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expanding width of expand_colm doesn't work #1

Open haeinkang opened 5 years ago

haeinkang commented 5 years ago

expanding width of expand_colm doesn't work

`$('.expand_colm').each(function(index){ $(this).attr('expand_colm-index', index); });

//cal_date_colm의 확장 버튼
width = width*2;
    $(this).attr('expand_btn-index', index);
    $('.expand_colm[expand_colm-index=' + index + ']').animate({'width': width}, 500).css({'z-index':1});

// // cal_date_colm의 확장 버튼 
// $('.expand_btn').click(function(){
//  width = width*2;
//  $('.expand_colm').animate({'width': width}, 500).css({'z-index':1});
// });`
haeinkang commented 5 years ago

$('.expand_btn').each(function(index){ $(this).attr('expand_btn-index', index); }).click(function(){ var index = $(this).attr('expand_btn-index'); $('.expand_colm[expand_colm-index=' + index + ']').animate({'width': width}, 500).css({'z-index':1}); });

index에 expand_btn-index 값을 삽입해 주는 것을 까먹었었음. var index = $(this).attr('expand_btn-index');