nextstrain / translations

Repo for translations of nextstrain website and COVID-19 weekly situation reports.
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Translate May 15 covid report into Russian #193

Closed cassiawag closed 4 years ago

cassiawag commented 4 years ago

Happy weekend @nextstrain/russian,

The situation report from 2020-05-15 is ready to be translated to Russian. This week's report is short and focuses on mutations. It's targeted more at the public than some of our previous reports and is intended to answer some of the many questions we've been receiving on the subject. I hope it will be useful for Russian speakers.

Sadly, this will be our last weekly Situation Report for awhile although we'll issue periodic sit-reps as needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for translating these reports. It's been an amazing collaborative effort to be involved in. I'll miss working with you on them. I've personally derived a lot of global solidarity from our work together. Although we will all probably enjoy having more time on the weekend!

Branch to translate on: sit-rep_ru

File to translate: You can translate directly in this file, but please remember to push often as other people may be working on the translation!

Link to preview:

Twitter post to translate: “Our latest situation report focuses on viral mutations: why they occur, when they matter, and how they can be useful in tracking outbreaks. The report is now available in Russian.

Since repeated patterns of viral introduction and spread across the world have become clear, we'll be pausing weekly situation reports for a while. We will publish periodic situation reports as the data allows.

Thank you to @, @, @ for their rapid translation of this report. Thank you to @, @ for their work on previous translations as well."

Regards, Cassia

Logistics Please update the translations board as you work on the translation:

Please assign yourself to the translation if you’re working on it this week.

When a translation is ready for publication -- at minimum meaning two people have worked on it and both agree that it’s ready -- please create a pull request to merge to master and tag me and the issue in it!

Discussion board for your team is here:

Standard rules for translation: Note that the file to translate is in Markdown. In general, it is important not to change any formatting or links. (Although it is okay to update Wikipedia or CDC links to the appropriate language version.) Comments to help with translation are noted in comment symbols like <! -- Comment -->.

Please add your name under translators: with new line, tab, and dash, formatted just like authors are. Please also add a link to your professional page (can use Twitter) under translatorLinks:.

Note: You may know of other great resources available in Russian; please don’t add them to the situation report. We need to keep content the same across all translations, so we can be confident in the accuracy of what we publish. Thanks for understanding.

At minimum, I require two sets of eyes on every translation; one of those people should have a background in phylogenetics. Although if you have more, that’s fine too.

Feel free to use a live, online editor like hackmd (sign in with GitHub) to translate together.

frogtraveler commented 4 years ago

That's a pity, I liked our reports. This report is, however, is very useful. @cassiawag Maybe we can continue doing more educational reports, using genomic data to explain common (and constantly arising) misconceptions... I'll start translating :)

frogtraveler commented 4 years ago

Here is a tweet translation: “Наш последний ситуационный отчет фокусируется на вирусных мутациях: почему они возникают, в каких случаях они важны, и как они помогают c отслеживанием вспышек. Отчет теперь доступен на русском языке.

Поскольку повторяющиеся мотивы заноса вируса и его распространения по всему миру очевидны, мы на время прекращаем еженедельные отчеты. Мы будем публиковать периодические ситуационные отчеты, если появятся новые данные.

Спасибо @varvarakozyreva и @MEKlab за быстрый перевод данного отчета. Также спасибо Daniel Taliun, Vadim Puller и @ivan_aksamentov за их работу над предыдущими переводами”.

I'm not sure if I've included all interpreters who contributed to translations at different periods of time. It was a pleasure to work with all of you! The report is ready for publication.

irina95511 commented 4 years ago

Dear @cassiawag, that was an honor for me working with Nextstrain team! You do a great research and I have learnt a lot from the reports, thanks you for that! Please, let us know whenever our help is needed again! Take care.

cassiawag commented 4 years ago

Published and tweeted:

And yes Varvara, you got all of them, thank you! Educational reports are a good idea -- I'll pass it on to the team.