nexxai / CryptoBlocker

A script to deploy File Server Resource Manager and associated scripts to block infected users
GNU General Public License v2.0
200 stars 73 forks source link

Request: Enable command options #21

Open Solaris17 opened 7 years ago

Solaris17 commented 7 years ago

In my environment I run a separate script when the filter is tripped, would it be possible to not overwrite or add modifications of these fields in the script?

Peck49 commented 7 years ago

In my environment I adapted the script to be a "maintenance" script that I schedule after the initial installation script as I wanted the same thing you're after. I wanted to make changes on the command tab and have them stay. So I altered it a bit so that it would remove and re-add the file groups. ALTER the template to remove the file groups from it, then re-add the file groups, then remove and re-add the actual file screens. I've pasted it below. The lines that you're after are on 283 - 298. I simply use the modify switch to alter the template as opposed to deleting it.

# Version: 1.1

################################ USER CONFIGURATION ################################

# Names to use in FSRM
$fileGroupName = "CryptoBlockerGroup"
$fileTemplateName = "CryptoBlockerTemplate"
# set screening type to
# Active screening: Do not allow users to save unathorized files
$fileTemplateType = "Active"
# Passive screening: Allow users to save unathorized files (use for monitoring)
#$fileTemplateType = "Passiv"

# Write the email options to the temporary file - comment out the entire block if no email notification should be set
$EmailNotification = $env:TEMP + "\tmpEmail001.tmp"
"Notification=m" >> $EmailNotification
"To=[Admin Email]" >> $EmailNotification
## en
"Subject=Unauthorized file from the [Violated File Group] file group detected" >> $EmailNotification
"Message=User [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] to [File Screen Path] on the [Server] server. This file is in the [Violated File Group] file group, which is not permitted on the server."  >> $EmailNotification
## de
#"Subject=Nicht autorisierte Datei erkannt, die mit Dateigruppe [Violated File Group] übereinstimmt" >> $EmailNotification
#"Message=Das System hat erkannt, dass Benutzer [Source Io Owner] versucht hat, die Datei [Source File Path] unter [File Screen Path] auf Server [Server] zu speichern. Diese Datei weist Übereinstimmungen mit der Dateigruppe [Violated File Group] auf, die auf dem System nicht zulässig ist."  >> $EmailNotification

# Write the event log options to the temporary file - comment out the entire block if no event notification should be set
$EventNotification = $env:TEMP + "\tmpEvent001.tmp"
"Notification=e" >> $EventNotification
"EventType=Warning" >> $EventNotification
## en
"Message=User [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] to [File Screen Path] on the [Server] server. This file is in the [Violated File Group] file group, which is not permitted on the server." >> $EventNotification
## de
#"Message=Das System hat erkannt, dass Benutzer [Source Io Owner] versucht hat, die Datei [Source File Path] unter [File Screen Path] auf Server [Server] zu speichern. Diese Datei weist Übereinstimmungen mit der Dateigruppe [Violated File Group] auf, die auf dem System nicht zulässig ist." >> $EventNotification

################################ USER CONFIGURATION ################################

################################ Functions ################################

Function ConvertFrom-Json20
    # Deserializes JSON input into PowerShell object output
    Param (
        [Object] $obj
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions
    $serializer = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
    return ,$serializer.DeserializeObject($obj)

Function New-CBArraySplit
        Takes an array of file extensions and checks if they would make a string >4Kb, 
        if so, turns it into several arrays

    $Extensions = $Extensions | Sort-Object -Unique

    $workingArray = @()
    $WorkingArrayIndex = 1
    $LengthOfStringsInWorkingArray = 0

    # TODO - is the FSRM limit for bytes or characters?
    #        maybe [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_).Count instead?
    #        -> in case extensions have Unicode characters in them
    #        and the character Length is <4Kb but the byte count is >4Kb

    # Take the items from the input array and build up a 
    # temporary workingarray, tracking the length of the items in it and future commas
    $Extensions | ForEach-Object {

        if (($LengthOfStringsInWorkingArray + 1 + $_.Length) -gt 4095) 
            # Adding this item to the working array (with +1 for a comma)
            # pushes the contents past the 4Kb limit
            # so output the workingArray
                index = $WorkingArrayIndex
                FileGroupName = "$Script:FileGroupName$WorkingArrayIndex"
                array = $workingArray

            # and reset the workingArray and counters
            $workingArray = @($_) # new workingArray with current Extension in it
            $LengthOfStringsInWorkingArray = $_.Length

        else #adding this item to the workingArray is fine
            $workingArray += $_
            $LengthOfStringsInWorkingArray += (1 + $_.Length)  #1 for imaginary joining comma

    # The last / only workingArray won't have anything to push it past 4Kb
    # and trigger outputting it, so output that one as well
        index = ($WorkingArrayIndex)
        FileGroupName = "$Script:FileGroupName$WorkingArrayIndex"
        array = $workingArray

################################ Functions ################################

################################ Program code ################################

# Get all drives with shared folders, these drives will get FRSRM protection
$DrivesContainingShares = @(Get-WmiObject Win32_Share | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 0 } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path |
 Where-Object {$_ -like "C:\*"} | 
 ForEach-Object { 
                 ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$_).FullName  # Extract the path, as a string
                  } | Sort-Object -Unique 

Get-WmiObject Win32_Share | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 0 } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path |
 Where-Object {$_ -notlike "C:\*"} | 
 ForEach-Object { 
                 ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$_).Root.Name  # Extract the Root, as a string
                  } | Sort-Object -Unique) 

#$DrivesContainingShares = @(Get-WmiObject Win32_Share |            # all shares on this computer, filter:
#                            Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 0 } |       # 0 = disk drives (not printers, IPC$, C$ Admin shares)
#                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path |    # Shared folder path, e.g. "D:\UserFolders\"
#                            ForEach-Object { 
#                                ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$_).Root.Name  # Extract the driveletter, as a string
#                            } | Sort-Object -Unique)               # remove duplicates

if ($drivesContainingShares.Count -eq 0)
    Write-Host "`n####"
    Write-Host "No drives containing shares were found. Exiting.."

Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "The following shares needing to be protected: $($drivesContainingShares -Join ",")"

# Identify Windows Server version, and install FSRM role
$majorVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$minorVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor

Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Checking File Server Resource Manager.."

Import-Module ServerManager

if ($majorVer -eq 10)
    $checkFSRM = Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager

    if ($minorVer -eq 0 -and $checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2016
        Write-Host "`n####"
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2016).."
        Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager -IncludeManagementTools


elseif ($majorVer -ge 6)
    $checkFSRM = Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager

    if ($minorVer -ge 2 -and $checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2012
        Write-Host "`n####"
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2012).."
        Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager -IncludeManagementTools
    elseif ($minorVer -ge 1 -and $checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2008 R2
        Write-Host "`n####"
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2008 R2).."
        Add-WindowsFeature FS-FileServer, FS-Resource-Manager
    elseif ($checkFSRM.Installed -ne "True")
        # Server 2008
        Write-Host "`n####"
        Write-Host "FSRM not found.. Installing (2008).."
        &servermanagercmd -Install FS-FileServer FS-Resource-Manager
    # Assume Server 2003
    Write-Host "`n####"
    Write-Host "Unsupported version of Windows detected! Quitting.."

# Process DisableNIC.ps1
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Processing Network Interface.."
If (Test-Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\DisableNIC.ps1)
    Write-Host " NIC file already exists. Skipping file creation"

$emptyFile = @'
# This file will be used to shut down the NIC card in the event of a known infection.
netsh int set int name="ReplaceMe" admin=disabled
Set-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\DisableNIC.ps1 -Value $emptyFile
$NICName = get-wmiobject win32_networkadapter -filter "netconnectionstatus = 2" |

Select-Object -ExpandProperty netconnectionid

(Get-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\DisableNIC.ps1) -replace ("ReplaceMe", $NICName) | Set-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\DisableNIC.ps1

$emptyFile2 = @'
# This file may be used to re-enable the NIC once the threat has been resolved.
netsh int set int name="ReplaceMe" admin=enabled
    Set-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\EnableNIC.ps1 -Value $emptyFile2

    (Get-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\EnableNIC.ps1) -replace ("ReplaceMe", $NICName) | Set-Content -Path C:\CryptoBlocker\NICScripts\EnableNIC.ps1


# Download list of CryptoLocker file extensions
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Dowloading CryptoLocker file extensions list from api.."
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$jsonStr = $webClient.DownloadString("")
$monitoredExtensions = @(ConvertFrom-Json20 $jsonStr | ForEach-Object { $_.filters })

# Process SkipList.txt
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Processing SkipList.."
If (Test-Path .\SkipList.txt)
    $Exclusions = Get-Content .\SkipList.txt | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
    $monitoredExtensions = $monitoredExtensions | Where-Object { $Exclusions -notcontains $_ }

    $emptyFile = @'
# Add one filescreen per line that you want to ignore
# For example, if *.doc files are being blocked by the list but you want 
# to allow them, simply add a new line in this file that exactly matches 
# the filescreen:
# *.doc
# The script will check this file every time it runs and remove these 
# entries before applying the list to your FSRM implementation.
    Set-Content -Path .\SkipList.txt -Value $emptyFile

# Split the $monitoredExtensions array into fileGroups of less than 4kb to allow processing by filescrn.exe
$fileGroups = @(New-CBArraySplit $monitoredExtensions)

# Perform these steps for each of the 4KB limit split fileGroups
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Groups.."
ForEach ($group in $fileGroups) {
    #Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Group [$($group.fileGroupName)] with monitored file [$($group.array -Join ",")].."
    Write-Host "`nFile Group [$($group.fileGroupName)] with monitored files from [$($group.array[0])] to [$($group.array[$group.array.GetUpperBound(0)])].."
    &filescrn.exe filegroup Delete "/Filegroup:$($group.fileGroupName)" /Quiet
    &filescrn.exe Filegroup Add "/Filegroup:$($group.fileGroupName)" "/Members:$($group.array -Join '|')"

# Create File Screen Template with Notification
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Modifying [$fileTemplateType] File Screen Template [$fileTemplateName] with eMail Notification [$EmailNotification] and Event Notification [$EventNotification].."
# Build the argument list with all required fileGroups and notifications
$screenArgs = 'Template', 'Modify', "/Template:$fileTemplateName"
ForEach ($group in $fileGroups) {
    $screenArgs += "/Delete-Filegroup:$($group.fileGroupName)"
&filescrn.exe $screenArgs

$screenArgs = 'Template', 'Modify', "/Template:$fileTemplateName"#, "/Type:$fileTemplateType"
ForEach ($group in $fileGroups) {
    $screenArgs += "/Add-Filegroup:$($group.fileGroupName)"
&filescrn.exe $screenArgs

# Create File Screens for every drive containing shares
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Adding/replacing File Screens.."
$drivesContainingShares | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host "File Screen for [$_] with Source Template [$fileTemplateName].."
    &filescrn.exe Screen Delete "/Path:$_" /Quiet
    &filescrn.exe Screen Add "/Path:$_" "/SourceTemplate:$fileTemplateName"

# Cleanup temporary files if they were created
Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Cleaning up temporary stuff.."
If ($EmailNotification -ne "") {
    Remove-Item $EmailNotification -Force
If ($EventNotification -ne "") {
    Remove-Item $EventNotification -Force

Write-Host "`n####"
Write-Host "Done."
Write-Host "####"

################################ Program code ################################```