Closed jtangrot closed 1 year ago
I attempted to reproduce the issue but failed. Here is what I have done:
nextflow pull nf-core/ampliseq
nextflow pull nf-core/ampliseq -r dev
nextflow run nf-core/ampliseq -r 2.4.1 -profile test,singularity --skip_qiime --dada_ref_taxonomy "gtdb" --outdir results_2-4-1_test_gtdb
nextflow run nf-core/ampliseq -r dev -profile test,singularity --skip_qiime --dada_ref_taxonomy "gtdb" --outdir results_2-5-0dev_test_gtdb -resume
(--dada_ref_taxonomy "gtdb"
shouldnt be necessary but the plan was to test more, but havent done that atm)
I cannot see any confusion with the files results_2-4-1_test_gtdb/dada2/ASV_tax.tsv
& results_2-5-0dev_test_gtdb/dada2/ASV_tax.tsv
. The output is as expected, the column Domain
is missing in results_2-5-0dev_test_gtdb/dada2/ASV_tax.tsv
. Could you detail how you encountered differences?
I did basically the same as you:
nextflow pull nf-core/ampliseq -r dev nextflow run nf-core/ampliseq -r dev -profile singularity,test -resume --skip_qiime --outdir res_gtdb --dada_ref_taxonomy gtdb
... and ended up with results like:
head -n 2 res_gtdb/dada2/ASV_tax_species.tsv
ASV_ID Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Species_exact confidence sequence b39be459cc96689db8cd6b00a0d86e8e Bacteria Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Gallionellaceae 0.87 TACGTAGG...
However, when trying the same today it seems to work as intended?? Maybe I had some old results/files still around...?? Let me try a bit more...
OK, the ASV_tax files are fine. I must unintentionally have reused some old result files when running before... However, bin/ still needs updating to match UNITE db files. PR soon to come.
Fixed in #545
Description of the bug
When checking out sbdi-export after #541 I noticed that taxonomies are off by one in e.g. dada2/ASV_tax.tsv for databases GTDB and both UNITE databases, not sure about silva. E.g. columns "Kingdom" and "Phylum" can both have the content "Bacteria", while "Class" contains "Nitrospirota". Also, bin/ probably needs updating as it adds domain level, which it probably should not do any more. The sbdi-export part seems to work as intended.
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