and 3.5:
> If we assume a more recent start, at the beginning of December 2019 (8 weeks ago), the estimates for R0 range between 1.8 and 3.5:
<   <img alt="graph of R0 estimates with epidemic start 8 weeks ago" width="500" src=""/>
>   <img alt="graph of R0 estimates with epidemic start 8 weeks ago" width="500" src=""/>
< This estimates are broadly consistent with those by other scientists which mostly fall between R0=2-3, see for example <a href="">this preprint</a>.
< Importantly, R0 is a quantitity that depends strongly on the socio-economic context and infection control measures.
< # [Scientific credit](
> # [Scientific credit](
<  * Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan
<  * Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
< # [Detailed scientific credit](
> # [Detailed scientific credit](
<    - Guangdong/20SF001/2020
<    - Guangdong/20SF174/2020
<    - Guangdong/20SF206/2020
<    - Guangdong/20SF207/2020
<    - Foshan/20SF207/2020
<    - Foshan/20SF210/2020
<    - Foshan/20SF211/2020
<    - USA/AZ1/2020
<    - USA/IL1/2020
<    - USA/CA1/2020
<    - USA/CA2/2020
<  * Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan
<    - Taiwan/2/2020
<  * Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
<    - France/IDF0372/2020
<    - France/IDF0373/2020
emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

I have already created a branch sit-rep_zh with the new file to be translated:

To make it easier to see what's changed, I've created a 'fake' diff file which shows the changes only in the text. You still must use the latest ncov_sit-rep_(lang) file as your basis, because the code parts of the file have changed!

You can view the text differences here.

Note there are two entirely new slides - these I've put in the diff file with code so that you can spot them more easily. You see them in the newer version from line 207.

Sequence numbers now sometimes followed by </tag> - you do not have to this if you don't want - it was just to make it easier for us - in the time it took to update the narrative the number of sequences kept changing so this makes it easier to search and replace!

There may be multiple people working on this translation. so I recommend committing and pushing often to help avoid the work being done twice! Thank you all for your efforts!

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @rneher @emmahodcroft for the update

Hi @wdingx , welcome to the zh translation team :) We, also @alvinxhan , can take part of the job to speed up with the whole translation. I will start from the bottom this evening because I don't have much time during the day.

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

Heads up! I have started the translation. See

I have translated everything up to #Within-family transmission 2 - shared mutations

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

@wdingx (hello!) @fzhang12 - I can finish up the rest if need be (just holler!); Stopped here since @fzhang12 started from the end of the narrative.

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

@emmahodcroft @rneher - I think the R0 estimate in the executive summary (English one as well) should be updated as between 1.8 and 3.5?

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

Yes! If you can fix this in your version I would appreciate it! Thank you! @Chjulian also spotted this...

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

@emmahodcroft Yep, I've already changed it to 1.8!

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

@alvinxhan & @fzhang12 @wdingx You can preview how the branch you are working on looks here!:

Give me a ping when you are happy with how it looks, and I'll set it live!

wdingx commented 4 years ago

Thanks @fzhang12 @alvinxhan @emmahodcroft I am adding a few updates now. (One sentence is missing + small edits)

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

Great work! thanks @alvinxhan @wdingx

I am reading through the whole translation, and rewriting some of sentences just to make them more understandable for non-scientist readers also. I suppose it will take relatively long, so could you please not update the current version of it for a moment? Thanks again :)

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

Evening, @alvinxhan @wdingx I finished and uploaded my comments. I edited quite a few words in the previous part, i.e. evolutionary contents. And adding @wdingx in the author list :)

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

Do you think it's looking good to go, or shall I hold off? You can check out the full version here and ensure it all makes sense and looks good!

Tag me here if you think it's ready and I'll push it live :) Thank you all for your hard and speedy work!!

wdingx commented 4 years ago

@fzhang12 Many thanks. I just read through the text. It seems that your comments are not added to the branch sit-rep_zh. Could you have a look? Thanks.

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

I've pinged @fzhang12 on Twitter to see if she might be able to check she pushed! :)

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

@emmahodcroft @wdingx @fzhang12 - had some time on my hands. I completed the translation building upon @fzhang12's work in the previous report.

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what to do, but haven't heard from @fzhang12 this morning. Would be lovely to have her contributions, but unsure when she might be available to find what went wrong.

@alvinxhan Does the preview look good to you? Would you say we are otherwise good to go? Thank you for your work!

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

@emmahodcroft Sorry, I was at a workshop this morning. I think I had a problem with my connection yesterday. I am working on the current file.

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

Ok great! Yes, I figured you were probably busy - no worries at all! Have a look and let us know what you think. :)

alvinxhan commented 4 years ago

The preview looks good to me but I would wait for either @fzhang12 or @wdingx to give it a run through before going online. I only gave the translation a go in case things are time-sensitive.

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

@alvinxhan Much appreciated! Certainly no urgency in the next few hours, but we'd really love to get the update up today if at all possible! Thanks for your quick work!

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

@alvinxhan @wdingx @emmahodcroft sorry for the delay, I read it through and uploaded my comments. Glad to work with you all :)

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

So without being able to read what it says, visually it looks good to me too. I'm about to go to lunch - if anyone willing to give the final ok, let me know, and I'll push it live when I'm back!

fzhang12 commented 4 years ago

I screened @wdingx 's work also. It was already quite good to me so I didn't change so much. I am totally satisfied with it so, yes @emmahodcroft we are ready to go

emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

Great! Thank you all! I will push after lunch and tag you all in a tweet :)

On Fri, 31 Jan 2020, 12:50 fzhang12, wrote:

I screened @wdingx 's work also. It was already quite good to me so I didn't change so much. I am totally satisfied with it so, yes @emmahodcroft we are ready to go

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emmahodcroft commented 4 years ago

It's now live at : And I have tweeted, tagging you, here:

The changes to the main Nextstrain page have been made but it will take a few minutes for the checks to complete and the server to start sending out the changes - but should be up there very soon!

Thank you all again for your work - it's so great to be able to get it out in Chinese so quickly!